Chapter 20

The breaking of a concept




Youngjae felt warm and as if he was floating on a comfortable cloud of happy feelings. He couldn't really remember the last time he felt this good while waking up so instead of opening his eyes and attempting to go on with his day, maybe do some work, he snuggled closer to the warmth surrounding him. He sighted happily and continued on thinking about a pancake well … cake. It would be so good for breakfast and he was quite sure he had all the ingredients necessary so as soon as he would feel like he had enough of this half asleep half awake state he'd go and make said cake.


'I wonder if Daehyunnie likes pancakes... wait' The blonde's eyes snapped open instantly as he recalled last night's events, mainly the ending of the day, he couldn't help but yelp loudly when his eyes met a cat like stare.


Youngjae was aware that he was fully dressed but still he couldn't but draw his blanket a little higher and watch with a light frown how Daehyun's seemingly expressionless face turned into a smirk before shifting into a full blown smile.


Another thing he didn't quite see coming was the light morning kiss he received after the smile. The blonde felt a light shudder go through him as their lips touched. It wasn't a deep kiss or a passionate one at that … just a brief touch of lips but it still made him close his eyes and bask in the amazing feeling it created.


Good morning” Daehyun's voice was deeper than Youngjae expected it to be (not that he had paid much thought to the idea of Daehyun's morning voice)


Mornin'” he whispered back.


Youngjae tried to turn around and make a quick escape to the bathroom but as soon as he turned to face the other way, Daehyun's arms closed around his waist and he was pushed back into that warm comfortable chest without much effort.


Don't go, let's cuddle”


If truth was to be said, Daehyun was surprised at his own words. He never wanted to cuddle anyone. But then again it was obvious from the start that Youngjae was going to be special and that general rules just don't apply to him. The Busan singer felt slightly weird-ed out by his own neediness but he couldn't help it. Ever since he woke up he couldn't keep his eyes off the small blonde and more often than he'd like to admit he had to think of unpleasant things to keep certain parts of himself at bay.


The feeling was intoxicating. He just couldn't get enough of the feeling of Youngjae's back pressed against his chest, of the way his face would scrunch just a tiny bit whenever Daehyun ran his hands lightly over his sides or how he gave those low mewls in his sleep when the elder couldn't help himself and just ran his index finger over the pale strip of skin visible between the hem of Jae's shirt and his pants.


When he felt Youngjae give up his attempt to leave the bed and just relax against him, Daehyun grinned victoriously and turned the other boy's head slightly, just enough so that he could seal their lips together once again.


~ * ~


Tell a man that Bang Yongguk could pout and sulk like a child and said person would send you to a shrink to get a mental check-up but, as things are this morning, you could be maybe cleared because Yongguk was indeed sulking and pouting while buying 8 large buckets of ice-cream. If he ever noticed the moony eyes the cashier was making at him he never let it be known. Truth to be told every female was staring because honestly how could one not?


Yongguk looked rugged and handsome, dressed in a pair of loose jeans, army boots and a dark red leather jacket absolutely no one could claim he was anything but badass but right now the huge pout displayed on his face, together with the puppy eyes he was sending at no one in particular made him very good at screwing with female emotions.


The main reason (only reason really..) for which the rapper was sulking was Himchan. The little foxy had more or less kicked him out of the house for the entire afternoon and told Yongguk that if he would even try to come home before 9pm he'd be sleeping outside on the welcome mat. In Yongguk's humble and completely honest opinion Himchan was exaggerating. So yes maybe he had requested like a bunny, a lot of it, very often and lasting as long as possible but the red haired man felt like it was certainly not his fault. Himchan just looked too darn alluring no matter what he was doing. The way his fingers trailed slowly over the classical instruments history book, the way he bit his lip just a little bit when he tried to add just the right amount of sugar in his coffee, the way his muscles flexed when Himchan would stretch a bit after watching tv for more than 30 minutes... it was all driving Yongguk insane!


After their first night together Yongguk found out that he couldn't keep his hands to himself anymore and while the first few times after Himchan was still a bit shy it all evaporated quickly. Sadly the younger claimed this morning when Yongguk innocently asked him if he could join in the shower, that he was 'too damn sore' and that Yongguk was to 'either behave to get out for the day'.


So that's why after buying a good amount of awesome ice-cream which could mend a bit of his broken heart, he was standing in front of his brother's apartment.


He knocked a couple of times and waited. He remembered clearly that his brother told him he was going to stay in this weekend so why wasn't he answering? He knocked louder.


