History Project .

Like A Machine!

Woori's POV 

"Lalalalalallalala " "Lalalalalalalalaal" 

*ughhh * I groaned as I switched off my alarm . 

* Its already 10.00a.m ?! * 

I quickly got up from my bed and went to take a shower . 

When I came out from the bathroom , I took a look at the clock on my wall . 

* What its already 10.30 a.m ?! * 

I quickly put on a pair of shorts with a a nice Beatles top . 

I looked in the mirror for the last time before I head downstairs for breakfast . 

* Ok time for breakfast ! *

I ran down the flight of stairs and sat down at the dining table . 

" Woori-ah , are you going somewhere ? " 

" Neh ! I'm going to one of my chingus house to do a project " 

" Chingu ? Wow ! Who's your chingu ? Is it that handsome and tall man ? Sungyeol-sshi , if I'm not mistaken " 

" Ani , its another of my classmate . Ah omma stop with questions neh ?! I need to finish my breakfast , I can't eat if I have to write on the notepad " I gave my mum a smile . 

" Arasso arasso , ppali mokgo ! Or else you'll be late ! " she chuckled . 

I quickly ate the pancakes omma made and quickly make my way . 

I wave my mum goodbye and took a glance at the clock . 

*11.15 a.m ?! I got to rush * 

I quickly put on a pair of sneakers and ran to the nearest bus stop . 

After waiting for a few minutes the bus finally came.

 I quickly board the bus and took a seat at the far back of the bus and gave a sigh of relieve.

*Thank goodness I didn't miss the bus*

30 minutes later

" You have finally arrived at Gangnam " 

I quickly got off the bus and I looked at the time on my phone . 

*11.45?! I got to go Sehun's house in 15 minutes ?! I need to see the address again * 

I unlocked my phone screen and open up the message Sehun sent me yesterday . 

* Gangnam 07-XXX-XX-X * 

*I think its nearby here , maybe I can reach there in 10 minutes if I run * 

I ran at full speed , not caring how people looked at me . 

*I hope I'm not late !*

After running for a while , I saw the signboard.

'Gangnam Resident'

* Asa ! This is the area where Sehun lives , now I just gotta find his house !*

I walked slower trying to catch my breath while finding his house.

* Phewww ! I came here earlier than I thought * 

I walked down a few blocks of houses * 1, 2 , 3 ,4, 5 ,6 ... 7 ! * 

I looked up at house No 7 and I saw a beautiful mansion .  

*Wow ! Its so nice * I stood in front of the gates with my mouth hanging open . 

I quickly shook my thoughts away and rang the doorbell . 

" Ding dong " "Ding dong " 

" Annyeonghaseyo ! Its the Oh residents , may I know who are you looking for agasshi ? " 

*Oh no !  I can't talk . Eoteokke ?? * 

After a few minutes, the gate open and I saw Sehun walking towards me with a smile on his face . 

* Ohh thank goodness * I thought as a smile formed on my lips . 

" Annyeong Woori-ah , I knew it was you when you rang the doorbell since you didn't reply the housekeeper . Wow ! Still keeping your robot character huh? " Sehun said in a teasing tone with a smirk plastered on his face . 

" Yeah ! Yeah ! Whatever ! Are you gonna let your guest waiting ? " I gave a smirk to Sehun . 

" Oh mianhae . Come in come in! Guest of honour! " Sehun said while giving me a big grin . 

I walked towards the door and was greeted with a row of housekeepers .

" Annyeonghaseyo " all of them said in unison . 

I gave a bow and look at Sehun feeling rather awkward . * His really rich * 

Sehun gave me reassuring smile and pulled me towards his house . 

" Sehun-ah !! Is this your classmate ? The one you said that was coming ? " a woman with a gentle face said .

" Nehhh omma ! She's the one I was telling you . " Sehun replied . 

" Oh annyeong Woori ! Have a great time neh ! " Sehun omma said while smiling  . 

* She knows my name ?! * 

I gave a 90 degrees bow and gave a little wave . 

" Okay enough with the introductions , Woori-ah lets start with the project " Sehun said . 

I gave a nod and followed Sehun to his room . 

Sehun's POV 

I looked at the time and it was 11.45 a.m * I can't wait to see Woori * 

I went downstairs to the dining table and I was greeted with omma's  cheery voice . 

" Sehun-ah ! You're having a guest coming here later right ? " 

" Neh omma ! She'll be coming at 12 noon . Oh omma , tell the housekeeper that we'll be having lunch okay ?! " 

" Arasso , I'll tell them . Your classmate , is she a girl ??" she said while giving me a goofy smile . 

* Aish omma * 

" Yeah yeah Its a girl omma . " 

" Wow ! Thats a first . You've never brought a girl home before " 

" Aish omma , don't think anything wrong okay ! . We're just doing our History project ?! Jeballyo ! " I gave a pleading face . 

" Aish arasso , eat some waffles before your classmate comes . Whats her name ? " 

" Woori . Kim Woori " 

" Okay , eat before Woori comes , and I'll get ready to go meet my friends " she stood up . 

