
i want you

Byunghun's Pov:

'I haden't realized that i fell asleep on Changjo's bed, Wait!!! I didn't fall asleep on Changjo's bed!!' I got up and walked out of the room till i met Ricky.

"Wow! Hyung, if you'r looking for Changjo he is in the kitchen." Ricky then smiled at me, before walking away. I walked to the kitchen and saw Changjo probably looking for a snack of something.

"Changjo." He flinched and looked at me shocked, before sighning and placing a hand over his heart.

"Dang! don't do that you scared me." he said smiling and i just Chuckled before walking over to him, and grabing the box of oreos feeling really hungry. Changjo laughed as i walked over to the table.

"I don't want you to stop eating cause it not good for the baby, But i think you should eat healthier food like fruit, or salad, maybe even yogurt." I looked at Changjo and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you trying to say?" i asked jonkinly, And he just laughed before walking over to me.

"Yeah, um... how much months have you been pregnant already?" he asked, i was confused why did he want to know?

"uhh...i'm gonna be on my second month soon, why?" he just stared at me blankly before getting up and taking the oreo box away from me.

"yeah you need to eat healthier food." he said walking away with the box, which got me pissed.

"Yahh!" i muffled with some oreos still in my mouth."That's MINE!!!" I yelled as i ran to him and jumped on his back causing him to fall.

"YAHHH! what the CRAP are you doing???!!" He yelled as i got on him trying to snatch the box away from him. "NOO!" He said as he raised his hand farther from me. I tried reaching and was on the verge of grabbing it. "RICKY!!!!" he yelled as he tried standing up.

"I'm telling you this because you weight to much for you age!!!" He yelled, I made a face to him for the mean comment.

"AGHHH!!!! RICKY!! HELP ME!! I'M DYING!!" I smirked as ricky still didn't come down. I tried reaching for it once again and as i touched it another hand snatched it away from me.

"NUUUUUUU!!!" i yelled knowing i lost, I looked up to see my defeater and saw ricky looking at me mad. But i wasn't gonna lose like that so jumped on ricky causing him to fall down and hit his head, Before i jumped on Ricky i heard Changjo sighn with satifaction. As ricky's head hit the floor he whimpered from the pain and i took the chance to take the box away from him.

I had finally won!! i looked to the back and saw Changjo getting up i got up fast knowing that if he saw me with this box he would take it away. I didn't know what to do so i grabbed it tight and ran to a room.

"CHANGJO!!!! HE'S RUNNING AWAY!!!" Ricky yelled and they both chased me all over the house.


"I DUN WANT IT!!!" I pouted as Ricky and Changjo were sitting across from me with ricky holding an ice patch to his face and Changjo holding one to his Ding a ling with his other hand holding a ice patch to the back of ricky head were i pushed him and he fell straight on it. Leaving me harmless and yet still refusing to eat the apple they gave me.

I pouted and looked to the right of the now messed up house.

"FINE!!!" Ricky yelled and threw the box at me, Which hit my head.

"Owwww!" I said as i picked the box up.

"Did that hurt? look what you put us threw." Changjo said, but i didn't put attention and looked out the window Before getting up suprised.

"WOWW!! It's late i should go home." i said as i put the box down and grabbed the apple.

"Take it with you if you want." Ricky said handing the box of oreos out, i smiled at him.

"sorry, But Chunji would kill me if he saw me with that... so i'll just take the apple. Pai pai." i waved my hand and left to the door before i got out i saw Changjo and ricky mouth droped open and Ricky with his hand still out. I smiled before thinking how weird they are.

I closed the door and walked out and as i mayed my first step i heard the house rummble of noises and screaming and fussing. I didn't know if i should care of not so i just left.


I knocked on the door and looked at the apple i was holding before taking a bite out of it. The door swung open moments later and Chunji gave me a big bear hug.

"BYUNGIE!!" he said and i hugged him back.

"Chanie!!" i replied as the apple fell out my hand."MY APPLE!!" I yelled as i grabbed it and was about to bite it.

"NO DON'T EAT IT!!" he yelled at me before slapping the apple out my hand.

"YAHH! THAT WAS MY APPLE!!" I yelled at him before jumping on him only to be stopped by him squezing my thigh. I laughed so hard and i basicaly thought i was gonna run out of breath. 'This might sounds stupid and all but this is why i don't mess with Chunji.'

"OKAY!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I- I SERENDER!!" I said between laughter.

"Good." he said in victory. I pouted and walked in only to see that same guy again.

"Hi." he said to me but i didn't reply and walked passed him i could feel chunji stare at me but i didn't care as i walked to our shared room and fell asleep.


I updated and i wanted to thank all of you subscribers for subscribing!! ^_^


Black_x_Rabbit- Thanks for comenting and always saying nice stuff i love you muahh ^_^


unknown_anonymous- Thanks for always subscribing i love you muahh



ilovebaekho- I love you and you should continue muahh ^_^

Bambi10-Thanks for incouriging me and talking to me when i wasn't feelin good i love you muahh ^_^


gothprincess666- ^w^


vanez918- thanks for subscribing to all my storys



kgirlz-Hi i love you 2 muahh and thanks for being nice and kind hearted   ^_^



Meyrall - i love you muahh and thanks for being so kind and lovely<3 ^_^


Honeybooboo - thanks 4 being there luv you ^_^














Eroros-thanks for always subscribing ^^





girl- You still look pretty ^_^



Superman_blue_kuta- Hi kuta~ i love you ^_^ Thx for being so kind


That's it pai pai i love yall ^_^







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Chapter 26: Ah no ljoe it was l not chunji
Chapter 26: L u jerk!! *although u were 1 of my bias*
Chapter 26: Oh . He did not. Oh god. L IS A DEAD MAN. >:(
Bambi10 #4
Chapter 25: Umm no its chunjis myungsoo just no update soon
Chapter 25: Oh I'm definitely killing him. Myungsoo must die! Jk. :)
Chapter 25: Omg that babybbetter be chunjis not l ill be torn
Chapter 25: ur story is super cute! update soon!
Chapter 25: finally you update! yay! but it's too short...I need more...
why Myungsoo keep saying that the baby is his while Byungie already pregnant when he's him...am I right?
update soon~
Chapter 25: Gosh d nitemare is horrible...baby byungie definitely crying...luckily chunji was always there beside him =)
Chapter 24: Poisoned??? But how? Who dare to poison my baby..im gonna kick his