Chapter 28

For The Love Of The Game
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Yoona's P.O.V

I walked out of the bedroom this morning to see Seunghyun sitting by the door. He had got up as soon as he saw me come out the door. I ignored him and kept walking, I walked to Krystal room to find her already awake. As I helped Krystal get ready for school I realise how much she and Taecyeon look alike. They both have the same personality and always trying make things seem like it's fun. I couldn't help but smile when I thought about Taecyeon. For so many years I thought he would have just forgotten about me and Krystal since we didn't hear from him at all. I just couldn't believe that it was Seunghyun doing, him being selfish. But I can't call him that since he had always been there for me when I needed him. Just thinking about it and how he just came into my life out of no where, but only now finding out about his lies and that he was just using me for his dirty deeds really hurt.

"Eomma is everything okay?" Krystal asked me.

"Yes sweetie, everything just fine." No matter how many time I've said that but never really ment it. Just that short sentence "everything is fine" is a complete lie. I'm not fine and I don't know why I keep lying to myself about it. I'm lying to everybody about it, how can such thing exist in this cruel world. I feel the "lies" grow every day and it's slowly killing me inside.

"Eomma? Are you and appa fighting?" I looked at Krystal as she pouted. She is just a little girl and she wouldn't understand the life I'm living and I don't want to put any burden on her. I don't want her to feel hurt like me.

"Why do you ask that sweetie"

"You two have not looked at each other since we got back home yesterday. And appa is trying to talk to you but your ignoring him. Is it because of Taecyeon uncle?" Her calling her father that just broke my heart. Will she be able to accept the fact that Seunghyun is not her father if I told her? Will she accept Taecyeon? I looked back and saw that Seunghyun was standing by the door, I knew he been standing there for a while. But I just ignored him completely.

"That's not it sweetie. Eomma just wanted to give appa some space since he had a big game yesterday. So don't worry okay." I just don't know how to tell a three year old that the man she know as her father is not her father but the man that pushed her father away from us.

"Okay. Appa, are we still going to get ice cream together? You didn't do it yesterday since you had to go back to the stadium early. I really want ice cream"

"I will take you there when I pick you up from school. Okay." I couldn't make any eye contact with Seunghyun. If I did I think I would have broke down and cry infront of Krystal and I don't want her to worry.

"Okay!" She shouted with her cute voice

 Krystal will be okay when everything is back in its rightful place or will you hate eomma for not telling you. My head hurts every time I think about it.  I took Krystal to school since I have to visit the doctor again today and ita not that far from her school. I dropped her off and made my way to the hospital for another check up. My thoughts kept creeping its way back to my head as I wait to be called in to the doctors office. It wasn't that many people here like the other day so it should be quick. After a couple of minutes I finally got the chance ti see the doctor.  He told me everything looks normal now but don't have my hopes up since something could happen out of nowhere at anytime.  I will admit it did make me worried but I had already knew that I should prepare for the worst. It happened to my mother and it will soon happen to me. I was walking to leave the building when I bumped into someone,  I quickly apologised.

"I see you still don't watch where your walking. " I could hear a familiar voice. He was laughing at me.

"Taecyeon? What are you doing here?" I didn't want ti meet him hetr. I didnt want him to find out like this. 

"I should be asking you that. Is something wrong?  Are you hurt anywhere?" That protective side of his nwver fail to make my heart flutter. 

"I'm just here for a check up. That's all, I don't think it's a big deal."

"Ah I see. Where are you heading to now? Do you want a ride?" He just don't know how to ignore people, he always have to be such a kind person.

"Ah..I think you were busy, I could just go.."

"No I will take you. Just wait a sec. I have to speak to the doctor about something." He keeps insisting and I just can't seem to tell him no. I wonder why I couldn't tell him no all those time. In my head I would say it but I guess my heart was saying something else for me not to say nothing at all.

"Okay. I'll just wait here."

"Okay then. I'll be right back really fast. Don't try to sneak away." Why is he so cute? Ya! Im Yoona focus, you are still a married women.

I watched him leave with a smile on his face, I don't iknow why but all my feelings that I was so unsure of back when I was in high school had came rushing back to me again. I guess I really do love him. But what is holding me back? Myself that's what.There is no reason to not go back to what should have been in the beggining. I guess after actaully seeing the light, I became the person that I was trying to hold back from. I guess this is how my mom felt when she first saw the light too. She changed a lot after that day she met death for a second. Just looking at how I am now I wonder if Taecyeon is still willing to fight for me even if I'm stuck in my current situation. I can't even trust my own husband at this point to tell him what the doctor said and Krystal is still too young to know about this. Should I tell Taecyeon? He always listened to my problems back then. So many emotiona ar

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sorry still working on both chapter, been really busy please wait for me


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gween97 #1
Chapter 31: oh my, i think yoona died! you really surprise me. yes a happy ending story, i love happy ending.. but so sad this story is end huhu wait your new storh update dear
Chapter 31: What a beautiful ending authornin. Thank you so much for this story. I can't wait for your next story. Alwaysss keep the faith. Fighting TaecYoon Shipperss <3 . Advance Happy Birthday to you
Chapter 31: OMGGG sweet ending love the story author-nim!!! waiting for the new story!
steiyoon #4
Chapter 31: Thank you for the happy ending!
Soshisone93 #5
Chapter 31: THANK YOU!!! :D
Love TaecYoon Until The End!!!
Really anticipated your new story... :)
Kamsahamnida for make this story, it's really daebak jjang!!! :D
gween97 #6
Chapter 30: why this story became a complete when the last chapter still not showing?

Btw, success for your school:)
Soshisone93 #7
Chapter 30: I'm waiting for the last chap... :)
Success for your college too, but don't make us wait too long... ;)
steiyoon #8
Chapter 30: Don't take too long on your last chapter......i'm waiting on your fabulous & superb ending!