Eunsol's Birthday ~ Part 1

Like A Machine!

Woori's POV 

Friday have passed and it was already Eunsol's birthday . 

" Woori-ah , where is Sungyeol ??!! We need him here because I can't leave you here alone when your mum has gone out to buy the ingredients to cook . I have to go buy other stuff that we need too!! Can you message him and ask him when is he coming ? " Kai said 

* Where is Sungyeol oppa ?? * I thought as I took out my phone from my pocket . 

To : Sungyeol 

Where are you ? We need you here now ! 

From : Woori 

To : Woori 

I'm coming , I'm coming ! 

From : Sungyeol 

To : Sungyeol 

Aish araso ! Ppali !

From : Woori 

"Kai oppa , Sungyeol oppa said that his coming ."

" Araso " 

"Oh and remember to tell Daehyun that his in charge of bringing Eunsol here after we had everything ready ! Got it ? " I wrote 

" Oh yeah , thank god you reminded me . I'll message him now " 

" Araso " I wrote and went to get the things I need ready.

*Ding Dong * *Ding Dong * 

" I'll get the door " Kai said 

* It must me Sungyeol oppa * 

" Woori ! It's Sungyeol !! " 

I went towards the door and I saw Sungyeol there . 

" Hey Woori !~ " Sungyeol said with a big smile on his face . 

" Annyeong Sungyeol , Come in fast ! We have a lot of things to do ! " 

" Araso araso ! Sheesh " Sungyeol said 

" Okay , I better get going or we'll end up with nothing ! " 

" Okay okay , just goooooo ! " Sungyeol said while rolling his eyes 

" Okay lets go decorate this house  !" 

" Okay !!" 

" How many balloons to we need ? "

" We got to finish these whole packets " I wrote and held up a few packets of colourful balloons . 

" WHAT !!! That many ??? I'm gonna be out of breath by the time we finish blowing all the balloons  " 

" Aish ! We will use this !! Its to pump a balloon without losing any breath " 

" Phewwww ! I thought we got to blow the balloons by ourselves " 

" Aigoo ! Babo oppa !! " I wrote while giving a silent laughter . 

" Y-yah , I'm not stupid ! " 

" Aish molla , lets get this going before we lose track of time ! " 

" Oh Woori-ah , where is Kris ? " 

" Oh his coming to help us too . His coming soon " 

" Okayy " 


" Ahhhhh ! We have finally finished blowing up all the balloons . So now we can relax !" Sungyeol said as he laid on the couch . 

* He thinks this is it ?! * I thought as I secretly smirk.

I went towards Sungyeol and shook him 

" We're finished right ! Let me rest !!" 

" Yah ! We're not even halfway there . There still the streamers to hang and other stuff too " 

" What! I'm tired " Sungyeol, said in a whiny tone . 

" Oppa please ! We need to finish this ! I need someone tall to hang those streamer and you're the right person " 

" Araso ! Since I'm tall " Sungyeol said while flipping his long fake hair while giving a wide grin . 

" Okay then tall boy ! Help me put this there " 

*Ding Dong * * Ding Dong * 

" Oh it must be Kris " 

" I'll go get the door " 

" Okay okay " 

" Hey Woori-ah , sorry for being so late " 

" Nah its okay , come in and help us " 

" Okayy , thats why I came early for right ? " Kris said while giving a big smile .

" Oh Kris you're here " Sungyeol said while holding a few streamers in his hand . 

" Yeap , less talking and lets start hanging this things up " Kris said as he pick up a streamer 

" Agreed " 

" Okay okay just give me some tape so I can paste it there " 

I gave Sungyeol some tape and he taped the streamers carefully . 

" Its easy right oppa ?" 

" Its easy for now but that was only one streamer " 

" Puh-lease I can do it faster than you " 

" Oh really ?! " Sungyeol said in a teasing tone 

" Yeah " 

" Prove it " 

" Is this a competition ?" Kris said and gave a smirk .

" Fine , lets see who can tape the most streamers in the least time " 

" Fine " 

" Don't worry , we don't have that much streamers " 

" Okay enough of this chitty chatty and get this competition started  " 

* Aish this boys * I thought as I shook my head 

After a 40 minutes of listening to Sungyeol and Kris bickering . We have finally finshed taping all the streamers up including the balloons , our job was nearly done . 

" So Woori-ah , what do we do now ? " 

" I guess we just need to wait for Kai oppa and my omma to come back and we'll ask them if they need help in anything " 

" Oh okay " 

" Oh I'll go get something  to drink , want any guys ? " 

" Sure ! Thanks " 

" Yeah " 

I stood up from  the couch and head towards the kitchen 

* I feel like having coke * 

I opened the fridge and took out three cans of coke and went back to the living room 

When I went to the living room, I saw Sungyeol  was playing games on his phone while Kris was also doing the same .