Don't care who you are, go away”


Yongguk's eyebrows shot up. His brother seemed to be annoyed? What could make his poor baby annoyed? The rapper knocked louder and wondered briefly if he'd have to break down the door.


As soon as the door opened Yongguk froze, allowing the bag of sweets drop to the floor with a loud 'thrump'. His little brother was wearing nothing but a black sheet, his hair staying up at weird angles and holding a half empty bottle of a weirdly familiar brand.


Junhong-ah …”


If Yongguk expected an explanation he was dead wrong.


Oh Yongie” the younger smiled “I love you and you know I like spending time with you but I'm really busy now so please go bug someone else, preferably not Himchan hyung because I won't let you stay over while you're upset he kicked you out. I'll see you on monday hyung”


With those words the thin male closed the door loudly leaving a still speechless Yongguk behind. After a few good minutes when weird high pitched noises started coming from beyond the door snapping Yongguk from his trance the man was thorn between running as far away as possible as fast as possible and tearing down the door to protect his little brother's innocence. Thankfully his rational side of the brain told him that he might not really have anything left to protect so he chose the former and made himself scarce.


~ * ~


Daehyun's life consisted of a lot of difficult decisions. Take the one right now for example... he had to decide between staring at the freaking amazing piece of art that Youngjae's cake was or he could stare at the way Youngjae ate slowly his spoon carefully and then swiping his tongue across his lips before repeating the process.


The cake was amazingly easy to make, one pancake, a layer of whipped cream, another pancake, layer of caramel cream and repeat. Daehyun especially enjoyed the caramel mainly because while Jae tried to make the layers as even as they could be the effort was all but ruined when Daehyun distracted him by pulling his hand a bit roughly before one of his digits tasting the sweet cream. If Dae liked caramel on it's own... well, eating it off Youngjae's skin added a bonus that made the elder wish to further investigate the options they had.


You're staring” Youngjae's statement woke Daehyun from his daydream.


You're seducing me” he replied faking a pout.


I'm your boyfriend so I'm allowed to”


Daehyun chuckled lightly as the other's cheeks colored pink and felt glad, not for the first time, that the fact that he was now dating a male didn't make things awkward.


Come to think of it... knowing how to cook was never a requirement on his list of features his ideal girl would have so why did he find it so enticing on Youngjae? Daehyun went over the list in his head, more to remind himself of that before scanning Youngjae's body from head to toe.


'I wouldn't trade you for anything Jae...'



Guys!! Tell me you've all seen One Shot japanese version and that I'm not the only one who thinks they look SO-DARN-FINE! I'm seriously too old to spazz over pretty boys but oh my.. OH MY.

Alas.. -ahem- few chapters left of the story sadly. I have a small idea of how I want things to end and it's all going to fit in 2 maybe 3 chapters so..

I've been so air-headed that I updated the other story twice instead of 1-1 and -feels guilty-

Anyway if you haven't watched One Shot yet ... DO IT!! Clicky!

I mean, chains? really? CHAINS? TS, you know how insane fangirls can be and you just feed their imagination? Tsk Tsk Tsk ... you cruel people.

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I'm almost done with the chapter guys, look forward to it later today or tomorrow :3


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Chapter 21: THIS WAS FANTASTIC. Author-nim,I think I'm in love with you.
Chapter 21: Great one (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Chapter 21: I can't recall how many times I've re-read this story... Marisse =] you are a godsend... I love this story immensely... so so so so much... I love it...

there should be more and like more more more =] I'm just saying =]
rushea26 #4
Chapter 21: Wonderful job. Looking forward to your other works.
Chapter 21: seriously.. this story.. gahh i love... I had an inkling to re-read this story because of Chapter 16- -- I LOVE THAT CHAPTER.. and THIS ONE TOO CHAPTER 21.. gahh I love this whole damn story... ugh I love it!!! it's just soooo good =] soooooo good =]
DinoCarrot #6
Chapter 21: THAT WAS AMAZING <3
Chapter 21: owwwwwww I loved it! *w*
it was just... perfect! I read chapter after chapter *3*
you're amazing author-nim! <3
Chapter 21: nice ending! i love it! <3
thank you for the fic! ^^
Chapter 21: awesome au-nim,perfect for a wrap-up :D srsly amazing~n they move in tgt!!!yesss~~
tks for the lovely fic ^_^
lunarmystery #10
This was very sweet!! I look forward to your future projects :)