Meeting Them

Let Me Be Like You

(A.N) : Just imagine Leehi was born in 1994

* : their thoughts

" :what they say

# : end of point or skipping the unimportant things or ending the Chapter





At the age of 6 :

"Hurry up he's coming" Junhyung nudged Taeyang who was busy trying to damage Taemin's bicycle , he ended up cutting the wire that was connected to the brakes.

after admiring what they did they ran away without leaving a trace , making the bicycle look just fine, These two hated Taemin from all of their hearts , to a level they wouldn't care if he died.



Taemin inhaled the fresh air that was passing by tickling him inside while he was walking to his bicycle planning to go home and eat the delicious lunch that was made by his beloved mother , how he loved the nature and relaxing after a lot of football training.

he rubbed his sweat by the towel that was placed on the back of his bicycle , he smiled knowing that it was placed by his mother.

he got on the bicycle and started driving it leisurely , like nothing was wrong with it. he just never realized it was damaged until when he was supposed to pass by a crossed street , he noticed that a truck was supposed to pass the other street so he needed to stop and wait for it to pass.

he pressed the brakes..... Nothing happened.

his eyes rounded and tears started to well up in his eyes when he realized that the brake wasn't working! he pressed it continuously praying it would working .

"HELP ME" he shouted , but nobody dared to do a move in such a situation .

Taemin looked at the people in disbelief , adults and kids. Nobody moved a finger, they all stood numb staring at him in horror. Taemin thought he is going to die , he hopped it would be fast so he closed his eyes.

-THUD- Taemin felt the bicycle suddenly stopping causing him to fall on the ground .

*Am I dead?* he wondered and opened his eyes to see a boy as old as him standing in front of the bicycle , Taemin immeaditly noticed the blood that was rushing on the boy's knees.

Taemin gasped in horror *Did he just save me?* . Taemin stood to check on the boy's condition although his elbow was hurt and bleeding , all he cared about is the boy who saved his life.

"are you ok?" the boy dropped the bicycle to the ground and shifted his gaze to Taemin , speaking like he didn't get hurt.

"you're asking about me? Your knee!" Taemin pointed in horror at the boy's knee.

"are you kids ok?" "he is so brave" "are you hurt" people started to gather around the two kids.

"come to my house its near here" Taemin started dragging the boy to his house. "No it doesn't hurt" the boy spoke.

Taemin didn't care about what the boy said and kept dragging him "it'll leave a scar!"

the boy sighted in defeat.




"so..... What's your name?" Taemin asked the boy who was being treated by Taemin's mom. "Jongin, call me Kai" Kai squinted his eyes when he felt the pain of his knees.

"thank you very much for saving my son" Taemin's mom Kyungsun patted on Kai's head and started to wrap a cloth around his wound stopping the blood after cleaning the wound "as a gift , I insist that you eat lunch with us"

Kai looked around observing their house , he knew that they were kind of poor unlike his family , he didn't want to cause much troubles to them.

Kai sighted and stood up hardly "No , Thank you" he bowed "My parents will worry , I should go back home" he lied and bit his lips , he knew they didn't give a if he gets hurt , it'll be weird if they only notice his injury.

"then can you invite them later to eat with us?" Kyungsun insisted .Kai shook his head and lowered his head "they are always busy , I'm so sorry" he bowed and bid goodbye.

Kai walked hardly hurting in every step he took, he didn't even enjoy the warm weather in this beautiful day. he suddenly noticed that Taemin was beside him , he blinked trying to figure out when did he come?

"you didn't ask for my name" Taemin helped Kai in walking by placing Kai's arm on his own shoulder.

Kai was the closed type always hating to socialize with anyone , but this time he felt that this boy (Taemin) was honest and kind hearted and the type that would never hurt him. *He could be a good friend* Kai smiled slightly at Taemin

"What's your name?"

Taemin smiled "Lee Taemin" .Kai nodded

"Can we be friends?" Taemin muttered lowering his head because he thought that this was the most embarrassing question he asked in his life.

Kai flinched when he heard the word 'friends' , this was the first time someone tries to befriend him , he bit his lips "you sure? I'm weird actually"

"trust me , I'm weirder" Taemin chuckled and Kai laughed heartily



this was the beginning of their friendship




"are you ready?" Taemin glanced at Kai , who nodded in return. they were both standing infront of their new school , mentally preparing for entering.