I tap them on the shoulders and gave them their coke 

" Gomawo , Woori-ah . So what do want to do now ? I'm bored " 

" Me too " 

" I don't know , wait I'll just ask Kai oppa whether his coming back already since its already 2.15 p.m. " 

" Araso , you should ask your mum too " 

" Okay " 

To : Kai oppa

Oppa ! Are you done finding all the stuff you need ? o.o

From : Woori 

To : Woori 

Ahhh Woori ! Yeah ! I'll be there in like 20 more minutes . Just need to get the cake ^^

From : Kai oppa 

To : Kai oppa 

Araso , see you soon . Come back as soon as possible if not there won't be enough time left 

From : Woori 

To : Woori 

Aigoo , don't worry ! I'll come back as soon as possible :) 

From : Kai oppa 

To : Kai oppa

Arasso , and have you messaged Daehyun? 

From : Woori 

To : Woori

Yes ! He said he has everything under control . 

From : Kai oppa 

To : Kai oppa 

Araso , see you later :D 

From : Woori 

" So what did Kai say ? "

" Oh he said that he'll coming back soon , he just need to pick up the cake from the bakery "

" Okay , so when is your mum coming back ? I haven't met her before " 

" I'm not so sure , i think sh...." 

* Ding Dong * 

* Eh she didn't bring her keys ?? * 

" Woori-ah open the door ! Ppali " Omma shouted 

I quickly ran to the door and opened it and I saw that omma's hand was full of groceries . 

" I'll help you with that " Kris offered 

" I'll help you too " 

" Aww such sweet boys " 

" Its no problem " Sungyeol said 

" Oh hi there Sungyeol and ... " My mum looked at Kris with a smile on her face . 

" Oh annyeonghaseyo omonim ! I'm Kris ! " He said while giving a 90 degrees bow 

" Oh annyeonghaseyo Kris ! Don't have to be so formal with me . Its nice to meet you Kris . Lets go get the food ready" 

" Araso omonim " 

" Okay , you can put this here " 

" Omma , so what are you cooking ? " 

" I'm going to cook seaweed soup since its Eunsol birthday and we'll having bulgogi ! We're gonna BBQ . Eunsol really loves bulgogi "

" Oh that means we don't have to prepare much " 

" We just need to marinate the bulgogi" 

" Araso , I'll help you omma " 

" I'll get ready the sauce for the marinate so that you all can help me to marinate the meat while I cook the seaweed soup " 

" Araso" 

" You guys can go rest in the living room and I'll call you when I need your help " 

" Araso omonim " 

" Let's go guys " 

We sat on the couch while watching 2 days and 1 night when suddenly I  received a message . 

To : Woori 

Hey ! I hope I'm not in your way for preparing the birthday party . I just wanna ask you , what time should I come over ? 

From : Sehun 

To : Sehun 

Oh hey Sehun oppa . You can come at 6.00 p.m :)

From : Woori 

To : Woori 

Okay !~ Is everything prepared ? 

From : Sehun 

To : Sehun 

Almost , just need to prepare the food :D 

From : Woori 

To : Woori 

Araso , see you later :) 

From : Sehun 

I locked my phone screen and continued watching the show . 

* Ding dong ding dong ding dong * 

* Aigoo , it must be Kai oppa * 

" I'll get the door " 

" Oppa , you know that you gonna kill the doorbell " I wrote while giving a big smile . 

" Aish , don't talk nonsense and help me to hold this " Kai said as he pass me the cake box 

" Nappeun oppa "

" Aigoo " Kai ruffled my hair 

* Aish * I thought while I fix my hair 

" OMONIM!! " Kai shouted . 

" Yes Kai ! You're here " 

" Yes , I've bought all the drinks and the cake and more tidbits ! " 

" Araso araso , okay boys can you help me in the kitchen " 

" Neh omonim " Sungyeol and Kris said as they rushed to the kitchen 

" Wow , they're really funny " Kai whispered to me while chuckling . 

" I already know that before you told me " 

" Since Kris and Sungyeol is helping your mum , why don't you help me get the things ready for the BBQ outside  ?" 

" Okay , lets go ! " 

" Wait what time is it already ?? " 

" Oh it's 5.30 p.m already " 

" Wow ! Lets get the things ready " 

" So where do we start ? " 

" Let's go get the grill . It's still behind your garage right ? " 

" Yeah , I can't believe you still remember " 

" Of course I'll remember . We used to have BBQ's often at your house " 

" Yeah , we should do that more often too " 

" Yeap , lets go " 

When we went to the garage I went to on the light since it was dark in there . 

