Chapter 14

Welcome to My World


The next morning at the alien residence was pretty hectic. Why was it so hectic? Well a total of seven people were currently living under one small and cramp apartment, especially when six of them are guys who are freakishly tall and the seventh one is Rini. Poor Rini.

D.O. was in the kitchen making breakfast with Luhan while Sehun, who was magically up and early setting up the table. The other three alien boys were sprawled out on the floor fast asleep. Rini woke up to the smell of something delicious. She happily got up, made her bed, and grabbed her clothes and toiletries for the bathroom. She was sure excited to go house hunting today.

Sehun peered over his elder brother’s shoulder to see what they were cooking. D.O shot him a glare which hinted him to back off. Luhan finished plating the sunny side up eggs and placed it on the table. A click went off when D.O. turned off the stove and carefully brought the pot of doenjang soup (soybean paste vegetable soup) and placed it in the middle of the table. Then he ordered the makane to pour rice in everyone’s bowl before everyone woke them up.

Rini stepped out of a refreshing shower as she felt a boost of energy. She wrapped her hair up in a towel and did the rest of her morning routine before exiting the bathroom.

“Mmm what smells good?” Xiu Min yawned as he woke up.

“Just a regular Korean breakfast. Something way different from what we eat back at home.” Luhan replied to his question.

“Sehun go wake up the two towers.” D.O. ordered him once again.

“But hyung~” The youngest of the boys whined. At the moment Rini heard what was going on, “It’s okay I’ll do it!” She squeezed her way through the boys over to the two sleeping boys on the ground. Rini frowned. *I really feel bad that they have to sleep on the ground. I bet it’s really uncomfortable.* She kneeled down and poked the two a couple of times. “Oppas, it’s time to wake up.”

“…ani.” Chanyeol murmured in his sleep.

“Yah Chanyeol if you don’t wake up then there will be no more food.” D.O. called out from the table.

Chanyeol grunted in response. He opened his eyes and saw Rini innocently looking at him. “Good morning Yeol oppa!” she greeted him. Chanyeol shook away the bad dream he just had and beamed. *Yeol this not a dream. She’s right in front of you in one peace.* “Good morning my sweet Nini!” He sat up and let out a big stretch. Rini moved onto Kris who was still fast asleep.

Now Kris is the hardest to wake up out of the twelve of them. He can also sleep almost anywhere. Rini shook him harder than usual, she is not holding back. “Kris oppa. It’s time to wake up.” Kris didn’t respond.

“Nini you can just leave him there.” Xiu Min pointed his chopsticks towards Kris and grinned. “His fault he is such a deep sleeper.”

“Ani! I can wake him up! It’s just gonna take more than a shake.” Rini smiled confidently.

“Mmm suit yourself.” Xiu Min shrugged and went back to eating.

“Yah baozi, save some for duizhang!” Luhan scolded him. Xiu Min stick his tongue out and ignore his comment. It’s a good thing they don’t have powers before items and snow would get flown across the room.

Rini pushed, poke, and pulled Kris just to wake him up. Sadly, nothing worked. Rini grabbed Chanyeol’s pillow and smacked him. “YAH! OPPA WAKE UP!!!”

Kris grunted and his side. Now his back was facing her. Rini picked up the pillow again and continuously smacked him with it. “OPPA! OPPA! OPPA! WAKE UP ALREADY!!!”

As  she was about to hit him again, Kris grabbed the pillow and turned over to see who the victim was before lashing out of them. “Good morning oppa!!!!” Rini smiled and greeted him. Kris sighed. *Oh she’s lucky I won’t yell at her. Now if it was Sehun, Kai, Tao, and Xiu Min I would of beat them already.* Kris sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes.

“I’m sorry oppa. I didn’t mean to wake you up in an unruly matter. I think you wouldn’t want Sehun oopa to wake you up.”

Kris chuckled, “It’s fine. Thank you for waking me up before Xiu Min eats everything.”

“YAH! STOP CALING ME FAT!” Xiu Min exclaimed.

“I never did.” Kris replied in a monotone voice.


“Never did, baozi.”

“These are my baby cheeks!!!!!”

And that’s how the rest of breakfast went with quarrels here and there. Rini giggled and joined the rest.




“Nini what kind of house should we get next?” Sehun asked he linked his arm with hers.

“Hmm a house not too far from the city, but not too far in the country. I want you guys to have enough room to at least practice your powers. We need to get a bigger house too. At least a six bedrooms so you guys can pair up and share. Oh and a nice spacious kitchen with a big enough space to fit all of you guys when we eat our meals together.” Rini got more excited as she kept talking about their new future home together.

The guys smiled as they listen to her. They honestly can go on for days listening to her ramble on and on about anything and everything. Luhan looked up from the newspaper he was holding and showed Rini one of the listings, “Well I think you’re in luck with the whole six bedroom thing, but there is only one problem.”

“Which is?” Chanyeol asked.

“It cost waaaaay to much.” Rini blew a raspberry, “How can I afford getting an actual home when I can only get by with the money I have now.”

