Changjo's suprise

i want you

Byunghun's POV:

'I was getting anoyed, Changjo told me to keep my eyes closed and i did but... I've had them closed for 7 minutes already!!! AND I'M BORED!!' finally the door open. Then a arm on my wrist pulling me out the car.

"watch you'r step." Changjo said and i did. Making sure to touch the floor before letting all my weight on it. I heard Changjo chuckle and not caring anymore i opened my eyes. "YAH!!" Changjo yelled at me. I looked around and saw a big building.

"You ruinded the suprise." He pouted and crossed his arms while i just stuck my toungue out at him.

"Hey Jonghyun, where are we?" i asked and he pointed to a sign that read. 'mallard's fishes? funny name.' I thought and chuckled. "So what is this?" 

"A Aquarium!" He said in excitement. My eyes widened 'I've never been to a aquarium!' so yes i was HAPPY ^^

"AGHHHHH!" I suddenely yelled Changjo looked at me in suprise. 

"what's wrong?!" He asked and came to me. I just turned to him with a grin plasterd on my face showing him that i really apriciated it. He relaxed and grabbed my arm pulling me in. I felt a bit bad though since he paid and this place looked a bit exspensive. But he told me it was fine.

Walking in the first thing i ran to was the closest thing that was near me. A big fish with wiskers, I stared at it in oz. O_O I was analizing this fish that i had no idea what it was. I looked down on its information and it read catfish. My eyes widened. "CHANGJO!!" He jumped and turned to me.

"What?!" He asked and i pointed at the fish.

"There saying that this fish is a CATFISH! Can you believe that? They must have got the writing wrong." I said  and narrowed my eyes at the weird creature. Behind me Changjo laughed, I turned to him and gave him a weird look. "Changjo what's wrong? What's so funny?" I asked and he kept laughing, Finally which seemed to be 2 minutes he stoped. 

"That is a catfish. You can find it when fishing." He said and my jaws droped. And i stared at the fish.

"OH MY HOLLY CRAP!! IT'S A CATFISH!!!" I yelled and jumped up and down while staring at the fish. I then noticed that everyone was staring at me so i grabbed Changjo who was looking at a shrimp and wispered in his ear. "Changjo stop staing at the shrimp you making a scene." Changjo looked at me and gave me a disaproving look. 

"Yah! You'r the one causing a scene!" I hushed him and pulled his arm to another direction, avoiding there stares.

We kept walking and all i saw were normal fishes like the tiny ones so i just walked right passed them. I kept walking with Changjo behind me. "Hey changjo are these all the fishes they have?" I asked and waited for his answer but to my  suprise i got no answer. "Changjo?" I turned around but i didn't see him "changjo?" i wispered before crying.


Changjo's Pov: 

I was pushed from a crowd of boys who were playing and as i was looking at them i saw someone familiar... "Ricky?" 'It looked just like him. I can't really say it was him cause he had a sweater on that Ricky doesn't have. But his shoes, Ricky had those shoes and those tight navy blue pants.It HAD to be Ricky.' I walked closer 'What is Ricky doing here anyways? Shouldn't he be tutoring?' Then i saw a familiar guy walk up to him. My eyes widened. 'Isn't that Ricky's tutor?' The boy like Ricky turned to him and hugged him. And yes that was Ricky. 'What was Ricky doing with him?' Questions kept running in my head and i was confused. Suddenely i saw Ricky pull back and say something. My eyes widened and i was brocken Into pieces, My body was just sand. I looked up and him and that guy kissed. I wanted to move from that spot but my body wouldn't listened and stayed in it's spot. I stared at the boys as i saw they pulled away and Ricky smiled at him like he used to smile to me. And both of them walked away holding hands. 'Is this why he is always in a hury to go to tutoring?' I thought and got up before sitting at a bench. 'I should have saw this sooner. He isn't happy with me. I never put attention to him anymore. I always saw him sad but i never bothered to ask and one day he came home happy saying that he was now going to be tutored. And i wondered why he was so happy but never bothered to ask why. Then that same day when it was night time he didn't cling to me like he used to always and i had no idea why. But i never asked and now he is with him. I let him slip threw my hand. That boy i always promise that i would on forever. Let go himself.' I cried hard and ran to the bathroom. 'This is why he has been acting so weird.' I washed my face making sure that i had no red marks and walked out the restroom. Something felt weird though... I looked behind me and looked around me before realizing what was wrong.

"Where is Byunghun?" i asked myself in sudden shock looking around to see if i saw him but i didn't then you could hear the overhead come on.

