Three Words.

Unspoken Words

A/N: So here's chapter 10. Are you guys bored of this already? I hope not. >< Enjoy~ And thank you so much to those who subscribed and commented!^^ And for you silent readers out there, thank you as well. But do come and talk to me or comment, nehhh? Your feedback would be much appreciated^^

After the whole telling Jiyong about my parents moment, I trusted him a little bit more with those personal things, just enough to make a difference in our relationship. He was helping me learn more simple signs, and I was even considering taking a class for it, or at least buying a book about signing. I have also finally friended him on Facebook, changing my relationship status the same day and earning many comments that just included 'AW!' or 'He's cute! ;)'. Jiyong had also started coming over more often, not to makeout, but simply to talk to me, and I finally got to see his apartment a few weeks later as we neared our two month anniversary.

It was a lot more decorated than his room in his parents' house. There were actually things up on his walls, mostly pictures he'd drawn. His place was about the same size as mine, give or take, and it felt very cozy there, like everything was squished together while still having a certain place in his home. I just wanted to cuddle up on the couch with a latte and laze the day away. The first thing I did when I walked in was always to take a deep breath.

Your house smells exactly like you.

What do I smell like exactly?

Pine and the occasional citrus.

He smiled and pulled me closer to him, burying his nose in the curve of my neck as his arms found their familiar place around my waist.

Well, you smell like vanilla.

We make a good combination.

Jiyong showed me around a bit and I marveled at how cleanly messy his room was. He didn't have any clothes on the floor, I could see them all neatly hung in his closet, but his desk was cluttered with different papers surrounding a laptop. I could see all of the drawings he'd made on his dark desk along with some pictures of his family and I recognized the one of him and his sister on the beach. After he pointed out the bathroom and various exits, Jiyong pulled me over to the couch and turned the TV to What Not to Wear.

This show is my guilty pleasure.

I wouldn't know that by looking at you.

I may not have the best sense of style but I know what looks bad on other people. 
Well, except for you. Nothing looks bad on you.

In response, I kissed his cheek and watched as he became silently engulfed in the fashion he didn't understand. While sort of just staring at him, I realized how feminine Jiyong was. It wasn't that he was girly or flamboyantly gay, but he was graceful in a way that most women were and he had such full lips and cheeks, making him look younger and beautiful. Sometimes I felt like I looked..okay, fine, I stared instead of look at him for too long, but how could I not?

He caught me a few times and leaned up to kiss me, which worked well with the way he was sitting; in between my legs with his head resting against my chest. I occasionally played with his hair, enjoying how soft it was while also trying to get some of the tangles out. I wasn't even paying attention to the show anymore, Jiyong was more fun to watch anyways and everything was great, even though we weren't doing much. I just liked to be around him.

As it was getting late in the evening, I could see the sunset shining from the glass door that led to the fire escape and wanted so badly to go outside and look at it. It was beautiful as it was but I couldn't help imagining what it would look like with Jiyong standing in front of it.

Let's go outside.


I didn't answer and just pulled him off the couch, letting the blanket that had been covering us fall to the floor in a heap. There was a small bench on the fire escape and I dragged Jiyong over to it, getting there just in time to see a rainbow of colors in the sky, the top one starting to turn a dark blue-purple.

That's why.

I've been here for years and never once came out to see the sunset.

There's a first time for everything.

It was just warm enough outside that we could be comfortable with only each other to hold and I'd never really had the chance to simply be with someone. There was always something we had to be doing whether it was talking or kissing or having , I could never just lay down with someone and be perfectly happy with it. That's what it meant to really love someone and I wondered if I should tell Jiyong that I loved him. Even through all of the boyfriends and occasional girlfriends that I had, I hadn't ever told anyone I loved them before; I was saving that for someone special. Yeah I told Bom before but she was more like my crazy, busty aunt than my girlfriend.

Maybe it was too early to tell him. We were hardly two months into our relationship and didn't that mean that we were still in the honeymoon phase? It's not that I didn't love him, I was pretty sure about that part, but I was afraid I'd ruin it if I told him right then. Jiyong had been really hurt by his last boyfriend and even though he told me he was over him, I still had my doubts.

