Plane to Hong Kong

One Shot, One Chance

It was a few days after the visit to the hospital. Yongguk had organized another theiving trip to Hong Kong for the next day.

"Can Bokyung come with us this time?" Zelo pleaded with Yongguk, his hands clasped together.

Without looking at him, he said a short and concise "No."

Zelo pouted and sighed, his shoulders drooping. His eyes looked at you and he mouthed "Sorry."

You shook your head and smiled, mouthing back "It's okay."

Before, Zelo told you that he wanted to bring you on the upcoming trip with the B.A.P members because he felt bad that you were going to be all alone at the hideout. You had insisted that it was perfectly okay for you to stay home alone, but after his whining and pestering, you finally agreed. But the decision had to go through Yongguk first.

"Why not, hyung?" Youngjae piped up while washing the bowls.

"Too dangerous," Yongguk answered curtly, packing things into six black backpacks.

You took note of the things he was putting in: first aid, small bags of food and water, rope, handguns, masks, lots of spraypaint, nightvision goggles, spare batteries, trigger bombs, and a whole bunch of things you didn't know the identities of.

"She'll get lonely here all by herself. We're going to be gone for a long time," he insisted.

"It's only five days - she'll survive," Yongguk muttered, glancing over at you.

*Thanks for talking as if I'm not here, guys,* you thought, giving a little sigh.

"Let her come with us," a new voice chimed in.

You looked up and saw Himchan walking into the room, a pleasant smile on his face. He tossed a sheathed knife at Yongguk, who caught it with ease. He had a serious look on his face. He stuffed the knife into a bag and said, "No. I can't do that."

Himchan leaned his elbow on Yongguk's shoulder and rolled his eyes. "Yongguk. Stop treating our Bokyungie like a kid. She's Zelo's age - she can handle things."

Youngjae nodded enthusiastically from the side. Himchan winked at him.

He continued, "Plus, she can end up being useful to us."

"How?" Yongguk asked.

"Well, just being the female in our little family helps. Brings light in the group of darkness," Himchan smiled, looking over at you. You blushed at his statement. "And she's a great cook. We'll need one if we can't find a good place to eat."

Yongguk was silent for a while, his hand still in the bag when he put the knife in it. You bit your bottom lip and crossed your fingers under the dining table.

Finally, Yongguk heaved a huge sigh and closed his eyes. "Fine. You can go, Bokyung."

"YES!" Zelo yelled, jumping into the room, whooping and cheering as he danced around the room.

You laughed, watching him with fascination. Youngjae clapped and smiled. "Good decision, hyung."

Himchan slapped Yongguk's back, grinning, "Yeah, good decision, friend." Yongguk's breath was almost knocked out of him, and he wheezed, "I'm seriously going to kill you one day, Himchan. I swear - "

Himchan pecked him on the cheek and waltzed out of the room, "I know you love me, Yongguk-ah!~"

You looked at Yongguk, whose face was bright red. You couldn't exactly tell if it was from embarrassment or anger.




"Everyone's ready, right?" Yongguk called.

The B.A.P members were all dressed in civilian clothes, including you, and wearing black caps and white masks over their faces. You had tied your hair in a ponytail and also put on a mask. Your backpack was light since you didn't have to carry that much - only a few cooking utensils and such. If they wanted to blend in at the airport, they had to at least look like the other people milling about there to avoid being caught.

"All right. We're leaving now. You know the routine," Yongguk said, heading out of the hideout first.

You were put in the middle of the members as they all left. Yongguk quietly opened the shed door and looked out for any passerbyers. Once the coast was clear, he waved his hand and disappeared into the darkness of the night. The members quickly followed. They had agreed  to take turns carrying you in their arms to avoid wasting time waiting for you to catch up or get lost. Zelo swept you up in his strong arms and dashed out onto the streets.

He ran smoothly and quickly, almost flying. You avoided looking up at him since his face was right there. You snuggled into his warmth a bit and held onto his neck tightly, feeling a bit nervous.

Zelo noticed that you were holding onto him tighter, and he murmured near your ear, "Don't be so stiff. Relax, I got you. We'll be arriving at the airport soon."

At his soothing words, you relaxed your grip on him and sighed a little. This was going to be a long trip.




Once the group reached the airport, Yongguk set you down on your feet. Your legs wobbled a bit from not walking for a while, but Zelo caught your elbow and helped you walk inside.

It was almost 8:00PM, and there were hundreds of travelers walking or sitting around. There were a few security officers here and there, walking around talking into their walkie talkies or riding around on those two-wheeled vehicles.

"Okay. Everyone seperate. We get the plane tickets and boarding passes and meet at the same gate. Got it?" Yongguk whispered.

