Chapter 13

For The Love Of The Game
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Taecyeon' P.O.V

I wanted to see Yoona for one last time before I left for Seoul. I didn't want to leave knowing she doesn't want to talk to me. I had to leave for Seoul to get ready for the next game and my evil mother wanted me to help with the wedding stuff. How can one marry someone they don't love? She makes me really angry every time she tries to plain my life for me. Just because I was friends with Jessica since we were little doesn't mean that I have to marry her. I'm just so frustrated with everything, I feel that the world is against me being happy. I decided to go to Yoona's aunt and uncles house to clear everything up. After knocking three times the door finally opens.

"Who are you?" It was an older lady asking, I asumed that she is Yoona's aunt. She looked at me as if I was some type of bad boy.

"Hello, I'm Yoona's friend from Seoul." I was nervous for some reason. This lady had different vibe than Yoona's dad. She was more aware of things around her.

"Ah, your the lover boy that was here the other night." She looked at me with her full attention. I wanted to say the reason why I came but it was stuck. "Well are you going to tell me why your here?"

"I came to see Yoona. I wanted to tell her I was leaving to Seoul today. Is she here by any chance?"

"You just missed her. She said she had a game today and wont be back until late. "

"Can you tell her I'm sorry? And that I hope to see her in Seoul soon."

"I'll give her the message. You should get going before my husband sees you, he's not a big fan of young mens when his niece is around. You would of thought he would be like his brother. But he's a big meanie. I'll tell Yoona that you came by. Have a safe trip back to Seoul and I hope she would forgive you too."

My thoughts about this lady was completly different after talking to her for a short time. I bowed before leaving. I was a bit sad that I wasn't going to see her before I leave but she have a game today. I hope she wins, I know she will do well. The cab took me to the bus station and I got onto the bus that was heading to seoul.

~In Seoul~

I finally made it back to the place where everything is hell. I could kiss the relaxed life goodbye. I saw Jessica standing by a bench with my mother, I guess they were waiting for me. I just walked past them like they don't exsit. But Jessica had grabbed my arm and stopped me, I looked at her and she was smiling. She must be really enjoying this. After that one day I told myself that I would never have feelings for her, I know she still have feelings for me. She was probably the reason why we are getting married. Her father would do anything to make her happy and this marriage thing is one of them. For me to continue as the star pitcher of the LG Giants I have to marry her.

"Oppa, How was the ride back home? Do you still feel tired? Are you Hungry?" She kept asking me these question.

"I'm fine. Eommanim, I'm not going back home I have to go to the stadium." I hated calling her my mother, it made me sick to my stomache.

"But you just got back. You need to rest a bit and have some food." She tried to sound like she cared for me. She know she doesn't care about me. Who is she fooling right now? Maybe she is hopeing for the next check to come so she could hurry up and disappear like before.

"I have practice. I'll eat something there. Jesscia don't wait up for me, I'll probably end up sleeping at the dorms." I grabbed my luggaged and left into a van that was sent by my couch. I refuse to sit in that car with the demon mother of mine. We got to the stadium and the frist person I saw was Seunghyun.

"Your back I see." He didn't looked to please to see me.

"Yeah, I thought I should get back to practicing for the big game."

"How is she?" I knew who he was talking about, he doesn't really talk about Jessica unless it comes up.

"She looks happy over there. Until I showed up again, she had a breakdown yesterday. And it was my fault."

"Like always." That had caught my attention real fast.

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"That you always cause trouble for Yoona. Have you ever thought about how Yoona felt everytime you bugged her. That's probably the real reason she left." I was ready to punch him right across his face.

"You don't know what the hell your talking about. You haven't even known Yoona for long and you think you know everything about her. She left to find a more happy life, not because of me. She was going through things here and she was ready to leave since she had one more year of high school. Don't act as if you know anything alright." My anger was now rising because of this punk.

"You should really leave her alone." I looked at him and squeezed my fist.

"I don't want to. Who are you to tell me what to do?" I'm boiling with anger, just looking at him makes me angry.

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sorry still working on both chapter, been really busy please wait for me


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gween97 #1
Chapter 31: oh my, i think yoona died! you really surprise me. yes a happy ending story, i love happy ending.. but so sad this story is end huhu wait your new storh update dear
Chapter 31: What a beautiful ending authornin. Thank you so much for this story. I can't wait for your next story. Alwaysss keep the faith. Fighting TaecYoon Shipperss <3 . Advance Happy Birthday to you
Chapter 31: OMGGG sweet ending love the story author-nim!!! waiting for the new story!
steiyoon #4
Chapter 31: Thank you for the happy ending!
Soshisone93 #5
Chapter 31: THANK YOU!!! :D
Love TaecYoon Until The End!!!
Really anticipated your new story... :)
Kamsahamnida for make this story, it's really daebak jjang!!! :D
gween97 #6
Chapter 30: why this story became a complete when the last chapter still not showing?

Btw, success for your school:)
Soshisone93 #7
Chapter 30: I'm waiting for the last chap... :)
Success for your college too, but don't make us wait too long... ;)
steiyoon #8
Chapter 30: Don't take too long on your last chapter......i'm waiting on your fabulous & superb ending!