Just Like You

Looking For My Fiance




I am having fun having a ride with Amber into our house. He is really bubbly just like in our school. I got surprise when Amber told me that he likes Soojung. I didn’t expect that he likes that other me.


“I like her as a friend, not the same like that you think.” he clarified which makes me feel disappointed.


“Oh, I thought you really like her.”I answered trying to sound natural and giggled.


“She likes my friend Kai, I guess.” he said which made me blush.


“W—Who say that to you?” I stuttered a bit.


“I told you, it is just my guess. “he answered and laughs. “I will definitely help her with Kai.”he added.


We spent our time talking until we reach the front of our house.  I take off the helmet and give it back to him. I want to give him my number because I want to hang out with him as a real me but I need to get a new phone first for Soojung’s number because he might ask it to me too.


 I feel excited to go to school the next morning, I want to hear what Amber will say about our meeting last night. When I entered our room, he is not yet there. Our class starts and he still didn’t come. Then, in the middle of our class, he suddenly came; his entrance is the same like yesterday. After he got scolded, he headed to his seat. He whispered a good morning to me with his dorky smile as he passes by to me. I smiled back at him. He falls asleep again in Mr. Bang's class. When it is Ms. Kim’s class already, I wake him up.


“Amber, wake up.” I said to him as I hit him on his shoulder. He quickly got up, still half awake. He turns to look at me and smiled.


“Soojung.”he mumbled.


“You should stay awake; you stupid or you will be sent out to our class again.”I said to him.


“Pinch me.” he said.


“What?” I replied with furrowed brows.


“Pinch me as hard as you can so that the pain will keep me awake.” he said to me.


“Are you sure?”I asked him with a smirk.


When he nodded, I pinch him as hard as I can on his side. He yelps in pain, clenching his hand and pressing his lips together so he couldn’t scream in pain. I hold my laughter inside when I saw his teary eyes and red face.


“Soojung, its very painful.” he complained while rubbing the site where I pinch him.


“You told me to pinch you as hard as I can, so I did.”I answered.


“At least have considerations to me. “he said with an annoyed face. I just laugh at him.


“Miss Jung and Mr. Liu, do you mind sharing to the whole class what you two are talking about?” Ms. Kim called our attention.


The whole class is looking at us. I lowered my head because of embarrassment. I tilt my head to look at Amber, he even yawned. What a shameless guy.


“Ms. Tae, we will just talking about how good teacher you are and I brag to her that we are close and told her how much I love you and you love me too.”Amber said and the whole class laughs.


“Very funny Mr. Liu, next time that I catch you not paying to my discussion again, I will both send you out of my class.”Ms. Kim said.


I apologize to her and Amber did too when I pinch him. Amber really is a funny guy. He doesn’t care what other people might think about him at all. After our morning class, he invited me to have lunch with him. I agreed, I know Kai and the others will join us too. When we reach at the cafeteria, his friends are not yet there.


“Don’t worry, they will come here later.” he said to me and grin.


“I don’t know what you are talking about.” I said to him and chuckled.


“Oh, do you know Krystal in f(x)?”he said.


“Krystal? The beautiful and famous celebrity?” I said to him and mentally laugh at myself.


“Yeah.”he agreed. So he finds me beautiful.


“Why?”I asked him.


“I met her last night. I told her that I will introduce you to her.” he answered and grins.


“W-Why me?”I asked him.


“Because it seems that you are her long lost sister.” he answered and laughs.


“Yah! What is that suppose to mean?!” I yelled at him.


“I search her in the internet. It seems that you have the same last name. And you two really have similarities, your voices are the same, the way you laugh, move and behave.” he stated.


“How did you meet her?” I asked him acting curious.


“She is my cousin’s friend. She is nice, I think you will get along with her too.” he said.


“Do you like her?” I asked him.


“Yeah, I like her like the way I like you.” he answered and grinned.


This idiot doesn’t have any idea that he is talking to the same person and makes me feel disappointed twice. Why do I feel disappointed anyway? Do I want Amber to like me? I am here to find my fiancé, not to make someone like me.

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Chapter 44: I opened the instagram and found out about KaiStal's dating in Hawaii and I keep on searching KryBer's sweet ff here and found this one and finish reading it until the last chapter and OMG my kryber's heart >.< Amber always makes Soojungie happy with 'his' dorkyness hahahaha such an awesome story~~
Tikaa_25 #2
Chapter 44: I loved this story ..good job author
lovesehun #3
Chapter 44: chapter 44 : oh my god.such a great story.....
the ending so funny,so sweet and romantic
i love it
lolli_mayan #5
Chapter 44: Wow.. such a beautiful story indeed! So funny and romantic. Good job Author-shii :)
ShnenMe #6
Chapter 44: Great story author-shii! The ending was really direct hahahaha i wanted more! Anyway thanks for the great read :))
Chapter 44: WHOAAAAA!!!!

I think the stupid one here is Soojung lol

Great story author! Keep writing XD
Junno_Jung #8
Chapter 44: Best fanfic ever!! Please make a sequel, I really love it!! :D
cynthialuvkpop #9
Chapter 44: I'm really curious on what happened to kai.....but the story is great
NheilAnne17 #10
Chapter 44: please make a sequel to this! I really love this story. :)