Love is the moment

One Shot, One Chance

"Moment" by 2AM Changmin ('The Heirs' OST)



You sped out of the cockpit and leaned against the wall, your heart ramming inside your chest. You reached up to your forehead and touched it with the pads of your fingers. You looked at them and saw sweat. *What the heck? Why am I reacting this way? I don't...I don't like Himchan , right??*

You heard soft footsteps and looked up. Youngjae was pulling down his surgeon mask and pocketing his latex gloves. You went up to him and asked with worry, "Did you guys finish? Is Yongguk going to be okay?"

Youngjae smiled and nodded, "Yup. He'll be fine - he has to rest until we touch down in Korea."

You breathed a sigh of relief. *Good...I'm glad...*

Youngjae noticed your reaction and chuckled, "You were that concerned?"

You blushed immediately and shook your head quickly, not meeting his eyes. "No, it's just...You know...I was just wondering how the surgery went that's all..."

He sighed and touched your face, startling you a little bit. He tilted your face upward. You couldn't really meet his eyes because you were so embarrassed and shy.

"You know what, Bokyung...I think you're going to be facing a huge problem in the fear future," he said quietly, sounding serious.

Confused, you said, "Huh?" But before Youngjae could continue, the door of the bathroom opened and Daehyun stepped out. Youngjae quickly let go of your face and cleared his throat. "I'll tell you later," he whispered near your ear as he went to the cockpit.

Daehyun eyed Youngjae's back with lasers, but he made his way over to you. He stopped in front of you and demanded, "What did Youngjae say to you?"

"Woah, chill, Daehyun. He was just...uh...telling me how Yongguk's surgery went," you explained, feeling like a deer in headlights. *Gosh, this guy is overprotective...*

He raised an eyebrow but to your surprise, he grabbed your wrist. "Let's go sit. It's going to be a long flight home."




You sat next to Daehyun on the plane - just you and him alone. Only a few lights were on in the plane. Yongguk was sleeping in one of the plane's rooms along with Zelo, Himchan, and Jongup. Youngjae was managing the plane by himself.

In the quiet hum of the plane, you shifted your position in the seat and made yourself more comfortable. Daehyun was quiet the whole time, not talking to you. You wondered what was on his mind that was making him so aloof. He was normally quiet, but this was even more silent that he usually was.

You spoke first, "Hey, Daehyun? Can I ask you something?"

He nodded, "Sure."

"Well...About Kai...How are we going to bury him? If we come forward and try to get a public funeral for him, the authorities are sure to find out and try to capture all of us..." you said.

Daehyun didn't answer right away, but he said, "Himchan already voiced in a plan to do that. We're going to send his body over to the General once we get to Korea and leave a phone message. He'll take care of Kai from there."

"But...can we visit the grave? I want to have a proper goodbye..." you said quietly. Your throat was starting to feel clogged up, your nose smarting.

"Don't worry, we'll make a way. We're all going to visit," Daehyun assured you.

You nodded, and all became quiet again.

After a while, he spoke up, "Bokyung, can I ask you something now?"

"Go ahead."

He took a deep breath and let it out. *Why is he so nervous?* you wondered.

"I...I like you. No, I love you. I really, really love you. I don't know when these feelings started, but I've never gotten the guts to confess this to you. I already knew when all the other members were in a daze over you, but I didn't have the heart to give up on you. So..." he finished his babbling, waiting for you to respond.

You stared at him in utter shock. *Who knew the unemotional, solitary Daehyun liked me? No, loved me?* you asked yourself. Your cheeks reddened, and you quickly turned away from him.

"I...I honestly don't know what to say..." you finally let out.

There was an awkward atmosphere, but Daehyun put a hand on your shoulder. He turned you around, your eyes meeting his. For the first time, you realized how handsome he was - he full lips, the sparkling eyes, his smooth tan skin, the small scar on his forehead... You realized that you liked him back- you were taken aback yourself for noticing that.

"If you'll accept my feelings...I promise I won't let anyone or anything hurt you anymore...I won't ever leave or let go of you. So can you come to me?" Daehyun murmured, touching a stray strand of hair, pushing it out of your face. You could feel his warm breath on your cheek, tickling you. The corners of your lips turned up into a grin.

"Honestly, Daehyun. You don't have to make it sound like a marriage proposal or anything," you commented. Daehyun flushed red and said in defense, "Hey, don't just knock me down like that! Answer my question!"

You pretended to think, scratching your chin. "Hmm...If I say no?"

"Oh, I don't think you'll be able to," Daehyun said mischievously.

"Huh?" you said in confusion, before Daehyun put a hand on the back of your neck and pulled you to his face. Before you knew it, your lips met with his. Your eyes widened, surprised at the sudden kiss. *This...This is my first kiss!* you thought, blushing even harder.

His lips moved softly with yours, and you couldn't help but fall into the romantic moment, your eyes slowly closing and letting yourself relax and let the kiss answer for you.

*Well...I can tell my life will definitely have a big change from now on!* you thought.

















YAHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY KISSED :D






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Chapter 25: read this in one shot and omg this was so good.
awesome job author-nim!
normalgirl #2
Chapter 25: Kyaaaaaaa~ this chapter is the cutest XD
There were aome chapters that i was holding my breath waiting for what's gonna happen ... But you really did a great job in this story .... I LOVE BAP!!!
I kinda gusset that she will end up with daehyun .
Please make more BAP story ... Maybe yongguk as the main guy
BabySpiritCc #3
Chapter 25: I really like this story ^^ Will there be a sequel I'm so curious! It will be interesting if there is xD
Jinboa #4
Chapter 25: When i started reading this fic, i thought "Shes going to end up with Yongguk or Kai" and i never saw what was coming.... She ended up with Daehyun....hahhahahhaha...But interesting story...i liked it
Chapter 25: Awwww.....(no ccomment) .....0.0

I was awesome it made me think,laugh and cry i love it love it ^^
Wow no words can express...can it have a sequel (makes puppy eyes)
Pretty pretty pleawessss^^
Chapter 25: It was really good, thanks for the awesome writing!!
karollovesbacon #7
Chapter 25: It's done! NOO! OMG, I wanted more! I was too good! Oh Lord, this was such a good story! I'm going to shred an emotional tear... Thank you for sharing your awesome writing skills to the world and for baring with all of us crazed fans of your stories! :D
Chapter 25: I really wanted her to end up with Yongguk... But it was awesome ^^ such a lovely ending!! I want a sequel. Her family and brother what did they doooo??