
Like A Machine!

Woori's POV

After Woori left,I was thinking about what happened back then. * I still can't believe I'm actually talking to Kai oppa again. I miss him so much*

*I'm happy that Kai oppa is still the same*
soon after that I drift off to sleep from the medication that the doctor gave me.

Sungyeol's POV

I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly the sound of my alarm clock woke me up. *Urghh..stupid alarm clock* 

After a long 2 minutes twirling in bed,I got up and took a quick shower before putting on my uniform.

I was on my way to Woori's house when I passed a small bakery shop
*Hmm..should I get something for her to eat?* 

I went in to the bakery shop and was greeted by the smell of freshly baked buns. *Mmhhmm..the smell*

I grab a croissant bread for Woori and a Hotdog bread for myself. * I hope she likes Croissant*

After I bought the fresh breads I quickly head to her house and rang the doorbell.

After a few minutes the door swung open and I was greeted by Woori's mum.

"Oh,annyeong Woori's friend.Are you waiting for her again??"

"Ah annyeonghasaeyo ajumma~ Yes I'm waiting for her again.hehe. Oh and just call me Sungyeol "

"Eh,Eunsol didn't tell you what happen to Woori?"

"Huh? I don't understand"

"Oh it seems like she didn't tell you.Woori is staying at Eunsol for the day so she is not at home"

"Ahh,I see arasso ajumma,then I'll meet Woori in school then.Annyeonghigyeseyo ajumma"

"Annyeonghigaseyo Sungyeol-sshi"

After talking to Woori's mum,I quickly head to school to meet with Woori. *I hope she is at her usual spot*

Sehun's POV

I was waiting at Woori's locker wanting to explain to her what happened the other day,to tell her it was just a misunderstanding. *Woori-ah where are you?*

As I was waiting for her,I checked my watch at it was already 7.25 AM * Why isn't she here yet? Is she trying to run away from me? I think I'll just talk to her when HIstory class comes then"

I took a last look behind me and blew a sigh and head off to my first lesson.

Kai's POV

I woke up early to check on Woori again at the hospital.  *I hope she is feeling better*

I quickly took a quick bath and wore a simple tee with jeans.

       (A/N Kai looks freaking hot here XD)

I head downstairs and cooked chicken porridge for her *I hope it tastes fine*

.After the porridge was done,I put it in a  insulated 'cool bag' so it wouldn't be cool by the time I arrived at the hospital.

After finish packing,I quickly head to the hospital to meet Woori *Is she awake already?*

Woori's POV

I woke up by the sudden call of someone

"Woori-ah,wake up already.The doctor is here to give you another injection"

*H-h-u-huh? what?* my vision was still blur from the sudden light shining above me.

*Oh yeah,I'm still in the hospital.* I quickly push up my matress and allow the doctor to give me the antibiotic injection *Ow ow ow.. I hate injection*

After it feels like an hour,at last the injection was done and doctor left the ward leaving us both alone.

"So Woori-ah,are you feeling ok?? anywhere of your body parts that hurt?? did the injection hurt??"

"Eunsol-ah,I'm fine.I'm feeling much better compared to yesterday.And yes the injection hurts a lot >< but other than that I can move,SEE!!" moving every part of my body signalling that I can move freely again.

"Phewww..thank goodness you are better.I can see that your face isn't that pale compared to yesterday..Woori-ah,for now rest ok?? I'll pick you up after school since the doctor say you can check out by then.Annyeong Woori see ya later" waving a goodbye while sending me a flying kiss towards me.

"Arasso,annyeong chingu-ah.SARANGHAE" while making a heart shape above my head.

"Hahahaha,Nado saranghae, gidaryeo. Omo and I better get going! I'm already late.Ottoke?!" looking at her watch. 

"Chingu-ah,I better get going! see ya later" and soon she was out of the door.

*Hmm..I guess I'm all alone again* 

I was heading back to dreamland when the ward door was flung open again. *Ok now who is it? Don't tell me Eunsol forgotten something?*

The figure came closer and soon I realise it wasn't Eunsol it was *Kai oppa?!*

"Hey,how are you feeling?Better??"

"Annyeong!yeah I'm feeling so so so much better thanks to you oppa!"

"I'm glad to hear that. Don't need to thank me,I should have done that a loooong time ago"

"Ani,I'm gonna thank you.If you were not there,I think i'm dead by now.Hehehe :D"

"YAH! Dongsaeng I disallow you saying those kind of things in front of me! If you ever say that again oppa will never talk to you" chuckling at his little order.

"Arasso oppa! Mianhae" reaching out and giving him a hug. *I miss hugging him*

We stayed in that position until he release his hug showing me a paperbag to me.

"Woori-ah,urmm..oppa cooked for you something.I hope it tastes fine but just throw it away if the porridge tastes bad ok?"

"Omo chincha oppa? chincha? Saranghae oppa!" I quickly snatch the paperbag from Kai and quickly took out the tupperware revealing the delicious chicken porridge.

He looked at me shocked but soon shake his head at my chidishness.