I'd been so caught up in my thoughts that I almost missed the ending of the sunset, but I got to see the golden orb sink down into the horizon, letting the moon rest in its place. Jiyong was practically laying on me again and I welcomed the way his body curled into mine as we watched the stars begin to show up. If I looked away for even a few seconds and looked back, at least five more stars appeared. The moon wasn't all the way up yet, but I could tell it was pretty close to being full that night.

It started getting chilly out, even with the warmth from Jiyong's body, and I had to let him go so I could retrieve our blanket. I was back in no time and wrapped the cozy fabric around us, placing my head in Jiyong's lap as comfortably as I could. My heart was beating a little too fast for some reason and I bet Jiyong could feel it too.

The stars are so amazing tonight.

Really? I don't know, I'm looking at something better.

Jiyong looked down at me with a blush spread across his cheeks. He was starting to get used to my compliments and terms of endearment, but I still had the power to make his skin heat up. He looked so cute with the light reflected by the moon glinting in his eyes and on his hair. I lifted up my hand to cup his cheek and smiled when he covered it with his own hand. He closed his eyes, making me long to see them again. I tried to get him to open them again by tracing my finger on his cheekbone underneath his eye and going near his eyebrow. The deep brown orbs finally appeared, piercing my own eyes.

I sat up and slung my arm over Jiyong's shoulder, pressing my lips to his in an instant. If I could have paused that moment and stayed there forever, I would've been completely at ease.

We pulled away to look at each other then something inside me just clicked into place, and I felt different, happy. I kissed him again but this time when we pulled away I held up the oddly simple sign for 'I love you' in front of him.

Jiyong sort of looked at it for a moment, and in that moment my heart stopped then sped up all at the same time. It may have been half a second, or twenty minutes, my sense of time was gone, but then Jiyong smiled, making the sign and pressing his hand against mine. We uncurled each other's fingers to link them together, leaning forward to kiss again and I thought the heart palpitations were worth it. Sadly I had to leave and go back to my apartment which now seemed awfully cold and empty since without Jiyong, everything is cold and empty. My god, I thought, I have turned into a complet and utter hopeless romantic.

Some people may think that falling in love with someone you could only communicate with via texting would be difficult, but for Jiyong and me it was almost effortless. It wasn't his fault he couldn't hear me and it was never something that really bothered me; sometimes I almost didn't notice it. But it was still an issue and though Jiyong couldn't do anything about it, I could.

It was the night I finally told Jiyong I loved him, when I was laying in my bed with too much time to think, that I realized I needed to make more of an effort in our relationship. I was almost being selfish just letting Jiyong text me all the time and not even bothering to learn more than the alphabet in sign language. That was the least I could do and yet I was sitting there doing nothing. If I really loved him, I would try harder, and I did love him, more than I loved anyone else.

I had never really loved or been loved by someone as strongly as Jiyong before. My parents didn't love me, and if they did they didn't show it. They abused me, neglected me, and ignored me so I'd hardly say I loved them at all. Daesung hadn't exactly loved me either; I think he was more infatuated with me and I didn't return his pseudo love anyways. Jiyong though… Jiyong was someone I truly loved, even if I'd just realized it. It was almost weird trying to decipher love from the infatuation I'd felt with Daesung, but I definitely loved Jiyong. I wasn't sure how to react to it or if it would change things, though I hoped it would just get better from there.

I longed to see him that night. I'd give almost anything to just be next to him for a little while longer, but I wasn't about to go all Bella-crazy and start trying to kill myself so he'd show up… All I wanted to do was get my arms around him and get lost in his calming scent, and kiss him like I always did. It would have been so fantastic just to have him next to me… in my bed. I suddenly wondered what Jiyong looked like and sweaty, panting. I bet he had abs and a big-

No, I thought, feeling all of my blood rush to my other head. No, no, no. Don't turn this into something ual. You love him; this isn't about .

To be completely honest, I hadn't even thought about having with Jiyong until just then, while I was lying in my bed at one in the morning with a that wasn't going away anytime soon. To me, our relationship wasn't all about getting him and jumping his bones, I actually wanted to spend normal time with him, but could anyone really blame me? I'd held off from thinking about it for two months, except for the three minutes in between when I saw him and when I talked to him.