Kai's cousin Sulli , was moving to this school too! which means that they have company. although Taemin was Kai's bestie since the age of 6 , he never got a chance to meet her at all.

Kai already told him about her many times , and Taemin noticed that Kai always compliment her , mentioning how pretty and kind hearted she was so Taemin felt nervous about meeting her , but tried hard to hide it.

they both took a deep breath and entered the school , looking at how big the school was. the school was wide and beautiful , full of flowers and gardens, it even had football field and science labs ,like EVERYTHING.

for Kai it was really easy to pay for the school bills , but for Taemin , whose family was kind of poor , he had to earn a scholarship which was very hard for him.

Taemin wasn't smart , but he was the hardworking type , exactly the opposite of Kai, who was extremely keen and intelligent. but he never cared about such things. if it wasn't the help of Kai to Taemin , Taemin would never dream of getting a scholarship.

"Kai" Taemin nudged Kai who was observing the cafeteria.

"oh?" Kai replied not turning his gaze ."why the girls' keep staring at us?" Taemin was frightened by the looks from everyone.

Kai being the younger but mentally older glared at the girls' who were obviously judging them causing them to turn their faces "Don't worry Minnie" Kai smiled at Taemin.

Taemin nodded "where is Sulli?", Kai shrugged "I don't know .... late maybe"

Taemin nodded imagining how she looked like and smiled unconsciously.

"oh there she is!" Kai snapped , Taemin's heart skipped a beat he didn't know why until he saw her. she was beautiful in a stunning way , she had a milky white skin which seemed so soft that Taemin yearned to touch , her lips were strawberry red, what attracted him more was her rosy cheeks.

she was prettier than what Taemin imagined her, the time was stopped for Taemin, until when Kai placed his arm on Taemin's shoulder leading him to meet her.

"wow" Taemin muttered unconsciously , Kai heard him and chuckled , Taemin blinked at Kai "what?", Kai smirked at his friend "nothing nothing" he shook his head in amusement.

"Jongin-oppa" Sulli beamed in a cute way and hugged her oppa. "Jinri-ah" Kai broke the hug to decrease the awkwardness Taemin was feeling , and ruffled her hair.

"this is my friend Taemin" Kai introduced Taemin who bowed slightly at her and she smiled in return. "hi , Im Sulli" she bowed respectfully at him being younger than him.

Sulli's father was the principal of the school so that's why no one would ever dare to or annoy her. Kai being Kai hated attention , so he asked her to keep their connection a secret only Taemin knew.

"Best friends forever!" Kai pointed his fist at the sky, while both Taemin and Sulli blinked and knitted their eyebrows in confusion.

"we.just.met" Taemin paused between his words still confused.

Kai sighted and shifted his fist back to his side "I know that we'll be best friends in three months at least"





(A.N) : plz subscribe or upvote


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Chapter 17: Any update on this story?
xNarya #2
Chapter 17: It's been a while ! I read the story again, it is too bad that there's no update :(
Chapter 1: "we.just.met"i laughed at that line XD but aww cute first chapter!!
Chapter 19: cute...
sallyxsy #5
Chapter 19: really now ??? that's it -.- I want more :(
Chapter 17: eyyyheeyyy I can't wait til meet up hyera~~~ Kai don't become a hot temper~ chu <3
VIPBabys #7
Chapter 17: New readers heree... Hehehe
Wow.. So they will meet hayi/hyera soon?
Ah I wish jongin wouldn't do someting stupid..
And what happens to hyera/hayi since she's missing? I'm curious
And I cant wait till the next update
Hwaiting authornim
Chapter 16: What happen? Chen and Taemin know each other? ahhhh !! that day when Taemin date hayi! ahhhh~ why I forget that !! kkkk~
I loved Block B new album, they did a great job even Park Kyung have a solo!! kkk~ I thought that P.O become more handsome >///<
Chapter 15: Luhan is ching chang chung? really LOL .. I just used to it, it really happen to me, since I'm Chinese too, and people around me always called me with something sound "ching chang chung" heel I'm pissed but used to it .. I wondered where is Leehi, and will she come back?
Chapter 1: *new reader here* I like the childhood stories so feel so sincere :D I'll keep reading :D