"Wah my little dongsaeng still haven't change huh?? Aigoo.." ruffling my hair causing it to mess up in all different directions.

"Aish oppa chincha!! Nevermind,I'll forgive you this one time because you brought me my favourite chicken porridge :D" after replying him with my notepad,I quickly open the cover of the tupperware and the smell of the porridge soon filled the hospital ward.

I quickly took a bite with Kai waiting for my response. My eyes rounded at the taste of the delicious porridge.
* Oppa still can cook huh?!*

"Omo oppa,it tastes soooo good!! Oppa the best JJANG!" putting my two thumbs up showing that it was good.

"I'm so glad that you like it.Pheww..thank goodness my cooking skills are still good" Kai said while wriggling his eyebrows at me.

"Yah! you haven't change huh?? still flirty as ever" rolling my eyes at him.

"I'm only flirty towards you dongsaeng"  he said while sending me a wink. *What the hell?!*

"Oppa lets just stop here,you are just getting weirder" rolling my eyes for the second time and soon a wide grin was seen on my face.

After a long silence,I continued the conversation by asking

"Oh yeah oppa! Why are you not in school? You are gonna be late!Better hurry up and leave!" pushing him towards the door.

"Ani! oppa isn't going to school today.I'm taking care of a sick duckling" while pushing me back towards my bed.

"Oppa!! I can take good care of myself.Ppali and hurry to school before you are too late" pushing him again

"I'm already late so just let me skip it.Ok?" with a serious tone in his voice.

"Haih..fine.Oppa can take care of me just for today ok? tomorrow you are going straight back to school.Got it KIM JONGIN!" *his so scary when his angry.Hmmphh!*

"NEH NEH little dongsaeng! And ok I will go straight back to school tomorrow ok?Happy now KIM WOORI?"

"Yes very" with a smile lighted on my face.

And soon my day at the hospital was spent with Kai filled with laughter.

Sungyeol's POV

I was waiting at the back garden when a figure was approaching me. *That should be Woori!*

"Woo.." before I could finish I soon realise it wasn't her but her best friend Eunsol.

"Oh,annyeong Eunsol.Where is Woori?" checking behind her making sure Woori wasn't hiding.

She chuckled and soon replied " Hahaha don't need to check behind me because she is not coming to school today"

"Why?? Is she sick? But Mrs Kim told me she was with you yesterday!"  with a worried look on my face.

"Urmm..about that.She was beaten up yesterday by the Queenkas but luckily she was saved by Ka.. a-a- I mean she was saved by someone and now she is in the hospital.Oh and don't tell Woori's mum ok or not Woori will kill me"


"Yeah she is fine.CHILL! and moreover she will be leaving the hospital today"

"Pheww..luckily she's fine.Oh can I follow you later?"

"Urmm..sure lets meet up at the school gates later ok?? Now I gotta go to my first class.Meet ya later~!"

"Arasso, annyeong" I blew my bangs away with a slight disappointment *Why didn't she tell me? I'll guess I can't give her the croissant. Haih..*

* I better head to class too before I'm caught late again by the prefects* soon I left the garden and head back to class feeling a little depress after what Eunsol told me. *I hope she's fine*

Sehun's POV

The lesson pass surprisingly slow today *Why is time turning its back on me? WHY?* 

But after the looooong whining in my head,soon enough it was History lesson *Oh my gosh,at last! Now I can solve my problems with Woori!*

I quickly head out of my classroom leaving my hyungs behind.The only thing I really want to solve right now is the misunderstanding with Woori.


As I walked into the class,I quickly took a seat at my usual place waiting for Woori to arrive. *Where is she?*

After a long 5 minutes,I finally spot her friend walking in and expecting her to come in after that but I didn't expect to be Sistar walking behind her * What the hell?Why isn't she here again? Is she with that Sungyeol dude?*

I look around the class to see whether I missed her when she was walking in when I caught a glimpse of somebody else *Hey,isn't that that Sungyeol dude? So that means she wasn't with him?*

I quickly turn to the front  and realise Woori's friend was seating in front of me and I took the opportunity to ask her. 

"Urmm..hey Eunsol right? I just wanna ask,where is your friend Woori?"

"Ohh err hey Sehun-sshi! Woori? she's not feeling that well so she is resting at home"

"Oh I see, ok then. Thanks for telling me" sending her a friendly smile as a sign of thank you.

"Ah its ok" turning her body towards the front again.

* least I know she's not  ignoring me. So I'll just settle this misunderstanding tomorrow then* as a smile soon crept onto my face unknowingly.

*And where is  Kai anyway?I didn't even see him since first period* I shrug off that thought and continue to listen to Mrs.Sung.

Sungyeol's POV

"KRIING" KRINNG" signalling that school was over. * last! Now I can meet Woori*

I quickly rush out of the class and head to the school gates waiting for Eunsol's arrival. *Where is she?*

I was looking around when suddenly a sudden whisper made me frightened..



I turned around and was faced with Eunsol laughing at me

"Puahahha..y-o-o-you sh-ou-ld ha-ve seen the l-oo-k on your fa-c-e-e"  clutching onto her stomach preventing herself from falling down.

