Chapter 10

The breaking of a concept


To say the trip home was awkward would me an understatement. The girl was texting someone and giggling almost continuously, Youngjae was staring outside with a silly grin plastered on his face and Daehyun barely managed to focus on driving. It was all Yongguk's fault.


They reached the apartment in record time and Daehyun was more than happy when he locked the door behind him.


"Er .. You know where Yongguk's room is right?" he asked the blonde and just nodded awkwardly when the other answered with a soft 'yeah'.


The pretty girl turned at him with an eyebrow raised as he closed his own bedroom's door.


"He's not going to join us?" she asked in a tone which may have seemed seductive but was way too sweet to the boy's ears.


The Busan singer felt his eyes widen at the implication. She thought... she thought they were going to have a ?


~ * ~


Yongguk smiled slightly as he carried a more-asleep-than-awake Himchan into the flat. The younger boy was kind of drooling on his hyung's shirt but the rapper found it rather endearing. He tried to lower the boy on the bed as gently as possible and smiled satisfied when he succeeded.


Looking down at Himchan the red haired boy realized it would be impossible for the other to get a good rest while still dressed in too tight leather pants and a matching jacket. Blushing like a teenager the elder began removing the jacket trying to not awaken his crush.


When he got rid of all the excess of clothes he thought it would be safe to look at his black haired friend. Oh boy, he was wrong. Himchan looked like an angel. A very tempting angel. Dressed in only a white shirt and black boxers he was the embodiment of at least a dozen of Yongguk's fantasies. Yongguk was thorn between doing the right thing -going to sleep in Youngjae's room- and doing what he dreamed of doing for quite a while which was lay down and just look at that perfect, flawless face until he felt asleep.


Well ... it wasn't like he was ever going to allow Himchan to leave his side, not now when he knew he had a chance, so why not allow himself this little guilty pleasure? He gently sat down and laid on his side just looking at Himchan. It felt great knowing the other was just within an arm's reach. Extending his right arm he caressed the soft white skin of his future -boyfriend's?lover's?- face and then slowly slid his hand to the other's waist pulling him closer. Himchan mumbled something in his sleep and for a second Yongguk thought the other would wake up but instead of that the other simply nuzzled his face in Yongguk's chest and sighted in content. Yongguk decided whatever happened in the morning this was more than worth it.


~ * ~


'Yongguk be damned'. The phrase was a mantra in Daehyun's head as he bashed his forehead on the front door repeatedly. He hoped Yongguk was in very much pain right now. He had just taken the girl downstairs and put her safely in a cab. For some reason he just couldn't sleep with her. She was , panting under him and all he felt was well ... wrong.


The boy made his way around the flat to find the source of his second issue. He opened the door to Yongguk's bedroom without much noise and stepped inside wondering if Youngjae was still awake.


All his anger faded when he spotted the younger boy. The blonde was curled into a ball making him seem even smaller than he truly was. He was more of hugging the blanket than being covered by it and he seemed relaxed, mouth curled in a happy smile.


A tight, weird feeling in his chest made Daehyun rush out of the room, forgetting the door open. What in the world was that? After he took a few calming breaths he looked down to his 3rd and final problem. It was going to be a long night...


~ * ~




The Busan boy hugged the pillow tighter to his face trying to ignore the light and more so, the sound.




Recognizing the voice made the singer want to pretend his was asleep for a while more. Until either he managed to get rid of the prominent blush making it's way on his face or the blonde decides to just leave him alone.


The events of last night flooded his mind and embarrassment was the dominant emotion. Remembering how he got rid of his problem, hiding in the bathroom like some high schooler while thinking of the idea that stupid girl put in his mind ...


"You need to wake up if you want breakfast"


Daehyun gave up trying to pretend he was asleep and just groaned into the pillow before tossing it aside.


"I'm up, I'm up!" he said before glaring at the blonde. 'In more ways than one' he thought to himself trying to look anywhere but at Youngjae. How could the slim boy be so cheerful, smiling and just bloody perfect in the morning?


"Waiting for you in the kitchen then, I'll make some pancakes too..." Youngjae muttered the last part more for himself.


Truthfully when he woke up Youngjae was very much in panic. It was late-ish and no sign from Yongguk OR Himchan and he didn't want to go bother Youngjae in case the date he had last night was still there. When Junhong called they somehow managed to calm each other down and wait rather patiently for news. Of any kind.


Youngjae tried to distract himself by cooking and he slightly overdid it. But that was okay because if he remembered well Daehyun ate a bit more than the average person.


