
A Fan's Beautiful Dream!

I swung my eyes open, again I had my beautiful nightmare, and I’m still unable to catch him.! Just wait for me today is C-Day!!! I hoped out of bed, my mom already waiting for me with breakfast! ahh! So this is why I love living with the old lady! hahahaha! Food on command! I gotta get ready real quick! Looking at the clock It is 6am..Kinda early but I wanna get there early. After talking to my girls the B-Crew! I found out that we will meet at the parking lot for our performance! Oh Jesus I'm horrified but I still have my trump card! This is my ticket! I took the envelope out of my luggage, kissed it! And placed it in my backpack that I will be taking to the concert!

I found out we are not allowed to take pictures! But come on if you were me would you listen?? I put my camera in the bag! Awesome! I also packed some make up since the girls want to wear some. I also found out we have a Fan boy!!! I can’t wait to meet him his name is Chris and he is half! This will be the best day ever I can't wait...

On my way to L.A.. We had no problems except that in the car instead of having my home girls to hang out with I had a bunch of...Well...my parents came. What was I thinking? They are talking about the traffic! Geez! Dad! I think if you just hurry up there wouldn't be any traffic! Half of it is because of you!! I so wanted to say this! But of course I love my daddy so I didn't! But if it was the old lady, it would have been another story!! I took time to check my emails and to text Marry. I didn't want to call Romeo after last night’s weird call! ohh! Well! That’s water under the bridge! The closer we got the more butterflies I had...How about if this does not go as planned? What are we thinking I mean why would the boys even notice us! We are ones in thousands of VIP's that will be there....

Finding the way around was easy for dad, thank god I brought him now I'm happy.. I met the B-Crew..OMG! Where we unique! hahahaha!! One of a kind indeed! I think a satellite dish can see us from space and if that's possible so can BIGBANG!! My heart now pounding! The girls and one boy are awesome! We are all wearing unique jackets mine of course had GD written on the back and it’s a very bright pink with lots of jewels that my dad had sown onto it. Wearing black skinny jeans, white T-shirt, my signature shoes and of course my Badboy cap! I had left my hair down since I figured it went well with my GD look!  "Hey, Mika" one of the girl greeted me she was wearing the same outfit except her Jacket said Taeyang on the back! So I figured since this is Taeyang and I'm GD we have to be besties! muahahaha!! "yo, Sister in-Law" I know I sound gangsta right! Or probably stupid! I was trying to get my cocky Ji confidence level but in reality I was dying of nerves! "Hey, that's pretty funny! How are you! Let me introduce you to the rest of the gang", I already knew her we called her Honey cause she had really light skin..like..you guessed it! Honey! "So we have Chris" Omo! Chris is handsome dressed like T.O.P. he could probably act as a double on a good day! "This is Lidya and Rosie" Lydia was Seungri and Rosie was Dae..can this get any more awesome! And with that I answered my own question Honey was ready for the show...But it's so early my dad made sure to drop me off early and head to god knows where with the old lady...

It’s now 2pm so we decided to take our pictures, get our buttons, buy our goodies and get ready for the sound check!!! OMG!! The sound check! I'm going to die! What am I going to do!!! The buttons came out great! My picture was not that bad I love my button! I was looking at my button when Tonya got me out of my daze. "Mika! Mika! She’s coming!! 5feet in front of me the chance of a life time! There stood a small tiny girl my size and asked, "do you have any presents for BIGBANG we are collecting them... if you have anything for the boys please deposit them in the box!", My chance ,,my chance..Ohh! My heavens don't fail me know. Taking the envelope out of my back pack and giving it a kiss, this is it. I placed the envelope in the box. Do your best envelope! Fighting! She gave me a wide grin..OK that must be good.."I like your outfit!"  She said, "thank you”. And with that she was off! I went to buy a hoodie but when I got there is sold out so I settle for a shirt! After that we were set to go into the sound check and then my heart started racing....

Finally reality hit, I’m here, he is in there my prince, my Ji...I can feel him? Does that sound weird? I can feel you! We made line! "Sister In-law are you nervous?"Nope not at all".."why.not?"..I was dying! "You know Mika, we have to make best with what we have, who would of thought we would make it this far! Huh! Get ready! They will be in front of us for the next 30 min. and later our performance and then...” she trailed off with a sad llok on her face... "I know and then it's over right? So let’s enjoy it!” I placed my hands around her waist. “You’re right! I gotta stop”. And with that the door open to the venue...wow this is amazing to see the whole arena, is this what he see’s? Does he get this feeling every time the curtains open? We where lead to the bottom floor. There weren’t that many of us here..muahaha! Now definitely you cannot miss me my Ji... I will stand here in front of you! I will make you notice me. I hope you got my letter, Oh! Geez my heart is pounding and with that the light dimmed and the crowed went nuts........







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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 19: That little shrimp!! Update soon author nim ^^
lovis89 #2
Chapter 19: who the heck is the shrimp????
auroradreams #3
Chapter 18: This one is a little long but I didn't have the hear to cut it into two chapters I feel the story is beginning to be to long..i want to explain everything but at the same time I don't want it to drag so I;m going to speed it up a bit ;)
auroradreams #4
Chapter 17: So I just wanted to say this is how I see G-Dragon, everyone has a different image of him but this is how I see him..I just wanted to clarify that before you question the way I portray him ..I have not read any other stories here because I feel it would influence how I write..so yeah! now it gets really interesting thanks for reading!
Chapter 16: c: keep writing this story is getting better!!
auroradreams #6
Chapter 4: Not sure if this is Rated M but there is some language and I don't want it to get removed LOL!! thanks for reading!!
theatreballadstorm #7
Chapter 2: Keep it up ,its really good.