Definition of Bittersweet Love

Lying to Forget






”Can I kiss you?


It was clear as snow that he was shocked. More than shocked.


He didn't know what to say, what to do or how to react. I understood him.


But what I didn't understand, was the light pleasent look in his eyes. As if he was waiting something. Waiting me to continue.


”I-I'm sorry, hyung, but what?” he said.


And that's all he said.


Because after saying those words (that didn't sound true, by the way), he disappeared.


Of course, he did that a lot. Always when he was tired of my nagging or whining, he decided to disappear to the air like nothing.


Sometimes it felt like he was never there. Sometimes that feeling in my heart went that far, that I even thought that I was imagining his existence.

I didn't like it.


At those times, I felt like I was completely alone. And he knew that.


Why did he leave me here alone? He knows that I feel wrong now. Why would he do it?


”Aish, that kid. Always making me confused.”


He could read my thoughts beforehand. He should've known what I was about ask, right?


Was he just acting surprised?


Why would he even do that?


”Sungjong,” I whispered, mostly to myself. ”I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. Come back so we can sleep, I feel really tired. Please.”


For a moment, nothing happened. I felt really alone again.


”You need to practise...” a quiet voice was heard behind me.


Slowly, I turned around to see him, head down, slightly smiling. He turned his head to me, and our gazes met. It felt kind of special.


And I really was sorry.


”Sorry, Sungjong. I'm just so confused,” I said, looking at his flushed face.


Why in hell was he blushing?


”It's f-fine, hyung, I know. I read your thoughts, after all,” he smirked.


I chuckled. ”There's the Sungjong I know,” I said and ruffled his hair.


We tried to go back to normal, but he was still blushing, and it felt weird.


It was definitely far from normal.




We went to sleep early that night. I had to practise, and I didn't manage to do anything. Woohyun was still patiently trying his best and I was very much thankful for him. He was a good friend after all.


It wasn't awkward, but it wasn't normal either.


Not only because of what happened, but because I saw the look in his eyes, and he saw that I was thinking about that look.


Neither one said anything, though.


And when we were about to sleep, he luckily saved our tomorrow by being normal.


”Good night, hyung.”


I smiled. ”Good night, Sungjong. Love you.”


But he didn't say it back that night.


He didn't say it at all.




The morning was even more unusual.


Because Sungjong wasn't next to me. He was gone.


I went to practise, met Myungsoo on the way and tried to handle that Dongwoo guy at the same time. He was actually pretty funny, if you thought about it.


Myungsoo's smile was melting me down, but then again, I was too troubled with Sungjong so I couldn't think about it as much as earlier.


I was falling for Myungsoo, but Sungjong had a plan, right? I would get over this, right?


I wish he was here.




Was it a mistake?


It was all I could think about when I was waiting in my room. Not Sungjong, though. Howon. He said he was going to crash here tonight.


I was scared. I was scared that Sungjong would never come back.


But he wouldn't leave me alone. I knew how he was like, and he would never do that.






I finched a little, but Howon always did something like that, so it wasn't much of a surprise.




He chuckled a little and almost jumped on me while I was lying on my bed. He was such a kid.


Just like I was a long time ago.


”Are you sad?” he asked, pouting a little. It was obvious that he wasn't even serious.


I glared at him. ”Are you happy?” I asked.


He smirked.


”I will take you to eat something.”


”At night?”


”It's not like it's the first time.”


Oh, oops. I just can't remember.


I sighed. ”Well, I guess it's normal enough.”


Howon looked at me weirdly, but decided not to ask.


I just wanted to feel normal, for once.




Days went by, and slowly Sungjong came back.


It was still awkward, but not because I asked him to kiss me.


Because he ran away after I noticed the look.


The look filled with lust.


The look that he shared with me.


We started to talk normally, and it was somehow normal. Not just as normal as before. But we were getting there, we just needed some time.


The look didn't come back, but my thoughts were still there. And he still read every single one of them.


Luckily, one night, everything went back to normal.






”You're not sleeping, right?”


”Yeah, I am, there's a ghost talking to you.”


I didn't even understand how lame my joke was considering that Sungjong was one.






”Can we eat?”


”You don't need food, silly.”


”But I want food.”


I turned to look at him, and I saw how serious he was.


I sighed.


”Fine then.”


”Oh, no, I don't want to eat. I want to play.”


”And what do you want to play exactly?” I asked, slightly (or not) frustrated.


”Do we have swings here?”


”No, we don't have swings here.”


He looked at me with a shocked expression. ”No swings?”


”No swings.”


That night, we hugged each other to sleep.


Because he had no swings, and I had no Myungsoo.


Also that night, I realized how annoying kid he was.


But I still loved him.


I was just waiting for him to grow up.


Just like I once did.



Dedicated to my two friends, who I now name as Genius.

The friends who always make me frustrated and angry,

But also the friends who I love very much,

But never will I adore them,

And never will I respect them,

But they're still the friends I love.

(I am waiting for you two to grow up one day.)


Definition of bittersweet love = bittersweet love 

(not going to explain this, just try to understand, my dear readers)


This chapter means a lot to me, to be honest. I feel like I've been getting a lot better. I still remember 2012, writing Tears of Death & trying somehow to manage with my English skills. I'm very happy to know that all the work I've done has been paid off.

I'm also very thankful to my readers.

And though it sounds like the final chapter's note or something, it isn't, obviously. I just wanted to state this fact before I forget.

Also, I will not fangirl here, because I am way too tired (I'm never too tired to fangirl, what am I saying) & I need to stop doing that anyway (not going to). But VIXX finally did it. Hyde. Is. Perfection. That's all about that.


This chapter is kind of weird, but it's the point, I think. Like what, suddenly those two are saying they love each other and things like that. I just needed to write this chapter like this. Sorry if it's too messy. I've been jumping in time a lot earlier here, if you haven't noticed, so who knows how much happened in their world at that time, right? Maybe flashbacks will tell. Anyway, I decided to make a little timejump here as well, so I would get this done.

I was boring here, but I really tried to be, so don't judge me too much.

And just if someone is wondering, this will still be Myungyeol. Nothing will change. (Just clearing out if you think that there's too much Yeoljong coming or something.)

Bye my loves <3


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I will update tomorrow, sorry for being late.


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Chapter 18: I'm... well, I'm crying. Don't ask me because I dunno why.
delusion_rider #2
Chapter 18: okay the yeoljong scene was...... OTL
Chapter 11: I don't know what to say except I loooove this fic and I love complicated stories too, but not bad endings.. so when I saw you loved it I was a bit scared BUT you said it will be a HAPPY END.

So the only thing I can blurt out or even say is... I WANT TO READ MORE AN MORE AND I'M ADDICTED ㅠ.ㅠ
Cassiopeia501 #4
Chapter 9: dae to the bak!!! the process of him getting all his memories back seem legit
amatsukishi #5
i really like it so far!
update soon :D
Cassiopeia501 #6
Chapter 8: myungmyung is coming!!!!! :)
Cassiopeia501 #7
Chapter 6: this is an interesting fic!!!! i dont understand why im the only one commenting!!! myungsoo and sungyeol will have hard time getting things together again!!! fighting!!