
Let Me Be Like You

Sulli closed the door of her room making sure it was locked she layed on her bed looking at the empty walls , thinking deeply.

why did she cry? And why did her heart cringe when Taemin shouted on her?

is she ready to be Taemin's girlfriend? Perhaps his fake girlfriend

she puffed her cheeks *stop thinking * she ordered herself.

*I wonder what is happening between Taemin and Kai now?*




"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Stop this!" LeeHi was terrified from the scene she is seeing infront of her.

Taemin was bleeding almost in every part of his body but he stayed silent and he didn't even defend himself , only his heavy breathing was heard.

he was getting bullied again harshly by Junhyung and Taeyang and their 2 friends.

this time no one was around to help him or interfere.

or as they thought ....

Kai trembled and quivered in his place *I'm sorry* he closed his eyes and covered his ears.

*stop this Kai and go help him* Kai was telling himself continuously to help Taemin but his feet were solid they didn't move!

"Remember last week?" Junhyung shouted "when you dared to go against us?" he laughed enjoying the torture of Taemin.

"tsk... Because you called my mom a bit** , you expect me to laugh along with you?" Taemin said sternly not fearing them although he was already knocked on the ground bleeding

Taeyang kicked Taemin on his stomach "Don't answer us!"

Taemin coughed blood from the pain "you expect me to forgive who insulted my beloved ones?" Taemin said painfully

"Stop this" LeeHi cried pulling Taeyang away because she knew that he would kick Taemin again.

Taeyang looked disgusted at her , but she didn't flinch

"If you hit him again I'll shout till someone comes" LeeHi threatened even though she was crying

Taeyang shoved her away "You think we are scared from you?" Taeyang laughed with Junhyung and their friends "Taemin nice girlfriend you have there!"

Taemin panted heavily glaring at them

"did you tell your friend Kai to buy her just like how he bought you the captain's position?" Junhyung laughed


Junhyung's laugh was interrupted suddenly.

That person caused all their laughs to turn to frowns.

the only person they were scared of .... Kai finally showed up.

"Do you want me to buy you your own graves too?" Kai glared coldly at them , obviously he was so mad at them.

you can see that from his clenched fist.

he was boiling inside from the scene he saw , his dearest friend was bleeding o the ground.

and he was actually convincing himself not to help him.

guilt was washing all over him , but somehow, what he did seemed right for him.

"I'll be generous to give you 3 seconds to flee before I kill you" Kai walked slowly close to them.

just as they heard his statement they ran away immeaditly.

"cowards" Kai muttered and glanced at Taemin who was trying to get up.

Kai and LeeHi helped him to stand properly.

"thank you" Taemin looked straight at Kai's eyes "and I'm sorry for today"

Kai has never seen Taemin giving him this cold look.

Taemin didn't even flash a small smile.

usually when someone apologize or thank they smile.

Kai's heartbeat got faster the more he stared back at Taemin's eyes.

"you're welcome" Kai suttered and finally avoiding Taemin's eyes "lets get you home"

Taemin shoved both LeeHi and Kai away from him "I can walk thanks" he forced a smile and turned and LeeHi "I'm sorry , please go home no need to get your day even worse"

"No Taemin its ok , I'll take care if you" LeeHi insisted

"I need to talk to Kai today , and you know .... Its boys talk , I suggest you go home"

LeeHi sighed thinking deeply "ok , take care of your self" she smiled




*he needs to talk to me* Kai thought walking silently next to Taemin heading home.

*why?* Kai glanced at Taemin.

Taemin noticed but he didn't look back at Kai "I'll do it"

Kai flinched "do what?"

"I'll find a girlfriend" Taemin stopped in his tracks and looked at Kai.

Kai stopped too, his eyes widened slowly "Really?"

Taemin smiled and nodded.

"But I want to talk to Sulli first"

Kai was really happy inside because his plan worked , but he tried to look as cool as he could.

"Kai you go home , I'll call Sulli and go out with her"

Kai nodded *So Taemin and Sulli couple mission worked too*




"yoboseyo?" Sulli suttered from the shock that Taemin was calling her

"Sulli-ah can you change your clothes and go out with me now? I'm outside your house"

Sulli jumped from her bed opening the window curtains to see that Taemin was serious , he was standing beside the railing of her house.

"ok wait 5 minutes" she hung up the phone and changed her clothes vastly.

"Mom I'm going out" She shouted while running down the stairs.

Sulli stood infront of the door breathing deeply before opening it.

Taemin brightened by the sight of her.

unlike Sulli who frowned at his bleeding face again! She hugged him suddenly when she reached him making him flinch "I'm so sorry about today"

Taemin blinked looking down on her , he felt water on his shirt *is she crying?*

"Sulli , I'm the one who is supposed to be sorry" he hugged her back.

they stayed like this for a moment until Sulli stopped crying , she pulled away from the hug.

"so where are we going?"

"lets just sit here" Taemin pointed at a bench that was a bit close to there house, close enough to be seen.

Sulli nodded.

they sat silent for a moment until Taemin broke the silence .

"So , umm I want to ask you something"

"I'm listening" Sulli's heart raced , was Taemin going to ask her to be his girlfriend?

"Can you help me find a girlfriend?"

BOOM Sulli felt she was stabbed right in her heart.


thanks for the 20 subbies + upvote :))))))

and sorry for the late update.

I had physics exam TT TT

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Chapter 17: Any update on this story?
xNarya #2
Chapter 17: It's been a while ! I read the story again, it is too bad that there's no update :(
Chapter 1: "we.just.met"i laughed at that line XD but aww cute first chapter!!
Chapter 19: cute...
sallyxsy #5
Chapter 19: really now ??? that's it -.- I want more :(
Chapter 17: eyyyheeyyy I can't wait til meet up hyera~~~ Kai don't become a hot temper~ chu <3
VIPBabys #7
Chapter 17: New readers heree... Hehehe
Wow.. So they will meet hayi/hyera soon?
Ah I wish jongin wouldn't do someting stupid..
And what happens to hyera/hayi since she's missing? I'm curious
And I cant wait till the next update
Hwaiting authornim
Chapter 16: What happen? Chen and Taemin know each other? ahhhh !! that day when Taemin date hayi! ahhhh~ why I forget that !! kkkk~
I loved Block B new album, they did a great job even Park Kyung have a solo!! kkk~ I thought that P.O become more handsome >///<
Chapter 15: Luhan is ching chang chung? really LOL .. I just used to it, it really happen to me, since I'm Chinese too, and people around me always called me with something sound "ching chang chung" heel I'm pissed but used to it .. I wondered where is Leehi, and will she come back?
Chapter 1: *new reader here* I like the childhood stories so feel so sincere :D I'll keep reading :D