No place like home

One Shot, One Chance

You felt someone nudging you awake gently. You felt very warm and too comfortable to move your tired body, but you heard car doors opening and letting the cold air rush in with no mercy.

"Bokyung-ah...We need to go now," a soft voice called, still shaking you.

You peeled your eyes open and immediately saw Daehyun's eyes in front of you, his mask over his nose and mouth. Your eyes widened and you pressed yourself against the car seat away from him, your heart beating like crazy.

He just raised an eyebrow at you and motioned with his hand to get out of the cab.

You zipped up your coat to the highest that it could go up to and followed him out with the other members.

It was pitch black out, only the crescent moon high up in the sky to light the ground in front of you dimly.

You held onto Daehyun's arm as you walked quickly alongside him, hearing the barely audible footsteps of the others around you.

"Keep walking. Don't stop until we get there," you heard Yongguk's low voice murmur near you.

After a bit of speed walking, Daehyun suddenly stopped in his tracks. You stopped with him. *I guess we've arrived to wherever we need to be.*

The sound of keys jingling as they were shoved into a key hole and unlocking a heavy door rung in your ears. You cringed when the door hinges screeched loudly when Yongguk heaved open the old door.

You quickly followed Daehyun into the building that you couldn't see, and then you heard Yongguk shove it closed again. The door slammed, creating a long lasting echo in the room. You could tell that the room was very large and commodious.

Yongguk locked the door. Someone struck a match and lit a small candle in the darkness. You made out the person's face - it was Zelo. He held up the candle, looking at the surroundings.

You could see dusty piles of heavy looking boxes everywhere against the walls. The floor was cement, dirt and things you couldn't identify on it. The B.A.P members threw down their bags and rolled up their sleeves, getting to work piling the boxes to create a barricade against the door. After that was done, you could see that the other members looked tired, dust and dirt coating their cloths and hands.

*I feel so bad...I've been doing nothing this whole entire time...* you thought, frowning a little.

"Okay. We're gonna have to stay in this abandoned warehouse until tomorrow morning, after the news about the plane passes over. We have no time to waste just hiding - we have something valuable to steal. Got it?" Yongguk said.

The other membered muttered an agreement.

You immediately got to work spreading out thin blankets on the floor. You lit up at least ten small candles and arranged them a bit far from the blankets to create some kind of dim glow enough for them to be able to see.

The members got up in pairs to dust themselves off and wash their hands with water bottles. You helped dust off their coats and pants, doing the best you could to make them feel comfortable.

"We brought tons of money with us, but we have no food right now," Himchan laughed weakly, shaking his head as he slowly sank down to the blanketed floor.

"I made something before leaving the hideout back in Korea," you softly said, smiling at the members' awed faces.

"You did? Aw, you little angel~" Himchan cooed, wrapping both his arms around you and snuggling you close.

"Yah! Get your paws off her!" Yongguk growled at him. Himchan glanced at his same-age friend and rolled his eyes.

"What are you, her father? Sheesh..." Himchan said, freeing you from his hug.

The B.A.P members gathered around you as you took out plastic containers packed full of kimbap all sliced up and ready to eat. You got out wooden chopsticks and passed them around to the starving boys.

You took off the lids and let them dig into the food  like hungry dogs.

You smiled with satisfaction while watching them eat with relieved looks on their faces.

Youngjae looked up at you and gestured to the kimbap, "You eat, too. You made this for all of us afterall."

"Sure,  I'll eat a few since I'm not that hungry," you agreed, getting your own chopsticks and picking up one kimbap.

After the small yet filling dinner, the members began to hit the hay. You stood at the side awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

*The blanket is WAY too small for all of us to fit - or we'd have to sleep literally side by side!* you thought nervously.

Youngjae was smoothing out the three layers of blanket on the ground as the bed, and he looked up at you just standing there, a blank look on your face.

He chuckled a little and said to you, "Hey, Miss Blank! Are you worried about how we're supposed to sleep together?"

"Wait, what?? N - No it's not that! Uh...That's not what I was - " you stammered.

"Woah, woah, calm down! It's really dark yet I can still see your cheeks glowing red," Youngjae teased.

You quickly covered your cheeks with your hands and pouted, feeling embarrassed.

"You can sleep all the way at the end if it makes you uncomfortable," Yongguk said, taking off his coat. "Or you can just sleep on the bare ground - "

"No, I'll sleep at the end. Thank you," you interrupted, shaking your head.

Yongguk smirked and Youngjae caught that. He smiled at his hyung and then laughed at your flustered condition.

Once everyone arranged themselves on the blanket, tightly packed together side by side with you at the end, Yongguk blew out all the candles and crawled under the blanket.

It was pitch black, the cold seeping right through the blankets and chilling your skin. You could feel the emptiness in front of you and around you - it made you nervous, too nervous to be able to fall asleep.

