
i want you

Byunghun's POV:

I Got up Hungry (as usual -_-) I walked to the kitchen and first thing i did was open the fridge.  I looked around feeling a bit picky about what was inside and what was not, So i just closed the fridge and opened the cabinets. Saw some better stuff but my eyes only laid on one thing.... CHIPS. I grabbed the bag and went to the living room where i just sighed and turned the T.V on to find some thing interesting. I kept fliking threw the channels but no luck for me nothing good -_- so i ended up just watching some cartoons... it was the only thing i could find and i really wanted so lift my spirit up, so it was worth it. I layed the control down to my side and opened the bags of chips, I grabbed a chip and was ready to eat it till Chunji came in the door panting.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" He yelled as he huged me sweating still panting very hard. I didn't answer his question though i was looking at the chip i had droped on the floor. "I was looking for you everywhere at lunch! I asked the others if they had seen you and Ricky said he did in his first class then Tia came in and asked for you then you NEVER CAME BACK!! WHY!!!!!!" He yelled looking like he was gonna cry soon if i didn't give him a good answer. I gulped hard trying to think of an excuse. 

"I... I talked to Tia..." 'Wait! What are you doing Byunghun?! DUN TELL HIM!!' I thought and then continued my sentence. "And after we talked i was heading back to class and threw up, so then i wasn't feeling good at all and came home." I lied hopeing he would believe me.

"Owwww~ Byungie baby you could of told me. Are you feeling better now?" He said with a worried look, i nodded as responce and he huged me. "Next time tell me, you had me worried sick!" i laughed. 

"Okay, Sorry." i apologiesed and he just smiled and pecked my lips, Then sat on the couch with me.

"So what did you and Tia talk about?" He asked looking at me waiting for an answer, and i really didn't know what to say. So i layed my head on his shoulder and sighed not knowing what to do.

"Well....w..we talked about...... me forgeting to..umm.."I was getting nervouse not knowing what to do anymore. "to pay for that field trip thing." I said and put on a fake smile, He looked at me confused and i got more nervouse.

"I thought you already paid for that?" He said tilting his head 'SHIBA!' i had to think of something else fast! I was sweating never really being a good liar and all.

"NO! I didn't" I laughed putting that fake smile still "I left the money in my locker and forgot to give it to her, BUT it's all good  now." I smiled scared and nervouse. He stared at me like i was retarded -_- then just sighed and got up heading to the kitchen. 

"Have you ate?" He asked opening the fridge.

"Actualy, i haven't ate all day i said and he looked at me suprised. 

"why!"He said getting stuff out to cook and i'm pretty sure i saw fish, *Smiles evil*

"Bcuz we came eo school late and then i came home and fell asleep." I said as i gave him a 'duh' face. then i rested my head on the couch as i just looked at him cook. I then spotted the bags of chips on the floor and i silently grabed the bag so he wouldn't hear and took one out quitely then looked up to see if Chunji saw cuz if he did he would take it away from me as i was putting the chip in my mouth i got startled by Chunji's phone vibrateing.I looked up and he opened the phone to see the new text message he got, he then smiled before Texting back and placing the phone down.

"Who was that?" i asked feeling enviouse of the TEXTER. Chunji looked at me and smiled more, Which got my attention and i walked to the kitchen to look at Chunji more.

"Why? You JELLY?" he said mocking me. I pouted and sat down on a chair. 

"SO? What if i am?" I said still pouting -_- He laughed and put the fish in the stove and it started sizzaling.

"Don't worry it was just my brother." He said, Which made me feels so stupid for getting all enviouse for his brother.

"Ohh....." It got awkward and i knew why "SO you never told me you'r brothers name." i said  and he looked at me "Why do you want to know?" I pouted again 'GOSH! Why do you have to be so mean?' He laughed.

"I'm just kidding. His name is Myungsoo."He said smiling as he recived another text message 'Myungsoo, Myungsoo, GOSH! That name sounds SO FAMILIAR!' I thought trying to remember the name. Chunji started laughing at a text, i just ignored him and went back to the living room trying to remember the name. While i was thinking i got hungry grabing the chips eating the still trying to figure out the name. 'Myungsoo...Myungsoo....Myunsoo, why do i think i know you?'


Sorry for the late and short chapter :( Hope you like though and there you go that's Chunji's brother Hope you like and subscribe plz :)

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Chapter 26: Ah no ljoe it was l not chunji
Chapter 26: L u jerk!! *although u were 1 of my bias*
Chapter 26: Oh . He did not. Oh god. L IS A DEAD MAN. >:(
Bambi10 #4
Chapter 25: Umm no its chunjis myungsoo just no update soon
Chapter 25: Oh I'm definitely killing him. Myungsoo must die! Jk. :)
Chapter 25: Omg that babybbetter be chunjis not l ill be torn
Chapter 25: ur story is super cute! update soon!
Chapter 25: finally you update! yay! but it's too short...I need more...
why Myungsoo keep saying that the baby is his while Byungie already pregnant when he's I right?
update soon~
Chapter 25: Gosh d nitemare is byungie definitely crying...luckily chunji was always there beside him =)
Chapter 24: Poisoned??? But how? Who dare to poison my gonna kick his