" Ding Dong " "Ding Dong "

* Is that Woori?  * 

" Annyeonghaseyo ! Its the Oh residents . May I know who are you looking for agasshi ? " I heard the housekeeper said 

I went to the intercom and saw Woori's face . 

*Its really her * 

" Open the gates " I said to the housekeeper . 

I walked to the gate and saw Woori standing there * Wow , she looked so pretty * 

* W-w-wait what I'm thinking ! Sehun , get a grip * I quickly shook my thoughts away and walk towards Woori .  

" Annyeong Woori-ah , I knew it was you when you rang the doorbell since you didn't reply the housekeeper . Wow ! Still keeping your robot character huh? "I smirk . 

" Yeah ! Yeah ! Whatever ! Are you gonna let your guest waiting ? " she then wrote and gave me a smirk in return . 

" Oh mianhae . Come in come in! Guest of honour! " I said . 

When we entered my house we were greeted by the housekeepers

" Annyeonghaseyo " 

I looked at Woori when suddenly I saw her face stiffened  

I gave her a smile and  pulled her inside my house . 

" Sehun-ah !! Is this your classmate ? The one you said was coming ? " I heard my mum said 

* Oh no! here she goes * 

" Nehhh omma ! She's the one I was telling you " I replied her . 

" Oh annyeong Woori ! Have a great time neh ! "  my mum greets Woori .

Woori bowed and wave to my mum . 

* I better stop this . Its so awkward * 

" Okay enough with the introductions , Woori-ah lets start with the project " I said while giving my mum a stop-with-this-awkward-conversation face.

My mum gave a wink with a big smile on her face . 

* Aish omma * 

I quickly pull  Woori towards my room . 

I opened the room door and pull Woori in . 

A/N Thats Sehun's bedroom , but just imagine that there's a study table opposite of the bed :)

" Woori-ah wait for a bit , I'll go get the books and things that we need for the History project . " 

Woori gave me a nod and put the things she need on my study table . 

I went to the library and took some of the Joseon dynasty books . I also took a few papers and marker pens to use . 

When I got back to my room , I saw Woori still standing at the same spot but the only difference was the amused expression on her face while scanning my room . 

* So cute * I cleared my throat to get her attention . 

She quickly looked at me . 

" Urmm I got the things we need , lets start the project now . " 

She gave a nod and took the things that we need from her bag . 

" Lets start! " I gave a small shout and fist pump in the air . 

I looked at Woori and she fist pump in the air too while a big smile was on her face . 

" Okay so what should we do ? " 

" Urmm since I found some information already the other day,how about you start finding more information the people during the Joseon Dynasty and I will start on the project.How about that ?" Woori wrote . 

" Arasso ! Lets start now " I said . 

2 hours later 

" Ahhh , my body hurts " I said as I stood up from the chair and did some stretching . 

I was so busy finding the information that I didn't realise that Woori was already about to finish part of her project. 

She was left with a few pages to go on the Joseon Dynasty.

" Woori-ah ! You are about to be done already?! " 

Woori looked at me and showed me her notepad . 

" Neh ! I left a few more to go , I just need to finish this page and I'm done with my part . I'll help with yours when I'm done ." 

" Wow ! Thats fast ! Daebak ! " I said . 

She gave me a smile and continued with her project.

* Grrr * * Grrr * 

*Its that the sound of her stomach?*

I looked at Woori and I saw her face that was flushed red.

" Woori-ah , sorry I made you hungry . Lets go eat lunch . I've got lunch ready for us already . Kaja ! "  
I said as I pulled Woori along . 

We went towards the dining table and I asked one of the housekeeper to get the food ready . 

We sat there for a while waiting for the food to arrive. 

The food finally arrived after a few minutes of waiting.

*Kimchi jigae soup?! My favourite*

I looked at Woori and saw Woori her lips at the sight of the kimchi soup . 

* It seems like she's really hungry * A small chuckle escaped my lips . 

" Woori-ah dig in " I said . 


(.......) later 

" Ahh I'm so full " patting my tummy . 

" Nado , aigoo " Woori wrote . 

" Woori-ah , lets go continue with the project,Its already 4.00 p.m.! " 

" What ! 4 p.m ?! Lets finish it ! Ppali ! " 

We quickly went to my room to continue the project 

Since Woori already finished her part , she helped with mine too . 

After 2 hours. 

" Ahh finally we finished the project " 

I was busy finishing the last part of the project , that I didn't even realise that Woori was already fast asleep.

*Is she sleeping?*

I glanced at her sleeping face * So pretty * 

When a smile slowly crept my face . 

I didn't even realise that my hand was slowly approaching her face when she stirred a bit making me jerk from my seat. 

* What am I doing ?!!! * 

 I shook Woori lightly waking her up from her sleep.

She stirred a bit and slowly got up from her sleeping position . She sat up straight and rubbed her eyes lightly . 

" Woori-ah , its already 7.30 p.m . I think its time for you to go home " 

"Hm? But are you done with your project?"

