The Club

A Fan's Beautiful Dream!


It’s funny now that I think about it, this is like a fantasy, chasing the prince because I want a kiss! What am I a frog? We took Honey’s car a very nice black SUV with tinted windows! She loved her car she name it Bae! Really? I would have never known… ha! Yeah right! I kinda frowned at the fact because I realize I had named my dog Jolie and my cat Gaho and if you knew who my bias was you can rob me blind because all my accounts had his name as passwords! Am I crazy Geez! We must be!

As we get further from the Arena reality starts to hit and my fantasy world no longer exists I was happy for those hours but now I feel empty like a big giant black hole is in my heart and eating away all my hopes and dreams! Sure they were more like fantasy but I loved living there... I feel as though I keep falling from my cloud closer to earth now I can feel the giant thump coming and it’s not going to be pretty, my guess is that the hit will hurt like hell! I can fell it! But tonight I need to get wasted..Drink a little, flirt a little and see where that gets me…

We got to the club around 11:30pm the club was packed with people and by the looks of them all from the concert, they are wearing their Cosplay! They are so cute! Actually there was one GD who looked almost like Ji he was so beautiful it almost made me teary! All the work that goes into us trying to be like them all in admiration of our Adonis’s, do they ever even notice???

Of course I had to fix my makeup and Honey helped me a tad bit…I’m no expert at this not even by a long shot. She is the best! She looked so beautiful and actually now that she is done. Inspecting my self in the mirror I don’t look half bad… now off to the party. Waiting in line I meet a group of BIGBANG Cosplay guys!It was the group from earlier with the handsome GD he looked awesome and by the looks of it he liked the idea of me having my GD jacket!

He takes his persona on well he’s tall pale looking small but not scrawny he looks just right for the body type like my Ji and he of course had the pink hair. He's a very gorgeous Asian men…so cute! “so what’s your name”? “My name is Mika and yours?” “ Ji Yong  but you can call me GD or Joon”, he smirked.. Oh! So this is were this is headed I forget how these boys get into the whole Cosplay thing and go into character, OK I like this… maybe just for tonight I get to have my wish and have my Ji as I have always dreamed…

“oh..OK GD you look awesome I like your outfit where are you from?” “Me I’m from Vegas, around the corner you might say I have family there I’m actually heading out tomorrow after we eat breakfast would that be ok with you?”...What! Did he just assume we will have breakfast together! What is he trying to say. Please boy I’m not even drunk yet do I look that boy crazy! Maybe I’m GD crazy but not boy crazy! Maybe he reads minds??? At that moment I was brought back from my wild dreams… Honey tugged my hand walking us in the club the bouncer standing in front of us “ladies” sticks out his hand ..ohh ID’s got you “ here you go”, “MIKA”’ he said enunciating each syllable in my name I was kinda shocked and scared that this chocolate thunder  knows how to say my name! He gave me a smile and I took that as a go! Green light! You’re good!

The club is amazing music blasting you can barely hear yourself think... which is awesome.. I need that right now! As much as I I’ve encountered earlier in the day with Ji, it has left a sour taste in my mouth and an empty black hole that has been eating my insides slowly but surely….”ladies”, I turn around .. Cosplay GD AKA Joon is standing in front of us! “Geez! You starlet me!” he let out a laugh that I could hear over the speakers very loud and intoxicating! “Ladies I have some news, first, ladies drink free tonight on my account … Second Taeyang”. He winks at his friend... “has offered free breakfast to any takers, of course we cannot accommodate Chris but he can come along as well if he needs a place to crash”, he got closer to me as he said this and gave me a wink,, I don’t know what to think this is kinda moving fast and I haven’t had my patron shot yet! “Also ladies I have found out from my sources” and he points up to the VIP booths... “ that in those booths are the realz of the realz if you know what I’m saying”, what! the realz of the realz OK buddy boy maybe you need to  stay quiet your very cute but when you speak and try to be like my Ji you  sound a little off!!So they are there in that room parting like rock stars! Amazing to be so close to them and not be able to touch them! This is frustrating!


And the first round of shots come provided by Joon we started drinking and within minutes my body started feeling warm and tingly! I love this felling a little buzz but now quite drunk I’m able to hold my liquor well depending on the brand and who I’m with... ehh!! Get my drift!! I have been a good girl for over a year and I have sworn not to be bad but tonight I will be wild and free and be a rolling stone! according to  JI this is what he wants us to do so I will take his word for it and do as he request…
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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 19: That little shrimp!! Update soon author nim ^^
lovis89 #2
Chapter 19: who the heck is the shrimp????
auroradreams #3
Chapter 18: This one is a little long but I didn't have the hear to cut it into two chapters I feel the story is beginning to be to long..i want to explain everything but at the same time I don't want it to drag so I;m going to speed it up a bit ;)
auroradreams #4
Chapter 17: So I just wanted to say this is how I see G-Dragon, everyone has a different image of him but this is how I see him..I just wanted to clarify that before you question the way I portray him ..I have not read any other stories here because I feel it would influence how I yeah! now it gets really interesting thanks for reading!
Chapter 16: c: keep writing this story is getting better!!
auroradreams #6
Chapter 4: Not sure if this is Rated M but there is some language and I don't want it to get removed LOL!! thanks for reading!!
theatreballadstorm #7
Chapter 2: Keep it up ,its really good.