'We are looking for a lost liitle boy by the name of Choi Jonghun.' i Faced palmed myself. Well at least i know where he is. 'He is wearing a gray shirt with a panda on it. With black pants and gray convers.' People turned and looked at me cause i was wearing exactly what they said. I heard people mumbling stuff like 'Is that him?' GOSH YOU ARE SO DEAD!!'If you see him please report him to the main server. Thank y-' she didn't finish her sentence as some more noises were made. Then after a while it came back on. 'CHANGJO!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!' I heard some sniffaling. 'was he crying?' I thought 'CHANGJO I'M SCARED!! I WANT CHANNIE!! PLEASE COME AND GET ME!! THESE OLD LADYS ARE MEAN!! I WANT TO GO HOME!! CHA-' And with that it finished. 'Maybe i won't yell at him. He's just scared and it is my fault for leaving him. Gosh he is so cute.' I chuckled and got up heading for the main server.


Byunghun's Pov:

I sat there being scolded, The ladys were yelling at me for taking the speaker from me. 'It's not my fault there mean!' I thought till i heard a familiar voice and i got up to see Changjo calling my name. 

"CHANGJO!!!" i yelled and ran to hug him he hugged me back and i cried in his chest. "You !" I yelled and kept crying in his chest. He hugged me tighter and i felt like me and Changjo were brothers always so close.

"I'm sorry." He apologiesed and i didn't stop the tears.

"I thought you left me you !!" I yelled at him and he just caressed my head and apologiesed laying kisses on my forhead, I finally stoped crying and we left the aquarium, and went out to eat. He was really spaced out so i had to say something. "Changjo where did you go anyway?" I asked and i was right he was spaced out cause he snapped back into reality.

"Oh, Um to the bathroom." He said and i just formed and 'oh' face. He nodded and once again it was awkward i don't even know why were here if we already finished eating not to long ago.

"Changjo what's wr-" My phone rang And i looked at it not caring who it was i picked it up.

"Hello?" i said

"Byungie!!!" It was Chunji.

"Channie?" I knew it was him but what else could i do or say.

"Where are you? I thought You would be at Changjo's place but no one was there!" He said sounding worried.

"Oh, umm... Changjo took me out today i'm at a resturaunt." I said and all i could hear was his breathing.

"oh, well umm.. tell me which one i'm gonna go pick you up." He said 'I didn't want to go but i told him eitherway and hung up.

Changjo was still in his world. I sighed. "Changjo, Channie is gonna come pick me up, kay." and he nodded maybe he was just thinking?

"Changjo what you thinking about?" i asked and he shruged his shoulders.


Changjo's Pov:

 I really didn't know what i was thinking about, there was alot of stuff just flowing threw my head. I was sad, hurt, betrayed, and confused. so what would there be to think of.


Byunghun's pov:

After sitting there in silence Chunji finally arrived.

"Byungie!!" He yelled which got everyones attention 'Me and Chunji can really atrack peoples attention' Not caring i got up and ran to him he hugged me and i hugged back. 

"Channie~" I sang and we stood there hugging.

"Lets go home." He said and i widened my eyes and he read me. "Myungsoo left." He said.

"How?" I asked and Chunji just smiled.

"I beat the crap out of him and then threw him with my moms and he is having the worst time ever. But before i left him there i told to not mess with my properties." Chunji said jockinly I smiled and turned around. 

"Pai pai Changjo," I waved my hand and smiled at him but got no responed "Thanks for today." I said but all he did was nod his head, My smiled faded and Chunji must have noticed cause he was staring at me worried i turned to him and smiled. Then we both left.


Changjo's POv:

' I remember those words he told him.' It pained my heart but what was i gonna do? He broke my heart with those three words.

'I love you.'


Aghhh!! Sorry for crappy chapter but i hope you liked and will comment and subscribe plz ^^ I love yall and i will love to see what you guys think xD poor Changjo so what do you think do you think that Ricky is cheating?

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Chapter 26: Ah no ljoe it was l not chunji
Chapter 26: L u jerk!! *although u were 1 of my bias*
Chapter 26: Oh . He did not. Oh god. L IS A DEAD MAN. >:(
Bambi10 #4
Chapter 25: Umm no its chunjis myungsoo just no update soon
Chapter 25: Oh I'm definitely killing him. Myungsoo must die! Jk. :)
Chapter 25: Omg that babybbetter be chunjis not l ill be torn
Chapter 25: ur story is super cute! update soon!
Chapter 25: finally you update! yay! but it's too short...I need more...
why Myungsoo keep saying that the baby is his while Byungie already pregnant when he's I right?
update soon~
Chapter 25: Gosh d nitemare is byungie definitely crying...luckily chunji was always there beside him =)
Chapter 24: Poisoned??? But how? Who dare to poison my gonna kick his