
One Shot, One Chance

The day flew by with no problems or disturbances - everyone was in a calm and content mood. Well, it seemed like it at least - Yongguk was probably still extremely concerned about his sister, but he didn't bring down the mood for everyone else, which you were grateful for.

The next day, however, Jongup woke up with a severe head cold, coughing like crazy with a burning fever.

"Jongup hyung never gets sick, though," Zelo said worriedly, looking over your shoulder at Jongup while he was lying in bed, too sick to move or talk.

You took his temperature and it read 108 degrees F. Your brow creased with worry. "Your temperature is really high. You're staying in bed, Jongup oppa. No one bother him today, got it?"

The rest of the members solemnly nodded and disbursed, leaving you with the sick patient. Jongup broke into a coughing fit before croaking, "I feel too warm."

"Obviously - your on fire. I'll go get a cool washcloth for your forehead," you said, getting up from our spot next to the bed. You went into the kitchen and brought out a small white washcloth from the cabinets and soaked it with slightly cold water and wrung it out completely. You padded back to the bedroom and folded it carefully, laying it across Jongup's sweating forehead.

"For now, just rest. I'll come here with seperate meals for you, okay?" you ordered.

Jongup just closed his eyes and sighed, coughing some more. "Whatever."

You smiled a little and left, setting up lunch even though the other members had just finished breakfast.

*He's going to need some good *jook to feel better,* you thought, starting your search for the ingredients. (*Korean rice porridge usually fed to sick people)

You realized that the hideout had run out of rice. You sighed and shook your head. *How are we running out of rice so often? These people eat so much...*

You took your purse and headed out to the supermarket without telling the members - they seemed too absorbed in whatever they were doing, anyway.

As you walked down the street, you passed by the restaurant. Out of curiousity, you peeked inside. There weren't that many people in the mornings here, and you didn't see Kai or Minah or the ajumma. A bit disappointed, you turned around to keep walking, but you almost ran into Minah as she was coming out of the door.

She jumped back in surprise and realized that it was you. She broke into a wide grin and beamed, "Bokyung-ah! What a surprise to see you here!"

You nodded and smiled back, "Yeah, it's great to see you here, unnie! Were you working here?"

"No, I was actually picking up my jacket that I left here yesterday. I forgot it," she said in embarrassment, rubbing the back of her neck with a sheepish grin on her face.

You laughed. "Nice job, unnie. You're very forgetful."

She cutely pouted, "Hey, don't judge me - it's just part of who I am."

Minah gave you a certain playful look and asked, "So - where's that guy that always sticks to you like gum?"

You blushed and shook your head, "W-What? No he doesn't! And he's not...here today."

"Well, after he dropped you off, I found him sticking around outside of the restaurant. It looked like he was watching you work for a pretty long time," Minah said casually, looking at her nail beds with a calm expression.

Your eyes bulged out at her, surprised to hear this secret. "D-Daehyun was? He was watching me work? For how long?"

She shrugged, "Who knows? Maybe about an hour or more? Anyway, he was standing there and it also looked like he was glaring at someone...Possibly directed at Kai."

You flinched and thought back to the night when B.A.P had almost caught you walking home with Kai - that was definitely not something to reveal to them.

"Oh...I don't know anymore, whatever. So where are you heading to, unnie?" you asked.

"I'm going back home - it's too cold out to do anything. What about you?" Minah answered.

"I was just about to head to the supermarket on some errands," you replied, pointing in the direction of the supermarket down the street.

"Do you want me to come with you and help?" she asked.

You quickly shook your head - if she came, then she would probably ask to help you carry the bags home, which was impossible to do. You couldn't risk the chance of letting her see the hideout.

"I'm good, really. I can do it myself," you assured her, hoping that she would just agree and walk away.

To your great relief, she nodded and smiled, "Okay, then. I'll see you tomorrow!" Minah waved and walked in the opposite direction.

You breathed a sigh of relief - it was getting stressful keeping such big secrets from the people close to you, but it was impossible to avoid - you were going to have to keep this up. Possibly until you die or if B.A.P decides to abandon you.

You continued your trek down to the supermarket, when something on a telephone booth caught your eye. You stopped and went closer to it, squinting your eyes at the words on the flyer.


*Oh no! Why didn't I think of this?* you panicked, looking around quickly to see if anyone was watching you. You mentally beat yourself up for completely forgetting about the "missing child" flyers that would be put up all over town looking for you. Thankfully, no one has spotted you yet, so you pulled up your scarf over your nose and mouth and put up your dark hoodie.

You suddenly realized what it felt like to be one of the B.A.P members - they always had to go around like this or they would be thrown into jail. Were you a criminal now? A runaway girl causing trouble for her parents?

