Grill House

Looking For My Fiance




I didn’t expect that Kai is one of my fans. I feel happy about it. We talk about celebrities the whole lunch time. Some of the names that they mention are my friends. I just listen and laugh with them. They are all fun to be with. I never laugh like this in my entire life. After our class, we went into this grill house. Amber introduced me to Henry, the son of the owner of the store. I noticed that they are close to each other. Then, unexpectedly, Ms. Kim is also there. We all greeted her and she asked us to join her in her table.


“Tae, why are you here alone?” Amber asked her. I got a bit surprise on how he calls her. He is supposed to call her at least Unnie if they are that really close to show some respect.


“Do I need to come with someone every time I will go here?” Ms. Kim answered as she raised her left brow.


“It is just new to me that you go her alone.” Amber answered.


“Just leave me alone, Amber Joseph Liu.” Ms. Kim answered and Amber just smirked at her. She then turns to see me. “Don’t hang often with Amber, Soojung, you might get stupid too like him if you do.” she said and laugh.


“I will, Ms. Kim.” I answered and we both laugh.


“They are the stupid one, not me.” Amber said while pointing at his four friends. “Oh, except Kai because he is top one in our school.” he added.


“Well because I always study hard.” Kai answered and chuckled.


“I am smart too, you know.” Key protested.


“A slacker can never be smart.” Minho said and chuckled.


“I agree with Minho, so Key, don’t lift up yourself.” Taemin followed.


“You are all stupid except Kai.” Miss Kim said and laughs.


“If the student is stupid, it means the teacher that teaching him or her is stupid too.” Amber said with an evil smirked. Ms. Kim smack him on his head and he just laugh.


“ Amber, you should respect Miss Kim.” I scold him.


“Only in school, Soojung.”he answered and chuckled and Miss Kim smacks him again on his head. We all laugh at them.


The meat in this store is very delicious. I never tasted a grilled meat before as good as here. Henry turn on the TV and the show is the drama series where I starred. All their eyes were glued at the TV, all except one who is busy munching his grilled meat.


“Amber, it is Krystal’s show; don’t you want to watch it?” I whispered to him.


“I already watch that online last night. I might get attracted to her if I watch her shows again and again” he answered and continues to eat.


“Stupid.”I said to him and chuckled.


He looked at me and flashes his dorky smile which made me smile too. I continue to eat my grilled meat too just like him. It made me feel happy enough to know that he watched my show.


“Krystal is a great actress, isn’t she?”he said.


“Maybe.” I answered and laugh.


“She definitely is.” he replied and chuckled. “I hope we will meet again.” he added.


“You should have got her number like what the other said to you earlier.” I said to him.


“Nah, if it is our fate to meet again, we will definitely meet again. “he answered.


“You’re right.” I answered and smile at him.

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Chapter 44: I opened the instagram and found out about KaiStal's dating in Hawaii and I keep on searching KryBer's sweet ff here and found this one and finish reading it until the last chapter and OMG my kryber's heart >.< Amber always makes Soojungie happy with 'his' dorkyness hahahaha such an awesome story~~
Tikaa_25 #2
Chapter 44: I loved this story ..good job author
lovesehun #3
Chapter 44: chapter 44 : oh my god.such a great story.....
the ending so funny,so sweet and romantic
i love it
lolli_mayan #5
Chapter 44: Wow.. such a beautiful story indeed! So funny and romantic. Good job Author-shii :)
ShnenMe #6
Chapter 44: Great story author-shii! The ending was really direct hahahaha i wanted more! Anyway thanks for the great read :))
Chapter 44: WHOAAAAA!!!!

I think the stupid one here is Soojung lol

Great story author! Keep writing XD
Junno_Jung #8
Chapter 44: Best fanfic ever!! Please make a sequel, I really love it!! :D
cynthialuvkpop #9
Chapter 44: I'm really curious on what happened to kai.....but the story is great
NheilAnne17 #10
Chapter 44: please make a sequel to this! I really love this story. :)