Chapter 18

Welcome to My World

The weekend has arrived and luckily everyone was off from work in the alien residence. D.O. was up and early making breakfast as usual, but with the help of Lay. Which is clearly a bad idea, but Lay promise he won’t devour the food until everyone get their fair share.

Chen and Luhan was the next to wake up. Chen excitedly went downstairs to figure out what that delicious smell was coming from with Luhan lazily behind him. Clearly, he did not wake up on the right side of the bed today.

“Whatcha cooking?” Chen eagerly asked as he peered over D.O.’s shoulder.

As much as D.O. hates when humans and especially certain aliens do that, he let it slide. “I’m cooking Rini’s favorite, pancakes.”

Chen closely examined this new interesting food. Lay could tell D.O. was getting irritated and pulled Chen away before he blows up. Luhan leaned on the counter and let the smell of food wake him up.

“How’s Nini doing anyway? She hasn’t said much when I come home from work.” Luhan pondered aloud. He turned his attention to Lay. He is the only one who knows how she is doing; well because he is with her 24/7.

Lay shrugged, “Okay.”

Luhan nodded. That’s the most he’s going to get out of his younger brother. Xiu Min came into the kitchen with his eyes still closed.

D.O. was the first noticed the baozi, “What’s wrong with you?”

“I’m sleepy and sore. Kids at the ice rink are crazy and rude.” Xiu Min muttered, “I’m also starving.”

“Well breakfast is almost ready. Can someone go wake up the rest from their slumber?” asked the mother of the boys.

“I’ll do it.” Chen offered and went back upstairs.

He stopped by Sehun’s room and kicked him to wake up. “YAH!!!” Sehun screamed as a snickering Chen went to the next room to wake up Chanyeol. He opened the door and revealed a bushy sleeping tree. Chen smacked Chanyeol with a pillow which eventually he woke up. The male alien stopped in front of Kris’s door. He was hesitant to wake him up, but he shrugged and went ahead and woke him up. Kris gave Chen the death glare and Chen quickly made his way out.

Last one to wake up is Rini.

Now Rini was not to wake her up, but she has been bipolar for three days straight. No, it’s not her period if you were wondering about that.

Chen knocked on her door softly. No response. He opened the door slowly and quietly as possible. He poked his head through crack he made with the door and saw her sleeping figure still under the covers. Chen smiled, *Aigoo Nini is so cute when she’s asleep!*

As he was about to open the door wider he noticed a figure in the corner of her room. The male’s guard went up as he got in position to fight. He swiftly went over to the figure. The figure was in black clothing with a hood covering half of his face. Just as about he was going to punch its face Rini woke up.

“Oppa?” she asked. Rini sat up in her bed as she rubbed her eyes to adjust to the morning light.

“Nini! Who is this?!” Chen exclaimed in a whisper. He moved out of the way to reveal the sleeping figure.

Rini smiled, “Tao Oppa.”

“WHAT?! TAO?!”

The all in black figure grunted from Chen’s outburst and woke up immediately. Chen jumped back as he watched Tao sat up straight and stretched.

“Uwaah...” he yawned and looked up at Chen, “Hey.”

“T-t-tao?! How did you get in here?!”

“Nini let me in through the balcony last night.” Tao answered casually.



“WHAT?!?!?!?!” every alien in the house exclaimed except for Rini and Tao. They stared at Rini, demanding for an answer.

“I was getting some air last night and I noticed a person lying on the ground across the street. So I went down to check on him and found out it was Tao. I helped him regain his memory and he slept in my room since we didn’t want to make much noise when we came back in.” Rini replied with a smile on her face.

The aliens just stared at her, *She almost let a stranger in the house..*

Kris cleared his throat, “Well I’m glad you found Tao even though it could have gotten you killed if it wasn’t him. Tao, I’m glad you’re back to normal.”

“Gege I miss you!!!!!” Tao exclaimed as he bear hugged his elder brother.

“Umm, yes I missed you too. Now please get off me. You smell.” Kris scrunched his nose in disgust.

