Ching Chang Chung

Let Me Be Like You
After 2 years

Kai p.o.v

She was gone , till now .... No traces were found.

I moved on after few months I guess , but to be honest ... Not completely.

At least I got Taemin back , and Sulli stopped acting weird.

We graduated . Luckily ,Taemin and I got accepted at the same university Korea National Sport University.

I was accepted in the Martial art section , and Taemin got accepted in the football section.

What made me happier was that it's a campus , and finally I feel I am a grown up man now.

I had difficulty convincing my parents to go and fulfil my dream , Alot of things happened.


"For the last time , No" my dad tried wearing his calm mask

"Great then , For the last time I'm going to say this" I looked at my dad in the eyes

he looked at me calmly like challenging me to go on.

"it's my dream and I-" , "In this world , You can't always get what you want" he cut me off .

I suddenly thought of Hyera and Taemin and it hit me that I never got what I want , Never.

But this time I didn't want it to go that way again.

"You want me to be the next CEO of your company?" I lowered my head "You can't always get what you want" I added not giving him the chance to reply my question.

I snapped my head up when I heard the crash of glass, it appeared to be the vase that was placed on his desk.

He looked at me angrily ,it sent shiver around my body but I put on a fierce look.

"Father... Even if you lock me up and still refuse me going to university " I breathed from nervousness "I'll still find a way to get out of here, I- I have a dream and," I sighed "I realize my respospilaty of being a future CEO , I'm old enough to "

I saw his face soften , I was so happy I could go and hug him but, that will ruin the serious talk.

"You are right , we can't always get what we want but , I've never got what I want. I just want your approval of me"

"JongIn .. We'll talk later I'm busy now"

End Of Flashback

That day later Seohyun informed me that my dad accepted my will, I almost threw a party and fireworks all around Seoul from happiness.


There we are , heading to our dorms.

Sadly Sulli went to another university called Seoul National university. She got accepted to nursing section.

We have always joked back days about me almost dying in a fight and Sulli healing me.

I wonder how is Hyera doing...


"Good thing we asked the principle to put us in a room together." Taemin threw his backpack on the bed and proceeded to check every detail in the dorm

Our dorm was big enough for both of us. I felt comfortable just as I took my first step inside.

It had a bathroom a kitchen and a bedroom and a small living room.

The living room was connected to the kitchen, the bedroom had 2 beds and a big closet. It was perfect and simple.

I jumped on the bed laying on my front side. I was so tired since the dorms were far far away from our houses, and maybe we get to see our parents once in a month. I was ok with it but, Taemin almost cried like a girl when he acknowledged this fact.

"Taemin .. Come give me a massage" I called lazily still laying on my face.

I heard Taemin enter the bedroom again "thats Taemin hyung to you" I felt something fluffy been thrown at me, Yeah he threw a pillow.

I turned so now i'm laying on my back "There is no need , Since you're 5 months older than me" I scoffed

Taemin looked at me with his poker face and shook his head mumbling "Kids these days" and continued his observation for every detail in the room.

"You know? I've been thinking to bring my piano here" Taemin spoke still doing his observation.

"Yeah , and how do you suggest us to put it in? Break down the door frame? And live happily ever after? "

"You're making it sound like we are going to get married"

"Well , my lovely innocent Taemin ..... You're a boy?" I said sarcastically. It seemed to get Taemin's attention , because he froze in his place like planning how to burn me alive.

Turning around he gave me a fake big smile "Luckily yes , should we go buy a wedding dress for you my dear?"

I was thinking for a strong comeback but someone knocked the door , I don't know why I followed Taemin to the door. Since i'm already up , I smacked Taemin on his head.

He turned around rubbing the sour area in his head ,giving me a deathly glare when the knocking increased.

We opened the door to be welcomed by a 12 years old kid at the height of 178? He was beaming at us that I almost turned blind by his happiness.

He inhaled deeply "My neighbours" He extended his arms and hugged us patting on our backs. Probably he needs to check in a mental hospital.

I broke the hug but he didn't seem to be hurt by my action , maybe he does that to everyone? "Neighbours? How old are you?" I raised an eyebrows suspecting him to lie.

"ahaha , Don't worry I'm a hyung" he waved his hands in the air.

"Shall we get in?" He looked at me and then at Taemin who nodded.

Wow , he is really something "Answer my question first" I extended my hand in front of him stopping him from getting in. He looked innocently at me , finally his smile fading "I already did" he blinked "I'm 21"

21? ..........

"Wow , you look so much younger" Taemin pushed my hand away from the Kid and dragged him to the living room.

It was just a second when that smile crawled back to his face "trust me ,I Get that alot"

"by the way I'm Luhan, or as people call me here -ching chang chung- because I'm Chinese" he laughed with Taemin finding the nickname funny. Wow he enjoys being insulted?

"I'm sorry" I muttered when we all sat down on the sofa , "Really?" Luhan looked surprised . I nodded slowly.

"Why would your parents call you sorry?"

* *

(A.N) :D

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Chapter 17: Any update on this story?
xNarya #2
Chapter 17: It's been a while ! I read the story again, it is too bad that there's no update :(
Chapter 1: "we.just.met"i laughed at that line XD but aww cute first chapter!!
Chapter 19: cute...
sallyxsy #5
Chapter 19: really now ??? that's it -.- I want more :(
Chapter 17: eyyyheeyyy I can't wait til meet up hyera~~~ Kai don't become a hot temper~ chu <3
VIPBabys #7
Chapter 17: New readers heree... Hehehe
Wow.. So they will meet hayi/hyera soon?
Ah I wish jongin wouldn't do someting stupid..
And what happens to hyera/hayi since she's missing? I'm curious
And I cant wait till the next update
Hwaiting authornim
Chapter 16: What happen? Chen and Taemin know each other? ahhhh !! that day when Taemin date hayi! ahhhh~ why I forget that !! kkkk~
I loved Block B new album, they did a great job even Park Kyung have a solo!! kkk~ I thought that P.O become more handsome >///<
Chapter 15: Luhan is ching chang chung? really LOL .. I just used to it, it really happen to me, since I'm Chinese too, and people around me always called me with something sound "ching chang chung" heel I'm pissed but used to it .. I wondered where is Leehi, and will she come back?
Chapter 1: *new reader here* I like the childhood stories so feel so sincere :D I'll keep reading :D