Chapter 7

Welcome to My World

A/N: thank you toooo Nana1194 for the upvote<3




"RINI!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!!!" Chanyeol screamed as he watched his precious new lady friend fell off the goose. 

Before even falling to a splash, Luhan quickly caught her. Rini eyes widen as she noticed Luhan was carrying her bridal style. "You need to be more careful." He said, sofly. *This girl...I feel like I met her before.* Rini slowly nodded and could not help but blush, "Th-thanks for saving me." 

Luhan shrugged and gave Rini his famous smile that was rarely seen.



"AHEM!" A jealous Chanyeol cleared his throat to stop this lovely moment. "Can I have her back now?"

Luhan and Rini snapped out of their "moment" and he put her back into her goose. "Gwanchena, Rini?" happy virus asked worriedly. Rini smiled reassuringly, "Of course. Thanks to Luhan." 

"How do you know my name?" Luhan questioned. 

Rini mentally slapped herself. *Danggit!* "Ummm...well you looked like a Luhan to me." 

Luhan nodded his head unsure. He glanced at Chanyeol, but it tuned into a stare. Chanyeol stared back. *Why does it feel like I know him too?* they both thought. Rini nervously looked at them as they stare at each other. She clutched onto the necklace as it vibrantly glowed through her yellow dress. 

"So um, we should get back to shore. Our time is almost up." Rini broke the silence between the two brothers. 

"Oh yeah, sure." they muttered in unison. The three peddled their goose back to the docks. As the three exited the boats Rini suggested to get some bubble tea. 

"Come on guys this is my favorite spot to get bubble tea!" Rini smiled as she tried to break the awkwardness again. The two aliens were not talking at all. They stepped in line at the and waited silently and patiently *Aigoo this is getting awkward now* Rini nervously glanced at them."Sooo what kind of flavor are you two going to get?" 

Luhan was the first to snap out of it, "I really like taro." He smiled at Rini.

"What flavor do you like Chanyeol?" 

"Milk!" Chanyeol beamed brightly. He snapped out of his inner thoughts right after Luhan voice came into his head. "What's your favorite, Riri?" 

"Mango.." She quietly replied. Her thoughts began to occupy her as she remembered how the boys would always call her by the nickname they gave her. *Aigoo~ Why is this harder than I thought? I've been searching for them for almost two years and now I found two of them. But how do I make them gain their memories and powers back?!*

The line went quick and they waited for the boy in front of them to order. 

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" the cashier asked.

"Can I have one chocolate bubble tea?" he asked. 

The cashier nodded and went to fulfill his order. The boy turned around and glanced at the people who were behind him. 

"Sehun..." Rini muttered. She couldn't help but walk up to him. Sehun just stared weirdly at her. *What is this pretty ajumma doing??*

"It really you.." 

"Umm, what?" Sehun was confused. He had never seen her before, or so he thought. 

"Riri you know this guy too?" Chanyeol asked, a bit jealous. 

"Ummm, kinda." Rini was unsure how to reply. 

Sehun titled his head to the side, "Have we met before, because I don't remember."

Suddenly a huge wave of a sharp pain struck their heads. "AHH.." The three boys held their head as blurry memories flashed in their mind. 

"Aish not again..." they muttered. 

"What's wrong?" Rini asked worriedly. The three looked up at her, but a more painful, pain struck their head. Sehun could not keep his balance and knelt down to the floor. Rini bend down to him and placed her hand on his head. 

Without her knowing, Sehun began to see the blurry memories more vivid and clear. A long brown hair girl appeared and smiled at him happily. "Sehun oppa!!" the girl said happily. 

Sehun opened his eyes and saw Rini staring right at him with a worried expression. Sehun smiled and pulled her into a hug. "NINI!!!!!!" 

*He said he remembers?!*

Sehun pulled back and frowned. "Nini why are you staring at me like that?" Rini shook out of the thoughts and hugged him tightly. "OMO SEHUN YOU REMEMBER ME?!?!?!" He chuckled.

"Of course I do Nini! Why would I ever forget you? You just woke me up from a long sleep." He peered behind him and saw his elder brothers still clutching onto their heads. He frowned once more and pulled Rini up. He grabbed her both of her hands and placed it on their aching forehead. 

Luhan and Chanyeol furrowed eyebrows went more relaxed as they saw the memories or Rini and EXO flooded their heads. Their eyes opens and saw their savior and little brother staring at them, with pondering thoughts if it worked or not. 

"Oppas, do you remember us?" 

Luhan placed his hand on Rini's head and ruffled her hair. He nodded and did his famous smile. "Of course." She turned to Chanyeol, which he was already smiling. 

"Riri how could I ever forget my favorite girl?" the same old Chanyeol smirked back. 

"Oh yeah he remembers you." Luhan sighed. 

Chanyeol pulled Rini into a bear hug. "Aigoo I miss you Riri!!!"

"I miss you too." She smiled against his chest. 

"So can we move this reunion somewhere else? All these humans are staring.." Luhan muttered. 

"Oh yeah we should. Come on! I'll bring you back to my place." Rini nodded and led the guys to her apartment. 

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xRawrRiot #1
Chapter 17: OMG JAEJOONG?!?! Wae you take Kai?! LOL
Anyways~ MAKE HE FALL FOR LAY! OOOORRR Baekhyun~~~ kekeke
Back to spazzing...
WHY IS JAEJOONG BAD?! I understand it's because of his family and all but REVENGE IS NOT THE ANSWER! ㅠㅠ
Dirty before too much of the CAPS XD hahaha
But yay to the update~~~~ <3
xRawrRiot #2
Chapter 16: asdfghjkl; OMG Atticus, stop appearing out of nowhere!
You're scaring me! TT~TT
Though, It is good to see you alive and updating, Ate~ kekek~
What's you're favorite song off the album? :o
P.S. Loved the update!
LOL at Luhan saying Rini was his girlfriend xDDD
xRawrRiot #3
Chapter 15: Lol hahha mini update xD
But it's good to see you're alive hahahahh x3
Oh! Oh! I'm close to finishing school this year! :D
Chapter 14: OT13!!! I want them all!!! But if you really want us to choose. I want KRISSY!!
Chapter 14: uhmm author-nim thats a question i can never answer even if i die and go to heaven or even if i get resurrected
Smileyblu #6
Chapter 14: Marry all of them !.... Update soon !....
xRawrRiot #7
Chapter 14: Asdfghjkl Rini and Luhan!! :D
Haha <3 :)
Chapter 13: okkk uhmmmm who should i ship rini with?
Chapter 12: WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SEHUNNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xRawrRiot #10
Chapter 12: Hridbsuabzusi WHAT'S WRONG WITH SEHUN?!
Does he need bubble tea?! Or is he missing Luhan?! Lol jk jk
But lol Xiumin! Ladies man xD