" Oh there it is " Kai said 

" I'll help you carry it " 

" Nah it okay . I can carry it . " 

" Ah okay " 

* Wow , he must been working out * I thought while Kai was carrying the grill out of the garage .

I switched off the lights and followed Kai 

" Okay since we have the grill , we just have to wash the grill and the preparation for the BBQ is ready !" 

" Okay let's do it " 

After we have finished washing the grill , we went back in my house and see what the others were up to .

We went to the kitchen and we saw them chatting with my mum while laughing . 

* What are they talking about ? * 

" Whats so funny ? Mind telling me ? " Kai suddenly said .

" Oh we were just talking about the funny moments that has happened to us before " 

" Oh really ? " 

" Too bad you weren't here Kai " Kris said 

" Nah , its way more fun hanging out with Woori than you guys " Kai said as he put his arms around my shoulder 

" Yeahh " I wrote while giving a smirk 

" How could you ??! I'm your best friend too " Sungyeol said while faking a cry 

" Aigoo , you boys are so cute " Omma said 

" Gomawo omonim " Sungyeol said while giving a big smile .

" Aigoo , you're all my close friends " 

" We know that " Kai said 

" So how many more minutes ?" Kris said .

" The party will start at 7 p.m . Now its 6.30 p.m " 

" Oh where is Sehun ? " Kai said 

" I think his a little late , he was supposed to come by now " 

* Ding Dong * 

" It must be him , I'll get the door " Kris said 

" Oh Sehun , why are you so late ? " I heard Kris voice from the front door . 

" Oh I was just doing something " 

" Okay come in . We're all present except Daehyun and the birthday girl . "

" Oh really okay " 

Sehun's POV

I was at EXO's hangout just hanging out with EXO when suddenly Tao asked me 

" Sehun-ah , don't you have somewhere to go ?" 

" Where ? " 

" Aren't you going to meet Sile... I mean Woori since Kai and Kris also went to meet her ? " 

" I'm going later alright and since when do you care so much ?? " 

" Dude chill people , Sehun-ah .. we're just asking " Luhan said .

" Yeah can you guys chill " 

" Fine , have 'fun' " Tao said 

" Let's just don't talk about Woori anymore . You're guys are just making me furious " I said and went outside .

When I went outside I went to a park in the neighbourhood . 

There's so many things and questions  running in my head that moment .

* Why can't the others EXO members just treat Woori as a friend ?* 

* Why is Kai so close to her ?* 

* Why is Sungyeol being so close to her * 

* Does he like her ???* 

* Does she like him ?* 


*cough* *cough* 

My thoughts was interrupted by someone coughing.

" Sehun-ah , what were you thinking ? You didn't even know I was here . And you were like messing your hair like a mad person . Are you okay ??" 

" O-O-oh Luhan hyung ! Erm I was just daydreaming .... " 

" Sehun-ah , are you frustrated about what the other EXO members were saying ? " 

" Yeah ... I just don't get it why you guys can't just accept Woori as a friend ?" 

" Sehun-ah , truthfully ... I actually don't mind but after what I did to her . I feel a little ashamed . And I guess thats what the others felt . You get what I mean ?" 


" Jinjja ? Why don't you just tell me , you can just say sorry to her " I said with a smile on my face , 

" Aigooo , I'm shyyyyy " Luhan said with his hand covering his face 

" Oh my gosh , you just not did that " I said while trying to hold my laughter . 

" What ? I know I'm cute " Luhan said while blinking his eyes repeatedly . 

" Ahh ! HYUNGGG... Geumanhae !! Jebalyeooo " 

" Hahhahah whatever . So what time are you going to Woori's house ? Anyway why are you going her house for ?? " 

" Oh I should ask Woori now . I'm gonna go there to celebrate her friends birthday , Eunsol " 

" Ahhh Eunsol , I think she's in one of my class "

" Ahh hyung , wait for a minute I'll just text Woori and ask her " 

" Araso "

To : Woori 

Hey ! I hope I'm not in your way for preparing the birthday party . I just wanna sk you , what time should I come over ? 

From : Sehun 

* I hope I'm not disturbing her * 

To : Sehun 

Oh hey Sehun oppa . You can come at 6.00 p.m :)

From : Woori 

To : Woori 

Okay !~ Is everything prepared ? 

From : Sehun 

To : Sehun 

Almost , just need to prepare the food :D 

From : Woori 

To : Woori 

Araso , see you later :) 

From : Sehun 

I locked my phone after sending the last message . 

" So what did Woori said ?"

" Oh she said I can come at 6.00 p.m " 

" Oh do you wanna go back to the hangout and change your clothes ? You have some fresh clothes there " 

" Oh okay , I don't wanna be late " 


" Sehun-ah , where did you go with Luhan hyung ? " Baekhyun asked 

" Oh we just went to the park " 

" Why didn't you guys asked me ?" 

