I See You!

A Fan's Beautiful Dream!


I was hoping for a little old lady with glasses so we can make a run for it since she is too old and therefore can’t see us! But no you have to test me yet again!

In front of me stands BIGBANG!!!! I grabbed honey’s hand and squeezed it! She looks very anxious and I'm well, probably about to pass out again! The boys are getting ready there is a lot going on in the room, the girls one by one start parading in the room...Ji is starring at each one as they walk by without indifference… 

I can see him; we are the last in the group but I can still see him….The first glanced I had at him and I feel like I’m frozen in time!  Standing in front of me is the man I’ve been dreaming of for the last year!  Handsome as no other, My Adonis; his perfect skin and piercing gaze I’m hooked...You’re my drug, my venom and at the same time the antidote to it. Wow! I want you so bad! How can he make me feel this way when he’s all the way across the room? I want to run away but my feet won’t let me…But why would I?  this is what I’ve been waiting for,  my heart is pounding and it feels like  jumping out of my chest and giving his a hug that’s how excited I’m…I wanna run and jump him! But I don’t want to scare him!

How did I get here! His presence is undeniable! You can feel his aura all around US! So potent! He is surrounded by people, there is something about him that makes you wanna be around him! I want to be next to him, I feel left out! He smiles and I automatically have to smile too! It’s so intoxicating! He is speaking Korean also trying to speak English! He sounds so beautiful! His English is not perfect but to me it’s the most beautiful sound I have ever heard! I come back from my day dream to find Honey starring at me horrified, definitely they will know we are not part of the group but what do we do??

He tilt’s his head to the side to look at one of the girls. He comes closer points his finger to a spot on her waist says something in Korean, I cannot hear it that well…it really does not matter because I wouldn’t understand it anyway... Sad I still can’t speak the language of the gifted as I call it… he said something to Taeyang he turns and looks at TOP all three are talking now... the girl looks nervous...she is moving side to side... Ji looks at her and she stops immediately.. He his head to the side and she continues to walk away...next…next… Oh! ! I have no where to hide any more! The stack of girl are becoming smaller and smaller and then. The last girl start to walk and I’m left there standing and my heart does a deep dive into the pits of my stomach... I’m squeezing honey’s hand I’m probably sure she has no circulation in her hand at this moment… as we stare straight ahead at the group of boys, the other girls hide behind us. This is it! What we have been waiting for what  seemed like eternity is now here!

Ji looks our way! And I catch my breath! His eyes pierce right through me...he can see me. And I can see him. I see you…

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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 19: That little shrimp!! Update soon author nim ^^
lovis89 #2
Chapter 19: who the heck is the shrimp????
auroradreams #3
Chapter 18: This one is a little long but I didn't have the hear to cut it into two chapters I feel the story is beginning to be to long..i want to explain everything but at the same time I don't want it to drag so I;m going to speed it up a bit ;)
auroradreams #4
Chapter 17: So I just wanted to say this is how I see G-Dragon, everyone has a different image of him but this is how I see him..I just wanted to clarify that before you question the way I portray him ..I have not read any other stories here because I feel it would influence how I write..so yeah! now it gets really interesting thanks for reading!
Chapter 16: c: keep writing this story is getting better!!
auroradreams #6
Chapter 4: Not sure if this is Rated M but there is some language and I don't want it to get removed LOL!! thanks for reading!!
theatreballadstorm #7
Chapter 2: Keep it up ,its really good.