Tao chuckled and let his brother go. Rini was delighted she found another of the EXO boys, but she still wondered about the mysterious boy in her dreams. Lay could still feel something else wrong with her, but didn’t say anything…as usual.

“So what are the plans for today since we we’re all off from work?” Xiu Min asked with his mouth filled with hash browns.

“Well I was thinking about going to Lotte World. The company gave me free passes since I’m always working and been doing a job at it...” Kris rambled on and on about his job.

“Yeah, yeah we get it.” Luhan rolled his eyes.

“Lotte World?” Tao questioned confusingly.

“It’s an amusement park filled with rides and games to win prizes.” Xiu Min informed the confused alien.

 “Well I like that idea, we should go! It has been awhile since we had any fun.” Rini smiled.

“Yes! Okay children go take showers and get ready!” D.O. commanded.

Sehun, Chanyeol, Xiu Min, and Tao were the first to zoom upstairs to the bathrooms. Rini giggled and sat next to Kris and Luhan.

“Oppa you sure you have enough tickets for everyone?”

“Of course, my work loves me.” Kris winked. Rini chuckled.

“Nini we’re gonna have lots of fun today.” Luhan smiled.




Lotte World: an adventurous theme park filled with rides for every age. The ten aliens stood before the entrance of the magnificent place. Surely they have never experience an amusement park before, but they are excited to figure out what the heck it is!

Kris gave all ten tickets to the worker and he gladly let them in. They went through a bag inspection then they were finally in. The aliens stared in awed.

“Where do we go first?!” Xiu Min asked excitedly.

“I wanna ride all the rides!!!!” Chanyeol exclaimed.

“Let’s ride that ride!” Sehun pointed over to the merry go round.

“No that’s looks childish. Let’s ride that one!”  D.O. pointed over to the rollercoaster with a huge drop.

“Okay, okay, kids, let’s ask Rini what she wants to ride first.” Kris sighed and turned to her, “Please chose one.”

Rini blinked a couple of times and looked around. There were so many choices and she didn’t know what to choose. She closed her eyes and randomly pointed to a ride. Chen followed her hand and smirked towards D.O, “You’re in luck D.O, it’s your ride.”

“Yes!! Let’s go!!!” D.O. happily grinned in victory.

Rini opened her eyes and felt a hand interlocked with hers. She looked up and saw Luhan smiling at her. “You okay?”

“Yeah! I’m fine oppa!”

Luhan tighten his grip on her hand and led her to the ride with the rest of the aliens ahead of them. Chanyeol turned his head back and frowned; he secretly wished that it was him holding Rini’s hand. The aliens lined up and played silly games as they waited for their turn.

When it finally reached their turn they took their seats. Luckily it was even so everybody had a partner. Chanyeol got his wish and sat next to Rini.

“Nini are you excited??” The happy virus asked.

“Neh! This probably feels like flying.” Rini grinned. Kris heard her comment and grinned, “It sure does.”

Once everyone on the kart was strapped a lady voice stated to speak through the speaker about rules. Sehun would not stop moving and felt like he was going to piss his pants. Luhan patted his head to calm him down. Chen and D.O. were amped for the ride to begin. Kris and Lay were just chilling and Tao and Xiu Min couldn’t stop talking about randomness. As for Rini and Chanyeol they sat there.

“Nini I’m so excited!!! I wonder how fast it’s gonna go!”

“Haha I’m sure it will go really fast.”

“But Ni-” The kart sped off to the track which caused Chanyeol to stop his sentence halfway. The kart went through a bunch of turns then dreaded the ginormous hill.

“AHHH WE’RE GOING UP!!!” Sehun exclaimed out of pure fear, “HYUNG HOLD MY HAND!!!”

Luhan sighed and held onto his younger brother’s hand, “Yah, this drop isn’t BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-”

The kart plunders down the hill and into a sharp turns and loops. The ride began to slow as they reached the end. Once it came to a complete stop the straps ejected itself form the lock and everyone slowly got out. The aliens wobbled their way out of the ride.