" Hyung , it wasn't plan . I didn't ask Luhan hyung to follow me " 

" Luhan hyungg , why didn't you ask me " 

" Aish stop with your childishness " Luhan said as he hit Baekhyun's head 

" Ouch hyunggggg " 

"Aish childish hyungs , I'll be upstairs getting ready " 

When I went upstairs , I took a bath and changed into a clean t-shirt and jeans . 

I looked at the clock and its already 5.55 p.m  

* Oh no I'm gonna be late , better get going  * 

I quickly went out of EXO's hangout and head to Woori's house 



" Oh Sehun , why are you so late ? " I heard Kris voice from the front door . 

" Oh I was just doing something " 

" Okay come in . We're all present except Daehyun and the birthday girl . "

" Oh really okay " 

I went to the living room and I saw Kai , Woori and Sungyeol there . 

" Hey guys , I'm sorry I'm late " 

" Nah , its okay . We're actually finished anyways " 

" Yeah " 

" Hey guys , its already 5.45 p.m . Woori do you want to ask where Daehyun is ? " 

" Okay , I'll ask him now " 

While Woori was texting with Daehyun , I asked Kai whether there were other stuff that I could help with . 

" Kai hyung , is there anything that I need to do ? " 

" There's nothing to do now but you need to help us later with the BBQ " 

" Oh okay " 

" Woori-ah what did Daehyun say ? " Sungyeol asked . 

" He said that they were coming ! Lets get ready to surprise her . Get ready the confetti ! " 

" Araso araso , I'll get it " Kai said . 

" Omonim ! Eunsol's coming here , come and get your confetti " 

" Aigoo , araso Sungyeol-ah " 

* Wow , Woori's mum looks really close to Sungyeol * 

" Oh you're Sehun right ? " Woori's mum suddenly asked me 

" Ah neh " 

" Ahhh welcome welcome to our house ! " 

" Omma here's your confetti " 

" Okay , I can hear them ! On the count of 3 " 

" 1" 






Hey!!! Hope you like this chappp! If u like our story pls comment , upvote and subscribe ! Oh and some of you asked ah, don't the teacher know about Woori's sickness ?? and about her stuff she does in school ?? Don't her teacher find it weird , if she write all the time " So the conclusion is that you guys know that Woori doesn't like it when anyone finds out about her sickness right ? So she didn't tell the teacher . Her teachers know about it because her mum actually told the headmaster about her sickness so her sickness were informed to all the teachers and was told to keep her sickness a secret from everyone .Her mum also told the teachers not to tell Woori that they have found out . In this sense , Woori doesn't know anything about the teachers finding about her sickness  We didn't wrote anything about this in any chaps because we felt that it was not really that important . I love when u guys give this type of questions when u are confuse , we will help u by explaining it to u . Just ask us any questions if you're confuse :)  Hope you like this update :D 

Oh and just for you guys to know , this account PiroPirolover is shared between me (Dee Nyse ) and my sis (Dee Eyna ) We take turns in writing each chap . If u realise you'll see " Updated by Dee Nyse " or " Updated by Dee Eyna " after every chap . Hope u guys like our story so far ~ hehe . Till now !~ Ppyong ! 

Here's some pic for you guys :D

Credits to the rightful owners 

Thank you kpop10148 for the wonderful poster :)

Hope you like the update :D 

Updated by Dee Nyse ~


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Heyy subbies!~ We just want to inform you guys that we won't be updating for maybe two weeks?! Because we will be having a mid-term exam so yeah :)) So sorry


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Chapter 48: wait what is MT??
Chapter 14: yaaayy!! He saved her from the horrible bullies<3 Sungyeol-ah! :D
Chapter 13: ALKSDJF. LOL Finally i'm starting to read again!! hahah Ahh~! She has to call him Oppa now c: kekeke
ExoticBeaSehunnie #4
Chapter 49: I don't know if I should ship her with Sungyeol or SeHun
Princyysb #5
Chapter 48: Wah, this fic is really ineteresting I read all the chapters in one day (today). So crazy hahah, please update soon, and I hope sehun and woori would get like a lovey scene and that's when they start to realize their feelings towards each other haha, their so sweet! Go Serri! XD
Angelfreak1999 #6
Chapter 48: Please update soon!
Woori and Sehun are really cute.
ExoticBeaSehunnie #7
Chapter 48: What happened during last year's MT? I'm realllllllllllllllllllly curious!!

~~ I'm so curious yeah!! ~~ :D
Chapter 46: omo omo I was squealing in my room because I imagined kris oppa also saying that cheesy words to me >.< then my mom interrupted me saying Am I crazy? XD I really love this story >.<
siwonsmirk #9
Chapter 47: yayy keep writing authornim! ^_^)