
Let Me Be Like You

I still don't know why I followed them, Since both of them ignored me completely. Luhan said something about a bubble tea store and Taemin got excited to go, they didn't even ask my opinion.

The bubble tea store was pink and girly I cringed at the thought of us being in there. Luhan seemed to be friendly with the cashier , who was around my age I guess . I read his name tag 'Sehun'.

"My loveliest Dongsaeng, what would you like to drink?" Luhan acted cheesy again and I almost vomited "No , Thanks I don't feel thirsty" I cleared my throat . He pouted and looked at Taemin who shrugged "anything" ,Sehun took the order Luhan gave him and we sat on a table of 4 beside a window waiting for the order. Taemin and Luhan were chatting again , I chose to not listen and stare out of the window.

It was a Sunny Day ,and the people were similar to what I've seen in my hometown, I guess my life won't change as much as i thought it would. "Guys , I'll go take a walk if you excuse me" I got up and took Taemin's cap "I'll come with you" Taemin got up too "No sit down ,I want to be alone" Taemin seemed hurt a bit but he sat down eventually.


I strolled down a park that I passed by coincidentally ,It was really beautiful and alot of kids were playing with their families. Although it reminded me how my parents tried their best so I would not have any fun in my childhood, I smiled genuinely when I saw those families.

I forgived my family long ago , when I reached the age of 15. Because I knew that maybe they were really protecting me. Because after all , they're still my parents ,and parents protect their children.

Now I'm 19 and I'm sure they truly were protecting me.

I plopped my self on a bench facing a small lake .There I spotted a girl , who rather looked familiar, Although her back was facing me. She was writing something looking at the lake infront of her.

She had short black hair and wore a nice baby blue summer dress.

I found my self gazing at her, waiting for her to turn her face at my direction.

I waited alot , I don't even know what the time is. My eyes were getting heavy , and I slowly sank down the bench and drifted to dream world.


I woke up when someone poked my face. Before opening my eyes , I rubbed my stiffening neck. Thats what I get for sleeping on a bench. I opened my eyes to see a man in his middle 20s staring at me arching his eyebrows in the process. I noticed it was night already "What is the time?" I asked still sleepy , he looked at his hand watch "10 pm" he answered , My jaw dropped and I shot up from the bench surprising the latter.

"I just thought you need to go home and sleep," he explained "If you're running away from your home or your parents kicked you out, you can rely on me to help you , if you want" I looked at him suspiciously , I really needed help . Not because of the reasons he mentioned but I don't think I'll find my way back to the campus.

"I'm sorry if I startled you" He apologized "I'm Jongdae or you can call me Chen ," he brought his hand up inviting me to a handshake. I shook his hand hesitantly, he smiled "I'm originally a Lawyer but I love helping people because I my self has been through alot of bad things" he explained , I almost believed him because he was wearing a suite just like how lawyers are usually dressed. But I can't let my guard down, not now.

"What is a lawyer doing in a family park?"

"My little sister forgot a precious ring of her here" he showed me a ring with a blue butterfly on it.

I nodded "I'm Kai , sorry for being rude earlier" I bowed a little .

He smiled "its ok , you have the right to" he patted on my shoulder " so , need any help?"

I opened my mouth hesitantly "I - I'm actually new here and I don't know the way back to my university campus"

He laughed a bit loud , and I regretted telling him, because everyone in the park shifted their gaze at us.

When he stopped laughing , he apologized "so , you're from which university?" I could see him holding his laughter "Korea National sport university" I muttered.

"Ok , C'mon I'll help you find your way" he dragged me into his simple car and started his engine.

I took my phone out from my pocket to find 24 missed calls and 7 messages, It was all from Taemin and an anonymous number.

I read the messages one by one

[ From .Taemin

Yah! Kai where are you? ]

[From . Taemin

Why aren't you answering? ]

[From. Anonymous

Did you block me from your contacts? - Taemin -hyung ]

[From .Taemin

if you're planning to run away from the city , can you at least return my cap? Its my fav :'( ]

[From .Taemin

Don't take the previous message seriously , now where are you? ]

[From .Taemin

OMG are you dead or something? ]

[From .Taemin


I chuckled at how pathetic my friend is and decided to call him , because I wouldn't be surprised if he is now drinking beer thinking I ran away from the city.

It was a split second since his phone started ringing and he picked it up . Was he about to text me another dramatic message?

"OMG YOU ARE ALIVE" Taemin shouted on the other line "Yea , I'm sorry I was sleeping" I heard a dramatic gasp on the other line , I guessed it Luhan that idiot.

"sleeping in the park alone" I added face palming.

"whatever , don't make excuses I'll murder you when you step into the dorm" Taemin hung up.

"We're here" Chen stated , I nodded "thank you" I opened the door of the passenger seat and got myself out of the car, when I turned to close the door , Chen was still looking at me like trying to say something but didn't know how to.

"um - ah ....would you like some tea?" I asked awkwardly

He smiled widely and nodded jumping out of his car


"yah open the door" I knocked for the nth time

"NO ,You deserve sleeping in the hallway" Taemin retorted

"I Don't have time for this, we have guests"

The door shot open , I expected Taemin to smack me but instead he looked surprised .... Very surprised to see Chen

"YOU?!" they both blurted out looking at each other.


(A.N) who saw Block b's comeback stage and songs? Omg I died they are very very good , and who is excited for today *whispers* shinee's back!

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Chapter 17: Any update on this story?
xNarya #2
Chapter 17: It's been a while ! I read the story again, it is too bad that there's no update :(
Chapter 1: "we.just.met"i laughed at that line XD but aww cute first chapter!!
Chapter 19: cute...
sallyxsy #5
Chapter 19: really now ??? that's it -.- I want more :(
Chapter 17: eyyyheeyyy I can't wait til meet up hyera~~~ Kai don't become a hot temper~ chu <3
VIPBabys #7
Chapter 17: New readers heree... Hehehe
Wow.. So they will meet hayi/hyera soon?
Ah I wish jongin wouldn't do someting stupid..
And what happens to hyera/hayi since she's missing? I'm curious
And I cant wait till the next update
Hwaiting authornim
Chapter 16: What happen? Chen and Taemin know each other? ahhhh !! that day when Taemin date hayi! ahhhh~ why I forget that !! kkkk~
I loved Block B new album, they did a great job even Park Kyung have a solo!! kkk~ I thought that P.O become more handsome >///<
Chapter 15: Luhan is ching chang chung? really LOL .. I just used to it, it really happen to me, since I'm Chinese too, and people around me always called me with something sound "ching chang chung" heel I'm pissed but used to it .. I wondered where is Leehi, and will she come back?
Chapter 1: *new reader here* I like the childhood stories so feel so sincere :D I'll keep reading :D