“THAT WAS NOTHING LIKE FLYING!” Kris yelled as he held onto a pole for dear life.

“It wasn’t that bad.” Rini smiled weakly as she watched her fellow guardians hanging onto each other or a nearby object. She let out a giggle, “Come on guys! We have many more ride to ride!”

After numerous rides and games the aliens decided to take a break and grab something to eat. Luckily Kris got them all passes to an all you can eat buffet within the park. Sehun, Chanyeol, Xiu Min and Lay excitedly grabbed their plates and rushed to the food as for the rest of the aliens went to find a table.

“You guys can go ahead and get your food. I’ll wait here!” Rini said as she plopped onto one of the seats.

“No Nini you should go and get some food first.” D.O. insisted…and so did everyone else.


“No. Go.” Luhan said and pulled her up. He pushed her to Kris, Chen, and Tao. Luhan and D.O. decided to stay behind and guard the table.

The four went on their way to the buffet and stared at all the free food.

“I don’t know where to start.” Chen said as he began to feel overwhelm with the many choices.

“Well it is all you can eat.” Tao piped up.

“Let’s feast brothers!” Kris exclaimed.

“YEAH!” Tao and Chen cheered. Rini just stood there as she watched them, *It’s like they are going to war, but with food* She chuckled and separated herself to look at the other options on the other side of the buffet.

Rini started at the salad options and began to put some lettuce on her plate. As she walked towards the toppings she noticed a familiar back of the head boy. He slowly turned around and there revealed…


The boy’s eyes widen and as he was going to speak she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up and her eyes widen out of fear.

It was Atticus. 






A/N: Hello! How is everyone? It has been awhile (as usual) I'm slowly getting back into writing after a long...idk how months or maybe a year it has been, but since my friend has gotten me back into KPOP (esp. EXO) I have gotten the inspiration to write again! Im pretty sure you can relate. I really want to finish this story also before writing a new one. The new one I wanna right is gonne be a ultimate bias: KAI<3 Since he isn't main lover interest here I had to make a seperate story just for him, but I don't know when I will release that while its still in the thinking process. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this long update! I tried to make it funny and suspensful in the end. [:

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xRawrRiot #1
Chapter 17: OMG JAEJOONG?!?! Wae you take Kai?! LOL
Anyways~ MAKE HE FALL FOR LAY! OOOORRR Baekhyun~~~ kekeke
Back to spazzing...
WHY IS JAEJOONG BAD?! I understand it's because of his family and all but REVENGE IS NOT THE ANSWER! ㅠㅠ
Dirty before too much of the CAPS XD hahaha
But yay to the update~~~~ <3
xRawrRiot #2
Chapter 16: asdfghjkl; OMG Atticus, stop appearing out of nowhere!
You're scaring me! TT~TT
Though, It is good to see you alive and updating, Ate~ kekek~
What's you're favorite song off the album? :o
P.S. Loved the update!
LOL at Luhan saying Rini was his girlfriend xDDD
xRawrRiot #3
Chapter 15: Lol hahha mini update xD
But it's good to see you're alive hahahahh x3
Oh! Oh! I'm close to finishing school this year! :D
Chapter 14: OT13!!! I want them all!!! But if you really want us to choose. I want KRISSY!!
Chapter 14: uhmm author-nim thats a question i can never answer even if i die and go to heaven or even if i get resurrected
Smileyblu #6
Chapter 14: Marry all of them !.... Update soon !....
xRawrRiot #7
Chapter 14: Asdfghjkl Rini and Luhan!! :D
Haha <3 :)
Chapter 13: okkk uhmmmm who should i ship rini with?
Chapter 12: WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SEHUNNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xRawrRiot #10
Chapter 12: Hridbsuabzusi WHAT'S WRONG WITH SEHUN?!
Does he need bubble tea?! Or is he missing Luhan?! Lol jk jk
But lol Xiumin! Ladies man xD