
Let Me Be Like You

"Hyera?" Kai took another look at her scar to make sure, and he was shocked , it was actually the same scar Hyera had. Leehi gasped "Hyera? W-w-who i-is s-she?" she stuttered and her eyes wide as saucers.

"you! Don't try to fool me"

"No i'm-"

"why are you trying to hide your identity!" Kai cut her off


"Hyera I may sound like a freak but the scar you have on your arm! Its obviously you!"

Leehi gasped and tried hiding her scar by placing her palms on it. she sighted and looked around , she knew that she was on a corner next to Kai , he already knew about her and she cannot deny anymore. "follow me" she gestured to him and he nodded following her silently, they went to the back of the school.

Kai noticed how she was glancing everywhere making sure nobody saw or followed them *what happened to her?*





"he's gone" Junhyung nudged Taeyang who smirked at him in return after noticing that Kai wasn't there anymore. The football team finished the audition and were taking a rest , the result will be revealed in a week and Taemin was confident 100% that he'll be the new captain ,not showing off but Taemin knew that he was skilled enough to be chosen, after all he started training since he was 5 years old.

Taemin rubbed his face by the towel removing the sweat, after sitting on the grass *where is Kai?* he blinked at where Kai was supposed to be, and looked around perhaps he changed his place , but Kai was no where to be found.

"looking for your bodyguard?" a voice called from behind , he knew exactly who that annoying voice belonged to..... Taeyang. Taemin sighted knowing exactly what would happen after the couch and Kai weren't there. Taemin stood up slowly brushing the remaining grass on his shorts still not turning at Taeyang and Junhyung.

he predicted Junhyung's attendance , because these two stuck to each other and there only purpose in life was to bully him. Taemin never knew why they hated him this much.

"are you going to keep doing this for the rest of your lives?" Taemin questioned then he felt a strong arm turning him around , he wasn't surprised to see it belonged to Junhyung

"you should always look at us when you talk to us!" Junhyung pulled Taemin's T-shirt by the collar . "my eyes will go blind if I keep looking at your faces" Taemin replied not scared to face them

"ah ... You son of a bit**" Junhyung punched Taemin really hard that Taemin had to place his hands on his knees to support him from not falling *Did he just call my mom a bit**? * Taemin tried to straighten but he got another punch on his stomach knocking him on the ground. Taemin curled on the ground and gripped his stomach in pain and could already taste the iron on his lips due to the blood.

Taemin inhaled and got up hardly "Why did you call my mom a bit**? " Taemin shouted furiously getting attention from all the players around the field.

LeeJoon the previous captain saw them fighting and rushed to stop them with the help of his friend Myungsoo who was also a great player too, They both were the only one from the team Taemin could get along with .

Taeyang tried throwing another punch to silence him but this time Taemin dodged it and punched Taeyang on his jaw, Taeyang backed off in pain and Junhyung supported him from falling.

"stop this" Myungsoo stood in front of Taemin extending his arms .

Taemin ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and threw his hand on his side looking above huffing in anger. Joon appeared too and walked closer to Taeyang who was in pain and Junhyung who was supporting him.

"when will you stop this?" Joon snapped at them

"when will you stop interfering?" Junhyung retorted

"you can't expect us to stand and watch...Can you?" Myungsoo turned around to face them while all of the players gathered around them watching the intensity that was happening in the field. "yes we can! After all Taemin doesn't deserve to be here , with us higher class people"

"WHEN WILL YOU JUST... SHUT UP?" Taemin lost his temper , but instead of releasing it he walked to his bicycle to leave them in silence, leaving his bag on the grass , not caring to take it or not.



"promise not to tell anyone?" Leehi lowered her head.

"i don't get it... Why?" Kai's voice was softer then the usual because he thought that Hyera had a serious problem to hide her identity.

"I'm sorry , I can't tell anyone"

Kai tried to get inside her head but he couldn't know why would she do that?

"Just imagine that I'm a new student , you never knew" she bit her lips

"I missed you"

Leehi finally looked at him her eyes a bit wide "mis-ssed m-me?"