"Who does Bokyung go with?" Jongup asked.

"Bokyung goes with Daehyun. Daehyun, I'll trust that you won't get her lost or caught or killed or all of the above. Got it?" Yongguk said to Daehyun in a serious tone.

Daehyun silently nodded, a gleam in his eyes.

"Okay. Seperate. I'll see you guys later."

With that, B.A.P scattered across the airport. You followed closely behind Daehyun. He headed straight for the airline ticket counter, which was where Himchan already was, buying his ticket.

"You have you fake passport, right?" Daehyun whispered to you.

You nodded, "Yeah. It's right here." You held up your hand and showed him it.

Daehyun was the one who bought the plane tickets and received the boarding passes. He thanked them and left with you.

"Thank God they didn't ask me to pull down my mask," Daehyun said, wiping his sweating brow.

"Why didn't they?" you asked.

"They get lazy from being stuck at the airport all day," Daehyun shrugged.

You and Daehyun were heading for the gates, but there was suddenly a huge crows of people passing by. You almost got seperated from Daehyun, but he reached out and grabbed your hand. He pulled you close to his side, taking you through the crowd. Your heart skipped a beat, very conscious of your hand in his.

After they passed, he didn't let go of your hand, which you felt strangely happy about. Holding hands almost romantically, he led you to the plane gate, where you found Yongguk there already.

You and Daehyun quietly stood behind him and waited in line together. Yongguk turned his head a little and saw you two, but then he glanced down at your joined hands. His eyes widened a little bit, but he quickly turned back around, as if he saw nothing. But you saw his eyes, and you had seen a flash of surprise and pain in them. Why did he react that way?

After entering the plane and finding your seats, you realized that all the B.A.P members were miraculously sitting in the same section, side by side.

As if reading your mind, Daehyun leaned down and whispered, "Jongup fixed the seating system earlier and got us to all sit next to each other."

Your eyes widened. "Really? Jongup can do stuff like that?"

"Yeah. Sorry none of us told you this earlier, but Jongup studied with the top computer  and technology hacker in the world. Jongup can actually be the most dangerous hacker in the world right now."

You were completely surprised at this information. There was so much to B.A.P than you had known, and it was amazing to learn things about them everyday. Especially surprising things like these.

"And he never got caught before?" you asked.

Daehyun settled down in his seat next to you and nodded, "Yup. Never. He always has backup though, just in case."

"As if he needs it," Zelo chuckled quietly next to Daehyun.

You laughed. "Right."

After the plane had taken off for Hong Kong, it was starting to feel a bit stifling from under the mask. Daehyun was listening to music with his eyes closed, but you knew he was still awake from his fingers drumming on the arm rest.

"Daehyun, is it okay if I take off this mask?"  you whispered.

Without opening his eyes, Daehyun murmured, "I wouldn't if I were you. Somebody on this plane can end up recognizing us, so we always keep them on. But I guess it's okay if you pull it off for a few minutes of air."

Feeling relieved, you tugged down your mask and took in a huge breath of air and let it out. Your nose and the area around your lips were feeling moist and warm from your accumulated breaths.

While watching a movie, you had fallen asleep without your mask on.

A young man walked past your seat and caught sight of your face. He squinted at you. "Isn't she..."






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Chapter 25: read this in one shot and omg this was so good.
awesome job author-nim!
normalgirl #2
Chapter 25: Kyaaaaaaa~ this chapter is the cutest XD
There were aome chapters that i was holding my breath waiting for what's gonna happen ... But you really did a great job in this story .... I LOVE BAP!!!
I kinda gusset that she will end up with daehyun .
Please make more BAP story ... Maybe yongguk as the main guy
BabySpiritCc #3
Chapter 25: I really like this story ^^ Will there be a sequel I'm so curious! It will be interesting if there is xD
Jinboa #4
Chapter 25: When i started reading this fic, i thought "Shes going to end up with Yongguk or Kai" and i never saw what was coming.... She ended up with Daehyun....hahhahahhaha...But interesting story...i liked it
Chapter 25: Awwww.....(no ccomment) .....0.0

I was awesome it made me think,laugh and cry i love it love it ^^
Wow no words can express...can it have a sequel (makes puppy eyes)
Pretty pretty pleawessss^^
Chapter 25: It was really good, thanks for the awesome writing!!
karollovesbacon #7
Chapter 25: It's done! NOO! OMG, I wanted more! I was too good! Oh Lord, this was such a good story! I'm going to shred an emotional tear... Thank you for sharing your awesome writing skills to the world and for baring with all of us crazed fans of your stories! :D
Chapter 25: I really wanted her to end up with Yongguk... But it was awesome ^^ such a lovely ending!! I want a sequel. Her family and brother what did they doooo??