Sitting in the kitchen after he finished the 14th -and last- pancake he thought it would be nice to maybe make something special for Daehyun. The blonde boy felt bad for ruining his date and probably his night too. That poor girl must've felt too ashamed to stay over when he was here and who knows, maybe she was upset too ... rightfully so.


The only thing that convinced Daehyun to crawl out of the bathroom was the godly smell coming from the kitchen. He stood in the doorway awed by the sight in front of him. Godly smelling omelette and pancakes with what seemed to be caramel creme made his mouth water and he gulped loudly before sinking down on a stool.


"You ... cook?" he asked before looking around for a fork.


"Oh not much really" Youngjae answered with a smile "It's more of a hobby" he seemed embarrassed. Well it was mostly because everyone kept saying it wasn't a manly thing to do. When he admitted to Yongguk ages ago that if he wouldn't be a singer he'd more than likely study to be a chef he expected laughing as a reaction not recipe sharing which is what the study date ended up being.


The blonde felt like laughing now while watching his elder stuff food into his mouth like he was a starving man with no table manners at all but somehow it felt wrong to do it. Maybe because seeing someone so happy with eating his food made his stomach do weird flips ... maybe he should cook for his singing partner more often.


~ * ~


Himchan thought that this dream should never end. He felt warm and happy and somehow safe. The sun didn't bother him much, it actually felt good on his face. Himchan remembered the events of last night.. the awkward wrong kiss, the uncaring Yongguk, the drinking (he thanked all gods for not being a sick drunk) and then ... then he remembered being brought home by Yongguk. And then not so much.


All in all he was quite scared he made a fool out of himself in front of his crush so Himchan decided the world could survive without him for a day or two .. this was too peaceful to go argue with reality where he was a average college student with a under the sea level love life and 2.5 friends.


His face morphed into a frown when he realized happy thoughts were more or less avoiding him and if it weren't for a muffled noise he'd be counting sheep and praying for more sleep. That noise however made him open his eyes slowly and then ... the sight before him left the boy speechless.


It turns out the soft, warm blanket was not a blanket but rather a certain red haired rapper's chest and arm. Yongguk's face was something between a smile and a smirk and Himchan quickly realized Yongguk was more or less laughing at him.


For Yongguk it was a plain amazing morning. Cuddling the soft, fluffy Himchan was currently his favorite thing to do and looking at the boy wake up was better than watching a war movie (which he adored). Yongguk had been awake for a while. Enough to realize what he wanted to say and to watch over the sleeping boy in his arms for quite a bit.


Himchan opened his mouth and tried to back out of the hug. He wanted to apologize and just say something to make sure he hasn't done anything to damage their friendship but a single finger pressed to his lips stopped him.


"Shh baby ... just let me speak first okay?" Himchan felt himself tremble slightly at Guk's words. Since when was the elder calling him 'baby' and why did his voice sound so sinfully low in the morning? "I'm sorry for being an idiot and for taking so long to realize this but ... I like you Himchannie. Please go out with me?"



A/N: -holds up shield- I know this update is veryveryvery late but it wasn't my fault! Really! As it happened each time I wanted to try to write something someone bothered me. I swear each time I opened the story file the phone would ring and some friend would call me to go out or my mother would need help with something or I'd have to help someone with school stuff or I'd be called to -cough- game a little. But last night I silenced everythingand wrote the chapter... I hope it turned up to be quite good. Everyone's getting closer -does happy dance-

Thank you all for giving your love to this story! :3

So any thoughts? <3

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I'm almost done with the chapter guys, look forward to it later today or tomorrow :3


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Chapter 21: THIS WAS FANTASTIC. Author-nim,I think I'm in love with you.
Chapter 21: Great one (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Chapter 21: I can't recall how many times I've re-read this story... Marisse =] you are a godsend... I love this story immensely... so so so so much... I love it...

there should be more and like more more more =] I'm just saying =]
rushea26 #4
Chapter 21: Wonderful job. Looking forward to your other works.
Chapter 21: seriously.. this story.. gahh i love... I had an inkling to re-read this story because of Chapter 16- -- I LOVE THAT CHAPTER.. and THIS ONE TOO CHAPTER 21.. gahh I love this whole damn story... ugh I love it!!! it's just soooo good =] soooooo good =]
DinoCarrot #6
Chapter 21: THAT WAS AMAZING <3
Chapter 21: owwwwwww I loved it! *w*
it was just... perfect! I read chapter after chapter *3*
you're amazing author-nim! <3
Chapter 21: nice ending! i love it! <3
thank you for the fic! ^^
Chapter 21: awesome au-nim,perfect for a wrap-up :D srsly amazing~n they move in tgt!!!yesss~~
tks for the lovely fic ^_^
lunarmystery #10
This was very sweet!! I look forward to your future projects :)