
I Have To Let You Go

(At B.A.P Dorm)


They are already at their dorm now. Himchan is preparing some soft porridge for Daehyun at the kitchen.

Yongguk and Youngjae are helping Daehyun to lay on his bed while the maknaes line are helping Himchan at the kitchen. It's been a long time since the last time Daehyun slept on his own bed at the dorm. Youngjae always cleaned his bed and his things when Daehyun was not at their dorm.

'Ah~~Finally, I'm at our dorm.Hospital is boring and crazy~I miss my home~~I can't smell the hospital's odour at our dorm..At last~I don't want to go to the hospital anymore..I want to spend my time with you guys..~' Daehyun said and shook his head.

'Daehyunnie~~Don't be like that~You have to receive your treatment~' Youngjae said.

'I don't care about the treatments..Because surely I will die..I don't want to waste my time at hospital.Let me enjoy my counted days~' Daehyun replied and he avoids to see Youngjae's face.

'Youngjae's right..Daehyun~You have to listen to our advise~' Yongguk spoke.

'I don't care~Please..~Let me stay here~' Daehyun begged to them.

'I don't know~~Dae~~Why you don't want to listen to me??' Youngjae asked with a deep voice.

'Please~~~Youngjae~ah..You're my bestfriend right..You've promised to fullfil my wishes~' Daehyun replied.

Youngjae have to agree with what Daehyun's wants.He remembered his promise to Daehyun.

'Alright~~then..You should eat now and sleeps after that', Youngjae orders.

Daehyun smiles to Youngjae and Yongguk. A few minutes later, Himchan brought a bowl of soft porridge and a glass of water into the room.

'Daehyunnie~~It's time to eat~I've made you a soft porridge~You must eat you know~' Himchan said and approaches to Daehyun's bed.

With the helps of Youngjae and Yongguk, he tries to wake up slowly.

'Here hyung~Let me feed him~' Youngjae offers himself and took the bowl of porridge.

'Here you go~' Himchan said and hand out the bowl.

Youngjae sits on Daehyun's bed and blows the hot porridge. He takes a spoon of porridge and asks Daehyun to open his mouth.

Daehyun opens his mouth and eat the porridge.

'It's taste Yummy..Himchan hyung~' Daehyun spoke while the porridge is still in his mouth.

'Of's yummy Daehyunnie..It's Himchan hyung's recipe~' Himchan said proudly.

Daehyun laughs when he saw his Himchan hyung like that. Himchan will never fail to make Daehyun laughs.

When Youngjae saw Daehyun laughs because of Himchan, he smiles as he was happy to see Daehyun is happy.

After awhile, Daehyun already finishes his food and he drinks the glass of water.

Youngjae helps him to lay on his bed again. He then covers Daehyun's body with a blanket.

'I will be back soon~Dae~I have something to do outside just a second~' Youngjae said.

But Daehyun stops him from going outside.

'Jae~~ah..Don't leave me here alone..Stay with me..I'm afraid to separate from you even just a second~' Daehyun said.

'Alright then..I will not going outside~I will accompany you here~' Youngjae replied and sits on Daehyun's bed.

'Em..Em~Jae..Can I go back to my hometown Busan tomorrow? I want to meet my parents and my hyung~' Daehyun asked.

'You're sick right now..Daehyunnie..How you gonna walk?' Youngjae asked.

'I can walk..Youngjae.I really wanted to meet my parents and my hyung..This is my wish too..' Daehyun replied as he really wanted to meet his parents and hyung.

Youngjae started to think for a second. He wanted Daehyun to feel happy.So, he finally then decided to fullfil that wish.

'Alright~Dae..but for now..You need to sleep and rest.I will make sure for you to go back to your hometown..' Youngjae agreed and pats Daehyun's body.

'Thank you so much~~Jae~~I'm happy right now~But one more thing I wanted to ask..' Daehyun thanked to Youngjae.

'What is it Daehyunnie~~?' Youngjae asked and smiles to Daehyun.

'Em~~Can I sleep with all of you guys for tonight~With you..Yongguk hyung..Himchan hyung..Jongup..and Jello~?' Daehyun asked.

Youngjae smiles to Daehyun and agreed immediately, 'Of course you can Daehyunnie~I'll go ask them now..'

'Thank you again Youngjae~ah..I'm feelling realy really really really happy..' Daehyun thanked again.

'You don't have to say thank you to me~I will do anything to make you happy~' Youngjae spoke and he smiles before going out.

Tonight, all of them sleep together at the living room. Their living room is enough for the six of them to sleep. They sleep at a big mattress that their company prepared.

Daehyun and Youngjae sleep at the centre Yongguk and Zelo at their left side and Himchan and Jongup at their right side. The two hyungs protect their dongsaengs by letting four of them sleep at the centre.


Daehyun can't sleep that night actually. His mind was thinking about his life.He looks at his right side. He saw a sleeping Youngjae slept besides him.Daehyun stares at his face. His eyes blurred with tears. He can't imagine he will not be seeing his bestfriend anymore when he dies. He cries until someone hears him crying and was awaken. It was Youngjae that heard his crying sounds.

Daehyun did not realize that someone was staring at him.

'Daehyunnie~' a soft voice calls him.

He quickly wipes his tears with his hands as he knows that familiar voice and pretends he was not crying.

He turns his face to Youngjae and says,'Yeah~Why are you not sleeping?'

'I heard someone was crying~~It is you right?' Youngjae said with a low voice not to wake up the other members.

'Crying~~What crying?I'm not crying~You've misheard Jae~' Daehyun lied.

'I knew well that voice Dae~You don't have to pretend that it was not you~' Youngjae answered with his right hand as his pillow.

Daehyun silents for a second and just then, a hand is hugging him.

'Don't cry..Daehyunnie..This hug will protect you..Close your eyes..because tomorrow we will have a long journey..' Youngjae whispered his voice softly.

Daehyun feels very calm when his bestfriend embraced him. Feels like a hug that can heals his pain.

'Oh God..Please give me another days~' his heart prays.

Then, both of them are sleeping.




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bluematoki #1
Chapter 34: I cried like a lltt TT TT But im glad you make it a happy ending ^^ love thiss
mellychau #2
Chapter 34: I'm Back!:3 The last four chapters that I read was all so touching. Awwww...I love the last. Such a happy ending. Love you~ <3
marcelfransisca #3
Chapter 31: Such a nice story ever! I love it! Keep updating okaayyyy... ;)
crossing_by #4
Chapter 29: Cry me a river....
Bring back daehyun......
crossing_by #5
Chapter 16: the thing that make me wonder ... no letter for youngjae?
mellychau #6
I'm sorry i can't continue reading iris too depressing until a bice chapter tittle comes up
FN_PuppyRyosuke #7
Chapter 15: bad author nim you just killed my bias from bap.
mellychau #8
Chapter 15: Awww he died what's gonna happen now
FN_PuppyRyosuke #9
Chapter 11: daebak I cried.