“We could get jobs.” D.O. suggested. The rest of the boys had a sour expression written all over their face. They seriously haven’t worked a day in their lives.

“Hmm that would actually help a lot.”

“Then let’s get jobs!” Chanyeol and Xiu Min agreed.

Rini looked at Kris. “Oppa, what do you think?”

Kris pondered on the thought for a bit, “Well we have no other way to get money, but we’re here on earth for a different reason. So we’ll these so called jobs, but we have to remember to dedicate time to search for the rest of our brothers AND work on getting our powers back.”

“Oh yes that idea is fine!” Rini nodded.

“But Nini I forbid you to get a job. You have way more responsibilities to take care of and that is also finding the rest of my brothers, working on getting your powers back, and also finding a way how to defeat Atticus. You are the seventh savior.”

She bit her lip. She almost had forgotten about Atticus. “Right.”

“Good. We’ll keep searching for houses today, but tomorrow we need to search for jobs.”

“Neh~” The boys agreed.





At last after a long day of searching for a new home, they found one. It sits not too far from the city. A medium size home with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, and nice roomy kitchen, living/family room, and dining room; in all, the house is pretty normal. Rini and Kris signed all the papers and now the house was in their hands.

Now, it was time for moving. Of course if the boys had their powers it would be would be very helpful…well only Luhan’s powers. Rini unlocked the door to their new house and the boys rushed in placing all the boxes inside. Amazingly it only two trips.

“Uwah Nini this place is better!!!” Sehun grinned as he ran around opening all the doors.

“Yah! Sehun! Get your back here! You’re not done!” D.O. nagged and went after him.

The rest chuckled and began to unpack.

“Nini we should get more stuff to make this place feel more like home.” Chanyeol suggested as he pulled out the pots and pans.  

Rini agreed with his idea, “Mm! I want to get a bigger couch for all of us to sit on.”

“Oh and a bigger table for all of us to sit together like we had back in EXO!”

“And probably a bigger T.V. so your heads won’t be in the way!”

Chanyeol smile turned into a pout, “Nini! I don’t have a big head!”

She giggled, “I’m just kidding, Yeol.” Her hands ruffled his bushy hair as she took the dishes to the kitchen.

Luhan and Kris smiled at their little moment. Luhan eyed his duizhang, “Hey.”

“Mmm?” Kris replied.

“Who do you think will end up with Rini?”

“What? What do you mean end up with?”

“Oh don’t play dumb! You know out of the twelve of us, one of us will end up marrying her.” Luhan grinned.

“Well I know most of us are protective of her as sibling wise.” Kris glanced at Luhan, “Do you have feelings for her?”

Luhan shrugged, “That’s a question I cannot answer duizhang. You should ask yourself that question.” And with that said he left.

Kris rolled his eyes and continued unpacking the box he opened. The words of Luhan replayed in his head. *As much as I don’t want to admit it, I think I am falling for her.*




A/N: Wooo! This chapter wasn't my best, but I hope you guys liked it! I felt like there wasn't much action going on and I wanted to take a break for her finding everyone. Anyway who do you want her to end up with? Any thoughts or ideas? Leave a comment<3 You're input will greatly help me on which EXO member to choose. Now I shall talk to you guise laterz! I'm gonna eat KBBQ

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xRawrRiot #1
Chapter 17: OMG JAEJOONG?!?! Wae you take Kai?! LOL
Anyways~ MAKE HE FALL FOR LAY! OOOORRR Baekhyun~~~ kekeke
Back to spazzing...
WHY IS JAEJOONG BAD?! I understand it's because of his family and all but REVENGE IS NOT THE ANSWER! ㅠㅠ
Dirty before too much of the CAPS XD hahaha
But yay to the update~~~~ <3
xRawrRiot #2
Chapter 16: asdfghjkl; OMG Atticus, stop appearing out of nowhere!
You're scaring me! TT~TT
Though, It is good to see you alive and updating, Ate~ kekek~
What's you're favorite song off the album? :o
P.S. Loved the update!
LOL at Luhan saying Rini was his girlfriend xDDD
xRawrRiot #3
Chapter 15: Lol hahha mini update xD
But it's good to see you're alive hahahahh x3
Oh! Oh! I'm close to finishing school this year! :D
Chapter 14: OT13!!! I want them all!!! But if you really want us to choose. I want KRISSY!!
Chapter 14: uhmm author-nim thats a question i can never answer even if i die and go to heaven or even if i get resurrected
Smileyblu #6
Chapter 14: Marry all of them !.... Update soon !....
xRawrRiot #7
Chapter 14: Asdfghjkl Rini and Luhan!! :D
Haha <3 :)
Chapter 13: okkk uhmmmm who should i ship rini with?
Chapter 12: WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SEHUNNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xRawrRiot #10
Chapter 12: Hridbsuabzusi WHAT'S WRONG WITH SEHUN?!
Does he need bubble tea?! Or is he missing Luhan?! Lol jk jk
But lol Xiumin! Ladies man xD