
i want you

Byunghun's pov:

I woke up by the worst thing when sleeping.... a kick in the face...well sorta, I don't know how Chunji ended up on the other side of the bed. I sighed and looked to my right to look at the time and my eyes grew big at the time 6:50!! Dang is my phone alarm not working??!!! I got up and tried waking up Chunji who would only groan in responce. "Chunji, wake up!" i yelled but he groaned again and this time his other side with his back facing me! >:O 'Ohh no he did not!' i thought before thinking of a way to get my revange on him. i then evily smiled before putting my foot on his back and Pushing hard and he fell on the floor. 

"Ahhh! Wth was that for?!" He said as he grabed the back of his head where obviously he hit the floor with, i smiled and pointed towards the clock. he gave me a weird look before just tilting his head to the clock and imeadiatly his eyes widen. and he got up runnig to the closet. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" He yelled as he ran out with his pants off, i Blushed and turned around quickly.

"b...BABO! I did but you didn't want to wake up!!" I yelled mad still blushing, and i passed him and made it to the closet to look for my clothes, since i was in a hurry i just grabed a shirt and threw a cookie monster sweater over it. then randomly picked a  pants. Then closed the door and Changed in the closet, when i was finished i guickly brushed my teeth and washed my face then made my way down stares.

"CATCH!" Chunji yelled at me as he threw me a poptart and it landed on my head causing me to yelp. "Ohhh! Sorry~ i didn't mean to!" he said as he came to me and patted my head i pouted at him and snatched the poptart from his hand mad. He gave me a sorry look and i just sticked my tounge out to him. He got up and ofered me a hand, i took just because i was 'nice'. "Eat the poptart on the way. Come on unless you want to be late and ride the bikes again!!" he grabed my hand and pulled me out. We walked and walked and walked and eventualy i got tired of the poptart so Chunji ate it, it always took half of an hour to make it to school since school starts at 8:00, so that's why we would wake up early. As we walked we bumped into some one that i forgot about ^#^'


Hehe sorry for the cliffhanger and the short chapter but i wanted to update today before i went out so i gotta go ^^

Hey who do you think it is? 

hope you like and plz comment love you~ ^^

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Chapter 26: Ah no ljoe it was l not chunji
Chapter 26: L u jerk!! *although u were 1 of my bias*
Chapter 26: Oh . He did not. Oh god. L IS A DEAD MAN. >:(
Bambi10 #4
Chapter 25: Umm no its chunjis myungsoo just no update soon
Chapter 25: Oh I'm definitely killing him. Myungsoo must die! Jk. :)
Chapter 25: Omg that babybbetter be chunjis not l ill be torn
Chapter 25: ur story is super cute! update soon!
Chapter 25: finally you update! yay! but it's too short...I need more...
why Myungsoo keep saying that the baby is his while Byungie already pregnant when he's I right?
update soon~
Chapter 25: Gosh d nitemare is byungie definitely crying...luckily chunji was always there beside him =)
Chapter 24: Poisoned??? But how? Who dare to poison my gonna kick his