"you have changed alot, but I can still see the old you inside somewhere"

Leehi blinked at him not knowing why was he talking like this? "she is gone long ago, she'll never return"


"the old me"

"No , you're wrong she will comeback"

"you know nothing" Leehi sighted

*I know nothing...* Kai repeated in his head

"just do it for me , don't tell Taemin or anyone that I'm Hyera"

Kai sighted "Ok...... but what do I get in return?"

"I'll see what I can do for you , if you have an idea just tell me"

Kai nodded "deal"


Kai looked around "its getting dark go home, I'll go check on Taemin"

Leehi nodded

"do you want me to acompany you?"

"No ,My brother is already waiting for me now"

"ok , bye take care"


Kai stopped his steps to listen

"thank you"

Kai smiled and shook his head continuing his walk to the field.



*oh they finished already?* Kai looked around to find only Myungsoo there holding Taemin's bag! *what the?*.

Kai ran to Myungsoo , Myungsoo noticed him "Kai ... Where did you go?" , "why?" Kai furrowed his eyebrows knowing something bad happened from Myungsoo voice.

"Taeyang and Junhyung bullied Taemin again.... But this time they crossed the line cursing his mom" Kai looked around shocked *I went for a moment and this happened*

"he was mad and furious that's why he left his bag behind" Myungsoo showed Kai Taemin's bag as if he didn't see it "I suggest you meet him" . Kai took the bag and nodded "thanks for telling me"

Kai bowed slightly and took out his phone , while Myungsoo excused himself and went home. Kai dialed Taemin's number , after few seconds he heard ringing inside Taemin's bag *great work ... I'm so smart!* he shook his head in disapproval .

*lets just hope he's at the cafe*

and he was!



"Taemin" Kai tapped on Taemin's shoulder after finding him in the cafe he expected him to be in. the cafe was Taemin's favourite place to release his stress since the age 14 , Sulli who was Taemin's previous crush works here as a part time job, not that she needed money but Sulli was the type that loved working and never got tired of it at all.

Taemin turned his head weakly at his friend , when he knew its Kai he shifted his gaze back to the front. Kai sighted and sat beside Taemin , he got a quick glance at Taemin and noticed the bruise and the blood on Taemin's lips.

"Taemin... Your lips are still bleeding" Kai muttered worriedly.

Taemin the blood on his lips. "that won't do.. SULLI AH" Kai called Sulli surprising Taemin a little from the sudden loud voice.

Sulli came running "Ah Kai finally you're here! I almost called you but he didn't let me!" Sulli pointed at Taemin pouting

Taemin got up surprising them he snatched his own bag from Kai and was going out , when Kai stood up Taemin stopped walking "Don't follow me....Leave me alone" Taemin said calmly. both Kai and Sulli stood numb surprised.

"I didn't mean what I said" Sulli muttered feeling sorry to joke in such a situation.

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Chapter 17: Any update on this story?
xNarya #2
Chapter 17: It's been a while ! I read the story again, it is too bad that there's no update :(
Chapter 1: "we.just.met"i laughed at that line XD but aww cute first chapter!!
Chapter 19: cute...
sallyxsy #5
Chapter 19: really now ??? that's it -.- I want more :(
Chapter 17: eyyyheeyyy I can't wait til meet up hyera~~~ Kai don't become a hot temper~ chu <3
VIPBabys #7
Chapter 17: New readers heree... Hehehe
Wow.. So they will meet hayi/hyera soon?
Ah I wish jongin wouldn't do someting stupid..
And what happens to hyera/hayi since she's missing? I'm curious
And I cant wait till the next update
Hwaiting authornim
Chapter 16: What happen? Chen and Taemin know each other? ahhhh !! that day when Taemin date hayi! ahhhh~ why I forget that !! kkkk~
I loved Block B new album, they did a great job even Park Kyung have a solo!! kkk~ I thought that P.O become more handsome >///<
Chapter 15: Luhan is ching chang chung? really LOL .. I just used to it, it really happen to me, since I'm Chinese too, and people around me always called me with something sound "ching chang chung" heel I'm pissed but used to it .. I wondered where is Leehi, and will she come back?
Chapter 1: *new reader here* I like the childhood stories so feel so sincere :D I'll keep reading :D