Groaning, I flipped over in hopes that I'd become less hot and bothered and more cold and tired. But no. It just wasn't going to go away. I tried to get my mind off of a , sweaty Jiyong by humming a song to distract myself. I buried my face in my cool pillow and tried to think of something not cute he did, but failed epically. There wasn't anything I could think of that he did that I didn't find adorable or endearing. Even when I saw him out running near Central Park and stopped to say hi, he still smelled like piney citrus over his sweat. I can't even smell good when I'm working out but Jiyong can.

Needless to say, I had a very sleepless night.

Immediately the next day, after a long cold shower and brunch, I called the community center that was near the town, asking them if they offered a sign language class. The man I'd originally been talking to transferred me over to a woman who explained to me that there was a class I could take every Tuesday and Thursday in the morning and an optional one Sunday afternoon. When I asked if there were any requirements she said "You just need to have hands." I decided I liked her. The sessions were in the morning for about an hour so I could still make it to work on time and they were a lot more affordable than I thought. Things were just in my favor that day.

I got to work a little earlier that morning because Seungri let me off the night before so I could hang out with Jiyong, which I was very grateful for. Imagine my surprise when I walked in to find both of them there already. Seungri was unlocking things and turning the ceiling fans on while Jiyong was cleaning some glasses. I figured they had just gotten there. Jiyong was actually the first person to notice me, and he speed walked over to me, kissing me very chastely while Seungri gagged in my direction. I couldn't exactly be lovey dovey with Jiyong  while Seungri was there but simply having that tiny kiss was enough to keep me satisfied for a few hours.

Even though it was getting warmer outside, Jiyong was still wearing his dark jeans, hoodies, and the occasional sweater; he was even wearing dark gray fingerless gloves. If his outfit had been transferred to someone who was heavy and a lot less attractive, they would've looked like a hobo, but on Jiyong it just looked y. Maybe it was because he really didn't care how he looked so it made him seem hotter, or he was just all-around adorable, but either way he could work the hobo look.

Throughout the day not many people came by and even though things picked up around eleven, it was a rather slow day in general. The best thing that happened the entire night was when I was leaning over my iPad, cursing at it and wondering why the hell it wasn't working. Then, out of ing nowhere, Jiyong walked by me and very casually brushed his hand across my on purpose. I didn't jump or tackle him to the ground and tear his clothes off, there were costumers around, but I did give him a half surprised half glance. All he did was smile at me, the cute bastard…

One of our regulars was there though and Dong Wook always brought good company with him. He ordered a bunch of appletinies, and though they were pretty girly drinks, he was drunk by the end of the night. His girlfriend had to drive him home so he left his scooter outside and I had to make sure no one stole it. It was an interesting night to say the least but I was used to it. I did work at a bar.

Things had slowed down after a few hours so Jiyong and I got to talk for a little while and I tried to convince him to let me take him shopping.

Why do you want to take me shopping so badly?

I want to buy you something that'll make your eyes pop.

Sometimes I think you only love me for my eyes…

No, I love you for a bunch of different reasons- your hair, your skin, your lips, your giggle, your kissing skills, your sense of humor, your personality, do I need to go on?

He was blushing when he replied, and I added the image to the mental photo diary I had of him with red cheeks.

No, I believe you.

So you'll let me take you shopping then?

Hell no. Ga-In tries to drag me every other week and she never succeeds in buying me anything.

Well, if you don't agree to let me take you out then I'm just going to drag you into my closet and make you try on everything in there, as well as make you model all of the brightly colored outfits for me and Charlie. You don't want that, do you?


Then come to the outlet mall with me?

Alright fine, but not too many bright colors, okay?

You got it, gorgeous. I can pick you up tomorrow after lunch, maybe around one o'clock?

I would have scheduled our date/fashion therapy session for earlier, but the next day was Tuesday and I had to go to my sign language class, which I kept to myself. My plan was to go for a few weeks, maybe a couple of months, then surprise Jiyong with something romantic and explain how I learned sign language to him in sign language. It would be hard to keep it from him, but it was all for the greater good of our relationship.


Now I'm excited.

I'm a little scared.

I chuckled at the slightly horrified look on his face.

There's no need to be scared; I'm not going to dress you up so you look like me or anything like that. I just want to get you to wear something nice so everyone else can see how beautiful you are.

You're not going to force me into tight jeans, or slather my face with makeup?


Alright, I trust you.


But if someone tries to sell me something neon I'm not going to be happy.

