
A Fan's Beautiful Dream!

I landed at the Airport without hassles..I hate flying but in this case I would go anywhere for my boys!! Specially Ji if he said jump I say how high without hesitation.. off to my parents house they live in Las Vegas and I would stay with them this whole week..I'm not to excited about it because they don't approve of my "extra curricular activities" as they call it.. come on Being a fangirl is awesome!! they're to old to understand they want me to settle down  and with who? of course Romeo..but I'm over him...I only love Ji now! but according to my mother "let's be real Mika ..he is not real he is some rich wanna be gangster kid and on top of that he is Asian and lives across the world... you never have any chance in the world to even breath the same dumb girl",..hehehehe... i can't wait to see her face and tell her ..there we are breathing the same what.. ohh and about me having a chance at him here it is..the chance of a life time waiting for me wait for it mother I will make you regret those words...


Everything went without a hassle my mom as always loves me the first hours them start the lecture about you're old enough Mika,,you need to get married Mika, why don't you have a boyfriend Mika? how come you don't come home to often? blah..blah..blah.. Man know I know why I moved father is in the other room with his sowing machine..he likes to sow he made me a nice jacket to wear to the concert it's the awesomest thing I have ever seen, one of a kind in deed in this I definitely would be noticed.. It matches my DC sneakers of course I made sure to buy them the color of the tour and the color the boys wear a lot lately which is pink,blue,white and purple of course they're really bright colors..."thanks dad I'm going to stand out so much thank you...thank you" he just nod's my mom gave him that evil eye..but he loves me more then her...hahahaha..wait for it old lady I'm going to be awesome tomorrow.. I'm not a good singer, I'm not that great looking I'm average you can say.. but boy I can get down I can dance with the best of them.. I joined this group of dancers called the B-crew the B for BIGBANG of course... we are going to perform in the parking lot and we have been practicing..well I hope so cause we met through face book and we are suppose to be practicing of course we will do fantastic baby and Bad boy!! I can't wait..

Later on in the evening I got a weird call but I ignored it... Romeo who never..ever calls me decided that he will call and "check-on me," I know I told you I loved him a while back but when i coonfessed to him ....according to him he did not want to ruin the relationship and just stay as friends well...stupid what do you think that's going to do to me..yeahh get turned down by the man of your so called dreams.. and yeahh you stll will be fine and remain as friends ..yeahh right you know what that does to your self esteem? I was a mess for about a month according to Mary I was horrifying to be around and that was putting it nicely ..well that's when I accidently found out about BIGBANG and fell immediately in love with Ji.......

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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 19: That little shrimp!! Update soon author nim ^^
lovis89 #2
Chapter 19: who the heck is the shrimp????
auroradreams #3
Chapter 18: This one is a little long but I didn't have the hear to cut it into two chapters I feel the story is beginning to be to long..i want to explain everything but at the same time I don't want it to drag so I;m going to speed it up a bit ;)
auroradreams #4
Chapter 17: So I just wanted to say this is how I see G-Dragon, everyone has a different image of him but this is how I see him..I just wanted to clarify that before you question the way I portray him ..I have not read any other stories here because I feel it would influence how I yeah! now it gets really interesting thanks for reading!
Chapter 16: c: keep writing this story is getting better!!
auroradreams #6
Chapter 4: Not sure if this is Rated M but there is some language and I don't want it to get removed LOL!! thanks for reading!!
theatreballadstorm #7
Chapter 2: Keep it up ,its really good.