You bought your necessities and quickly ran all the way back to the hideout, almost tripping as you ran down the hidden staircase.

Zelo and Yongguk looked up in surprise when you burst through the door, your cheeks red from running and your pants exaggerated. Yongguk stood up quickly and asked in a stiff voice, "What happened? Was someone chasing you?"

You shook your head, pulling down your scarf and hoodie, your hair stuck to your neck and face from the sweat that formed. "There's...There's flyers...All over town...looking for me..." you panted.

"Uh oh. So was someone following you? Did they recognize you?" Zelo asked, his wide eyes full of worry.

"No. I just covered up and quickly bought the food and left. I have to live in incognito like you guys from now on," you joked, setting down the heavy bags onto the kitchen table.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Yongguk confirmed as he walked by you.

You looked up at him and saw that he seemed genuinely concerned about you. Touched by this, you nodded and managed to smile, "Yes, I am, Yongguk oppa. I'm perfectly fine."

He lingered there for a second, looking as if a conflicting thought was passing through his mind, but he nodded subtly and walked out of the room.

You sighed and sank into a chair, exhausted physically and mentally. *I wonder if people at the restaurant might say something to the police if they see those flyers...*

"You'd better tell your friends at work about this. To keep it a secret," Daehyun said, as if he read your mind.Y

Youngjae nodded in agreement. "That's the safest way. Or..."

You looked up. "Or?"

"You can just quit," he finished, shrugging.

You shook your head, "I can't do that - after only a few weeks working there and just drop out? I can't do that to everybody."

"Your safety comes first for us, Bokyung-ah," Zelo said gently. "If you ever get hauled away by the police, they might find out about your connection to us..."

Your heart sank as you realized what he was getting at. *They can find out where B.A.P is hiding and they can sentence them to a lifetime of prison.*

"It's your choice - we're leaving it up to you. Know that there's a huge risk involved, and make sure you don't drag us into your mess. Yongguk hyung already has enough in his hands," Jongup said coldly, throwing up his hands and leaving the room.

You bit your bottom lip in thought. *What should I do?*

Himchan scooted over next to you and put a comforting hand on your shoulder, squeezing it gently. He looked you in the eye with sincerity and warmth. You were a bit surprised to only have realized now how lovely his chocolate brown eyes were.

"Whatever you do, we'll support your decision. Do what you think is best," he encouraged.


"What? No way! You're quitting?" Minah asked, her jaw dropping in disbelief.

You nodded and felt bad immediately for breaking it to her as soon as you arrived at the restaurant the next day. "I'm sorry, unnie...It's so sudden - "

"Sorry for what? What did I miss?" Kai asked, appearing next to you. His nose was red from the cold outside, his scarf bundled around his neck and his coat wrapped tightly around his tall broad body.

"U-Uh..." you stammered, feeling a bit dazed.

Minah cut in, "Bokyung is leaving!"

Kai looked straight at you and asked, "Are you serious?"

The look in his eyes were serious and upset - something you weren't used to in his normally bright, joking eyes. You fidgeted with your fingers and nodded, hanging your head a little.

He sighed. "Dang, Bokyung. Why?"

"I...have issues at home..." you muttered. You were technically telling the truth - there were issues going on at home. B.A.P could be in danger of being caught because of you, and you couldn't risk your friends getting in trouble or be in uncomfortable situations either.

"Did you tell the ajumma?" Kai questioned.

"I will. That's what I came here for..." you trailed off, a sour taste coming up into your mouth. The taste of saying goodbye and not being able to tell them the complete story.

"So you're leaving right after? No, you can't, Bokyung-ah~" Minah whined, grabbing your wrist and swinging it back and forth, a pout on her face.

"I'm sorry, unnie. I have to leave," you said, smiling weakly.

She huffed, "Fine. Be that way. Don't ever think about visiting me ever again, traitor." She let go of you and stomped off to the kitchen to get started on work.

You looked after her, feeling so sorry for making her this upset, but this was the decision you came to after brooding over it all night. You couldn't go back now.

You turned to Kai, who was standing there looking a bit deflated, his eyes somewhat sad yet unreadable.

"Well...it was nice meeting you, Kai. Even though it was for a short while," you smiled weakly, holding out your hand for him to shake.

He stared at it, not sure of what to do, but his brows furrowed for a second. He took your hand and pulled you in for a tight hug, surprising you to the max.

Kai smoothed your hair softly, sighing, "What have you done to me, Yoon Bokyung?"

You blushed and just stood there stiffly, letting him your hair for a while before he reluctantly let you go. You couldn't meet his eyes, feeling flustered from his sudden gesture of intimacy.