I promise there will be no neon involved.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I took a quick look around, saw that there was no one else there and figured Bom and Seungri were drinking in the back room, so I set my phone down and moved my attention to Jiyong. The longing I'd felt the night before had gone away a bit, maybe because Jiyong had been there with me all day, but if anything I still wanted to kiss him… badly. He read my mind in a millisecond and gently pressed his lips to mine, letting me silently sigh in relief. I was acting like such a teenager around him but I couldn't help myself.

We were standing up, with Jiyong leaning against the dark wood of the bar, the perfect position for making out. It didn't really matter what position we were in though; Jiyong was such I good kisser it's not like I really cared. He was working his lip/tongue magic without being too gross or sloppy and I was just letting him turn my knees to jelly when I heard a high-pitched "Aw!"

I reluctantly let go of Jiyong's lips to see who was spying on us and found Bom, grinning a lot like Seungri did. Jiyong looked up when I pulled away and I saw him turn five shades darker than usual in the corner of my eye. She winked and scurried back to wherever she'd been before right as Jiyong yawned.

Am I that bad of a kisser?

No, I'm just worn out and I didn't even do much. I don't know how you do this every night.

Years of practice.

He yawned again and I chuckled at the way he looked like a tired kitten.

Go home and get some rest; I'll see you tomorrow.

Well, if you insist. Goodnight.

Goodnight beautiful.

We both signed 'I love you' to each other and kissed one last time, giving me the perfect moment to get back at him for earlier. I casually pinched his through his jeans and felt very satisfied with myself when he jumped, blushing. He tried to hide his grin, failed, and resorted to playfully smacking me on the arm instead. I watched him leave and smiled to myself at the way he was walking kind of funny.

A/N: Soooooooooo Jiyong is getting a bit more playful and open with Seunghyun? I bet you guys love that. haha. I'm actually really worried about adding any into this simply because they're just so sweet and I don't think I can really write fluffy .. OTL But the day will come when I will have to write it. And I will try to make it good when that day comes. >< 
Thank you for taking time to read this. Kamsahamnidaaa //BOWS
ALSO I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT REPLYING TO COMMENTS LATELY. I usually do but then my life got messed up and hectic so... :/ But I do read each and every one of them and you're all such nice people I love you all thank you thank you thank youuuuu <333 I will try and reply to everything from now on again >< Fighting~! 
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New chapter up! So sorry about my long absence guys. I will make it to you soon I promise. >


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danamon28 #1
Chapter 20: still here waiting for updates :)
blackbeanoodles #2
Chapter 20: 2017.. im still checking this out!!
KOREANJunky #3
Chapter 20: Ohh dear god!!
I just happened to find your story on some recommendation side and thought like giving it a try and^^!!!
And here i am..i couldn't stop reading!

Such a beautifully written stroy!!<3
And everything is so slow and am i now almost tearing up because of this abrupt turn!!

Please update again soon!! I just love this!
I will immediately check out your other stuff..(hehe you just gained one new crazy fan^^) ;)

You bring so much character and feeling in your story..
Thank you! Really! This is what i was longing for!

Patiently waiting, greetings!:D
Chapter 20: I still miss this story very very very very much...just to let you know.

Be well!

Chapter 20: I miss this story so very very much that I do not even know what words to use to convey how much I truly miss it.

I do so hope that you come back and gift us with the rest of their journey. You have created such a unique and wonderful set of characters here and it would grieve me not to have them finish out the story.

Hope all is well with you.

Chapter 20: i re-read the whole story again.. xD
obviously, this story makes my day..
Chapter 20: Ooh update!!! THANKS!!! I wonder why GD reacted like that, is that because of his ex? I wonder...
Atenais #8
Chapter 20: Everytime I see your updates I feel extremely happy, because I really love this story. It's cute, but looks real, not that kind of heavy and unrealistic unnecessary drama.

This new chapter was so emotional. Not only from Seunghyun's POV, but also, the way Jiyong reacted was so genuine. I bet this have something to do with his past and his former boyfriend.

I know real life is hard, this is my first comment here in weeks. But I hope you can update soon again. Thank you!
Chapter 20: Awe i hope jiyong tells seunghyun about how he's feeling soon! I hate it when he's sad!
tarepandasan #10
Chapter 20: Awww poor Ji... And yes I think it's time ;)