The Concert

A Fan's Beautiful Dream!


Walking down the hall still feeling pitiful...Geez how long will this last.. Oh! ! I bumped straight into…. what is that a wall! No!  that’s not a wall! In front of me stands a man about 6 ½ foot tall geez he’s huge! I recognize him right away next to him is the other gigantic guy the guys from the performance the ones that look like they don’t belong! “Pardon me! You guys don’t belong back here! Are you from the VIP section”, “yes, but we went to the bathroom and got lost”. I’m beginning to be a pro at lying geez! I’m better then I thought... “No problem just get out of here keep walking down the hall, out those double doors will bring you to the main corridor hallway and just follow the arrows down the VIP area enjoy the shows ladies and gentlemen”, they were looking at Chris they gave him the stink eye. He looked so much like TOP they probably thought TOP was running away..hahahaha!! Who are these duffs anyway!! They remind me of something??  Oh well!

 We stated walking down the hall out the double doors and we were out in the corridor which was full of VIP’s in their outfits. Crayons walking around GD impersonators... hey! I could just take one of these home they look pretty hot... but I had promised I couldn’t’. But right now I was so hot and bothered and to be honest the thing with my JI would never work out unfortunately! I think my free falling from my cloud is making me think crazy thoughts... I immediately erased that from my head and kept walking… again going into the giant arena... This time it was full of VIP’s all over, the curtain were up again and the lights dimming out I can feel my heart thumping again. Is it because of the crowd or the thought that he will be out again and this will be the last time I see him... Is it the Claustrophobia kicking in again? Not sure but then again like magic...I’m still alive starts playing the curtain goes down the crowd goes wild and my Adonis is walking towards me in the walk way. I see you my beautiful angel! Do you see me???

The crowd is going nuts and the boys are rocking the stage. I’m yelling at the top of my lungs! Full on fangirl mode again...Me and honey share a look she is so pretty and I’m glad her dream came true with Taeyang he is so cool and she deserved that hand shake and that awesome hug. While I got a stare and a cold shoulder and a beautiful back! Of course so is my life… all the songs the boys have performed beautifully. Flawlessly and just like that it was over!!!! It’s over!! They sang their goodbye song and as the lights dimmed. With his back turned Ji raised his hand held his index finger in the air the crowd went wild and the spotlight turned off!!! This was the best part! I was once again crying this is it! The final hour! You’re awesome my beautiful Adonis thank you for giving me the chance to see you... I can’t believe it I didn’t even take pictures of the show I was so engulfed in the concert!!!

Outside of the arena everyone is getting ready to leave… I found out from Honey that she is from Las Vegas as well they have a room in a hotel and are staying the night since it’s already late. She found out from a radio DJ that there is an after party and that BIGBANG is suppose to be there!  I want to go but I don’t know where my dad is with the old lady.. “dad it’s Mika, where are you?” Ohh! Mika Honey thank god you called it’s getting late! Your mom wants to stay at your aunties tonight and head out tomorrow I’ll come pick you up” ASA!!! Perfect! “No dad that’s OK me and the girls are actually going to hang out and if it’s ok I’m spending the night and heading out to Vegas tomorrow with them?” ..silence..oh..oh. I don’t like the silence..he hates it that I live far from him and he hates that I stay by myself it’s that overprotecting  cause you look like an innocent bid I have going on..Not intentionally of course! But it’s there to use when needed... he always has a guilty conscious!! “OK! Fine Mika! Please take care of yourself don’t stay out to late make sure you call me as soon as you wake up understand!”… “Yes daddy, don’t worry we will be fine, good night”.

As I hug up the phone I gave honey a high five! Right on, the night is young and so are we! Let’s get loose I always play hard now it’s time to party hard! I was convinced this was the night I will let it all loose I will be a different person tonight! I will be crazy irresponsible and who knows maybe I might break my celibate rule! Anyways Ji will never know I doubt he even cares he probably doesn’t’ know I wrote that letter years ago and that I have been faithful to him but not tonight, he is gone and will never be in my life I have to move on and  find someone to satisfy this fire that is burning my insides!!!

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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 19: That little shrimp!! Update soon author nim ^^
lovis89 #2
Chapter 19: who the heck is the shrimp????
auroradreams #3
Chapter 18: This one is a little long but I didn't have the hear to cut it into two chapters I feel the story is beginning to be to long..i want to explain everything but at the same time I don't want it to drag so I;m going to speed it up a bit ;)
auroradreams #4
Chapter 17: So I just wanted to say this is how I see G-Dragon, everyone has a different image of him but this is how I see him..I just wanted to clarify that before you question the way I portray him ..I have not read any other stories here because I feel it would influence how I yeah! now it gets really interesting thanks for reading!
Chapter 16: c: keep writing this story is getting better!!
auroradreams #6
Chapter 4: Not sure if this is Rated M but there is some language and I don't want it to get removed LOL!! thanks for reading!!
theatreballadstorm #7
Chapter 2: Keep it up ,its really good.