You didn't notice Zelo standing outside the restaurant window, peering inside, watching the scene unfold. He was wearing a black coat and a beanie, a mask over his face. He felt something strong tug at his heart, a small voice telling him, Hey, that guy's hugging her! Tell him to buzz off!

Zelo couldn't deny it anymore - he was learnt to accept this new fact in his life story, after thinking and wondering what these feelings could mean.

*I'm in love with you, Yoon Bokyung. You stole my heart. What am I supposed to do now?* he wondered, gazing longingly at you, wishing that he could be the one holding you warmly in his arms.



When you came back to the hideout, you found the B.A.P members gathered in a circle in the bedroom, holding a serious and grim team meeting.

They all looked up as you walked in on them, all having tight expressions on their faces.

"What's going on? What's the meeting about?" you asked, taking off your jacket and laying it neatly on the bed.

"Next target," Jongup answered simply, a glint of danger in his eyes. "It'll take place tonight."

"Where?" you asked.

"It's the house of a rich family in Gangnam. The Yoon residence where the multi-millionare man named Yoon Kangjoon lives with his family," Yongguk replied, looking straight into your eyes.

You knew why he did - he expected for you to react to that immediately. You froze in your spot, the name ringing in your head continuously.

*My...My house?* you thought, not seeming like reality.

"Yes. Apparently, he keeps a precious item in a secret vault in the house. It's an ancient sword used by one of the Joseon kings way back when. It costs millions of dollars, and it'll help cover up most of the money we need to pay the Dragon Ring," Himchan said grimly. "I feel bad doing this though...I did some research on him, and he seems like a pretty nice guy - has a daughter who goes to high school."

Your blood ran cold. You couldn't think straight - there were too many jumbled up thoughts turning and flipping inside your brain. *Can I allow this? Should I speak up about this? Even if I hate my parents to arranging a marriage I don't want, it feels wrong to just let this all happen right in front of my eyes.*

You glanced at Yongguk - he seemed to be the only person that knew your dilemma. It was strange, however - you were pretty sure you've never spoken much about your family in front of the B.A.P members, but somehow Yongguk knew who you were. He nodded slightly at you, his eyes telling you, We'll talk in private later.

Feeling a bit better after being reassured by the leader, you swallowed your uneasiness and said, "So you're planning to rob the place tonight?"

"Yup. It's best to keep things moving for now. The trouble is - we need to find that vault, or else it could take us forever to scavenge the huge place for it," Youngjae said thoughtfully, a frown on his lips.

You shifted from one foot to the other. *I know where it it is...* you thought to yourself. You remembered from your early childhood days when your dad always reminded you, If there's a fire or an emergency, make sure you come to this vault and take the thing with you outside if Daddy or Mommy can't get to it first, got it?

You knew the passcode, the location, everything. Daehyun seemed to notice that you were a bit uneasy. He looked at your face, the slightly worried expression that you couldn't cover up completely.

*What's her deal?* he wondered, squinting suspiciously at you.

"Okay. Meeting over. We've discussed all the plans and tactics we're going to use tonight," Yongguk announced, standing up from the floor. The others also got up and dispersed, leaving you and Yongguk alone.

"I believe we have some things to discuss," Yongguk said, raising an eyebrow, gesturing for you to come with him into his secret room.




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Chapter 25: read this in one shot and omg this was so good.
awesome job author-nim!
normalgirl #2
Chapter 25: Kyaaaaaaa~ this chapter is the cutest XD
There were aome chapters that i was holding my breath waiting for what's gonna happen ... But you really did a great job in this story .... I LOVE BAP!!!
I kinda gusset that she will end up with daehyun .
Please make more BAP story ... Maybe yongguk as the main guy
BabySpiritCc #3
Chapter 25: I really like this story ^^ Will there be a sequel I'm so curious! It will be interesting if there is xD
Jinboa #4
Chapter 25: When i started reading this fic, i thought "Shes going to end up with Yongguk or Kai" and i never saw what was coming.... She ended up with Daehyun....hahhahahhaha...But interesting story...i liked it
Chapter 25: Awwww.....(no ccomment) .....0.0

I was awesome it made me think,laugh and cry i love it love it ^^
Wow no words can express...can it have a sequel (makes puppy eyes)
Pretty pretty pleawessss^^
Chapter 25: It was really good, thanks for the awesome writing!!
karollovesbacon #7
Chapter 25: It's done! NOO! OMG, I wanted more! I was too good! Oh Lord, this was such a good story! I'm going to shred an emotional tear... Thank you for sharing your awesome writing skills to the world and for baring with all of us crazed fans of your stories! :D
Chapter 25: I really wanted her to end up with Yongguk... But it was awesome ^^ such a lovely ending!! I want a sequel. Her family and brother what did they doooo??