"Yeah we are done just the front cover left"

"Oh then let me help you first before I leave"

"Its ok Woori,I'll do it since we just need to write the topic and names" smiling at her.

"Oppa just let me help you ok?"

"Nooo I'm fine.Just go back home you look tired"

"Fine! I'll get going then " Woori wrote while getting up from the chair . 

" Uhh wait , let me walk you home " 

" But Sehun-ah , no worries , I can use the bus " 

" No , its dangerous for a girl to use a bus alone . I'll bring you home " 

" Aish arasso " 

" Geureom lets gooo ~ " 

" Urm wait on second thought let me ask my driver to fetch us to your house since its late and both of us are tired from doing the project for the whole day.How about that? " 

" Sounds good.Lets go then :) " Woori wrote. 

" Just tell me your address to your house " 

She then gave a nod . " Its xxxx-xxx xx "  

The car ride was  silent when suddenly I felt something heavy on my shoulders . 

I look to my right and saw Woori's head on my shoulders * She must be tired * 

A small smile slowly formed on my lips.

*She must be really tired*

After a 20 minutes ride , we finally arrived Woori's house . 

I lightly shook Woori's shoulder " Woori-ah we've reached your house already "  

She open her eyes and she lifted her head from my shoulders . 

"Gomawo Sehun for sending me back home " 

" Oho , where is the oppa ?! " 

"  Aish arasso , annyeong Sehun OPPA " 

I gave her a smile and wave her goodbye . 

" Bye Woori-ah " 

I watched as Woori walked in her house . 

* Sleep tight Woori-ah * 

I then head back to my house . 

Woori's POV 

After bidding goodbye to Sehun , I then head in my house . 

I went to my room and laid on my bed . 

* Ahh ! What a tiring day * 

* I think I better take a bath , I smell bad * 

After the short shower , I quickly changed into my pj's and jumped on my bed not caring my wet hair. 

I quickly stood up and remembered about the History project *Should I give a reminder to Sehun to bring the History project tomorrow? * 

I laid on my bed and took my phone * I think I should send a message to Sehun * 

To : Sehun 

Sehun oppa . Thank you for sending me home just now :D 

To : Woori 

Ani , its my pleasure . Aren't you sleepy ? You were sleeping all the way to your house just now :P 

To : Sehun 

Ahh yeah but I wanted to thank you for just now . Thats why ^^ 

To : Woori 

Jinjja :O Woori-ah , go sleep now . Annyeong :D 

To : Sehun 

Arasso , annyeong oppa! Oh and remember to bring the project! I don't want teacher to kill us tomorrow ><

To : Woori 

Neh don't worry about it! It is in my bag all ready to go X) annyeong Woori~ ;) 

I locked my screen after I read the last message that I received from Sehun . 

*I hope the teacher will be  impress with our project*

I soon head off to dreamland . 

Hey subbies ! How do you like this chap and story so far ? So sorry for the short chap :( Please comment and tell us your opinion on it . To those who are new please subscribe , up-vote and comment if you enjoy the story ~ and we're so so so so sry if we're updating a little slower this days . Hope you'll wait for every update since now    we're a bit more busy then the starting of the year but don't worry , we'll still be updating !! hehe ;) Pls wait neh ?! ^^ 

Thank you to the new subbies ~~ 


Thank you to those who upvoted us ~~


Here's a few pics for you ^^ 

Infinite ~ 

Teen Top ~ 

U-kiss ~ 

Exo ~ 

Hope you like the pics ^^ 

Thank you thederpchanyeol from exotic grounds for the awesome poster ~ 

Hope you enjoy this chap ~ 

Updated by Dee Nyse ^^ 


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Heyy subbies!~ We just want to inform you guys that we won't be updating for maybe two weeks?! Because we will be having a mid-term exam so yeah :)) So sorry


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Chapter 48: wait what is MT??
Chapter 14: yaaayy!! He saved her from the horrible bullies<3 Sungyeol-ah! :D
Chapter 13: ALKSDJF. LOL Finally i'm starting to read again!! hahah Ahh~! She has to call him Oppa now c: kekeke
ExoticBeaSehunnie #4
Chapter 49: I don't know if I should ship her with Sungyeol or SeHun
Princyysb #5
Chapter 48: Wah, this fic is really ineteresting I read all the chapters in one day (today). So crazy hahah, please update soon, and I hope sehun and woori would get like a lovey scene and that's when they start to realize their feelings towards each other haha, their so sweet! Go Serri! XD
Angelfreak1999 #6
Chapter 48: Please update soon!
Woori and Sehun are really cute.
ExoticBeaSehunnie #7
Chapter 48: What happened during last year's MT? I'm realllllllllllllllllllly curious!!

~~ I'm so curious yeah!! ~~ :D
Chapter 46: omo omo I was squealing in my room because I imagined kris oppa also saying that cheesy words to me >.< then my mom interrupted me saying Am I crazy? XD I really love this story >.<
siwonsmirk #9
Chapter 47: yayy keep writing authornim! ^_^)