Zelo shifted a little next to you. He had his back to you and you had your back to him, but suddenly, you heard him whisper near your ear, "Hey, you can't sleep?"

You jumped a little but you reluctantly nodded. "Then sleep in the middle of the hyungs. They're not going to do anything to you - they're let you willingly," Zelo said softly.

"No, I'm fine," you assured him, but your body wouldn't stop shaking from the cold. Your nose and fingers and feet all felt numb with cold.

"You're shaking...Here, move to the middle," Zelo said, sitting up.

He took your arm and pulled you up. "No, it's really okay, Zelo," you insisted. "I'm really fine - "

"Just close your mouth and get between Daehyun and Yongguk - I'm trying to get some sleep here," Jongup called out in a sort-of pissed off tone.

You made a face but you slowly got out of your spot on the blanket and stepped over Jongup, Zelo, and Daehyun's bodies to the middle section. Daehyun and Yongguk shifted backwards to give you room. You quickly slipped between them and pulled the blanket up to your chin.

*Great. It's gonna be even harder to sleep now with two men sleeping so close to me,* you thought, holding in a sigh.

Your heart was pounding in your chest that you could even hear it. Daehyun was sleeping facing you and Yongguk had his broad and strong back to you.

"Bokyung-ah...I can hear your heartbeat...calm down. We're not gonna you," Daehyun murmured.

You kept silent, not knowing how to answer that. *At least it's a lot warmer here...* you thought.

Then Daehyun moved closer to you, not saying a word. Alarmed, you shifted the other way, getting closer to Yongguk. You stayed still while Daehyun moved closer still to you. His face was so close to yours that you could feel his warm breath on your neck. You gulped.

Daehyun wrapped his arm around your body and pulled you into his warm  chest. You gasped in the inside, your eyes wide open. *What the heck is he doing? Why is Daehyun so close to me now? He's turning into Himchan!*

He hugged you like you were his teddy bear, tightly and close. You realized that you were feeling even warmer than before - warm enough so that it was comfortable to sleep.

"Sleep tight..." Daehyun whispered sleepily in your ear.

After a minute of shock, your brain just shut down and you were pulled into dreamland.




You couldn't even tell if it was morning or not - it was still really dark in the warehouse. You felt Daehyun nudge you awake, whispering, "Wake up, Bokyung. We need to get moving."

You opened your eyes a little and saw that the floor was bathed in a dim blue-ish gow from the sunrise outside through the little crack exposed in the window.

You sat up and rubbed your tired eyes, still half asleep. You could see the dim outlines of the other B.A.P members quietly moving around, getting things ready for the trip ahead.

After a few minutes, you were ready to leave. Your backpack was hanging tightly over your shoulders, full and prepared.

Yongguk, Himchan, and Jongup pushed away the boxes blocking the door. Jongup opened the door as quietly as possible, the door still creaking a little. He looked out and chekced for any signs of people. He brought his head back in and nodded once.

Without a word, the B.A.P members all slipped out. When they were getting into a running speed, Yongguk held you in his arms this time. Your heart skipped a beat when he held you tight against his rising and falling chest. He seemed to be a bit tense.

"Where are we going?" you whispered to him.

Yongguk answered, "To steal one thing - a key that might end all of this."


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Chapter 25: read this in one shot and omg this was so good.
awesome job author-nim!
normalgirl #2
Chapter 25: Kyaaaaaaa~ this chapter is the cutest XD
There were aome chapters that i was holding my breath waiting for what's gonna happen ... But you really did a great job in this story .... I LOVE BAP!!!
I kinda gusset that she will end up with daehyun .
Please make more BAP story ... Maybe yongguk as the main guy
BabySpiritCc #3
Chapter 25: I really like this story ^^ Will there be a sequel I'm so curious! It will be interesting if there is xD
Jinboa #4
Chapter 25: When i started reading this fic, i thought "Shes going to end up with Yongguk or Kai" and i never saw what was coming.... She ended up with Daehyun....hahhahahhaha...But interesting story...i liked it
Chapter 25: Awwww.....(no ccomment) .....0.0

I was awesome it made me think,laugh and cry i love it love it ^^
Wow no words can express...can it have a sequel (makes puppy eyes)
Pretty pretty pleawessss^^
Chapter 25: It was really good, thanks for the awesome writing!!
karollovesbacon #7
Chapter 25: It's done! NOO! OMG, I wanted more! I was too good! Oh Lord, this was such a good story! I'm going to shred an emotional tear... Thank you for sharing your awesome writing skills to the world and for baring with all of us crazed fans of your stories! :D
Chapter 25: I really wanted her to end up with Yongguk... But it was awesome ^^ such a lovely ending!! I want a sequel. Her family and brother what did they doooo??