"Aish..chincha!Lets just go!" feeling slightly embarassed.

"Arasso arasso,you are just like Woori,not fun at all" giving me a pout.

*Me like Woori? Its that a compliment?*

"Me like Woori?" I said.

"YEAH! No fun" stickling her tongue out at me.

"At least I made you laugh right?" wriggling my eyebrows at her while laughter escaped from my lips.

"Yeah..but..ok whatever!Lets hurry up before Woori gets angry" 

"Ah..right right..lets hurry up then!" 

We soon left and head to the hospital.

After 10 minutes..

" last we are here" Eunsol said while doing stretches to loosen up her muscle.

"Mhhmm..yup my whole body is aching from the long journey." yawning tiredly from the long bus ride.

"Oh yeah,lets better get going!Lets go go go!" with a cheery voice.


*She is so not like Woori!*

Woori's POV

I was having fun talking to Kai when suddenly I got a message from Eunsol.

"Woori-ah, I'm on my way to your ward with Sungyeol-sshi so if Kai is there,you better get him out of there! Fast!"

*Oh Eunsol is here already?WAIT WHAT?SUNGYEOL IS HERE TOO? I gotta get Kai out of here*

"What? Sungyeol oppa is here?? Can you help me to distract Sungyeol oppa so that he wouldn't come here too fast! I got to ask Kai leave but he got to have time to escape too"

After I wrote the message to Eunsol,I quickly turn towards Kai.

"Kai we are in big trouble! You got to get out of here fast! I'll explain to you later neh?Annyeong!" dragging him out of the door 

"W-wh-what? Why?? Ok then I'll call you later neh?"Annyeong dongsaeng-ah" grabbing his coat before leaving the room.

*Phew..that was close* the last thing I heard from Kai was "and remember to take care of yourself!See you tomorrow!"

I quickly sat on my bed and lay down pulling a magazine with me.

Just at that moment the door flew open and there was Sungyeol and Eunsol

"WOOOORIII!! ARE YOU OK?? EUNSOL JUST TOLD ME ABOUT YOU! I WAS SO WORRIED!" Sungyeol half shouted while checking me from head to toe.

"I'm fine I'm fine Sungyeol oppa! Just a few cuts and bruises" giving him a reassuring smile.


"I'm really fine! SEE!" shaking my body acknowledging him that I am fine.

"I still don't trust you! I will deal with you later but now lets check on you first. OK?"

"Arasso oppa" wriggling my nose from his behaviour

"Hey hey hey people,somebody is left out here" Eunsol said while waving her hands in the air dramactically.

"Hehehe, annyeong Eunsol-ah!Thank you for helping,if you didn't help just now we will be dead by now! ><"

" only you are saying Hi to me? SEE I'm your hero~"

"I'm so so sorry! Forgive me? :P You are always~"

"No! I will only forgive you if you treat me to lunch after you are feeling better~ And I already told you mum that you will be staying at my house for a few days,so you don't have to worry about getting caught from your mum"

"Arasso~ Omo chincha? Thank you thank you thank you bestie!SARANHAE" I wrote while throwing flying kisses in her direction.

"Nado Saranghae" catching my flying kisses fakingly while laughing hysterically at our silly actions.

Sungyeol suddenly interrupted "Ok Ok girls,stop from your girly scenes and get you check out! I just hate the smell of hospital! Yuck!"

"Arasso Sungyeol-sshi! Kaja Woori-ah" while holding onto my shoulders helping me to balance.

I just nod my head as a a reply.


We soon check out and both of us bid farewell to Sungyeol.

"Annyeong Sungyeol oppa!"

"Annyeong Woori and Eunsol, see you tomorrow!" with a big smile lighted on his face.

"Arasso Sungyeol sshi! Annyeong!"

"I'm so so sorry I can't follow you guys back home"

"Its ok Sungyeol oppa :D you better hurry up and pick up your niece! Don't be late again!"

"Arasso annyeong! see you tomorrow"

Me and Eunsol soon head of to her house. * What a long day..*

A/N Hello subbies~ sorry for not updating for quite some time >< You know school is killing me D: with the homeworks and activitys held in school,and this year is also a big year for us since we both will be sitting for a major exam T.T *cries*.Ok so back to the story! How was the chapter guys?Is it good?? So what do you think of Kai being the brother? hehehe :D


Here is gifs for you guys~

This is so cute >< I saw this on facebook and I was like awww >w<

cute Baozi ~

Hot Lay ~

y Wufan~

Charming Panda~

Cutie Lulu~

Goodlooking Chen~

Handsome Suho~

Cute Owl~

Smexy Kai~

Hot Bacon Alert~

Pretty boy Chanyeol~

Burning hot Sehun~


And did you guys hear Sistar19 newest song?
They are just so y! <3


Credits to rightful owners~ 
Credits to TheDerpChanyeol and Exotic grounds for the awesome poster~




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Heyy subbies!~ We just want to inform you guys that we won't be updating for maybe two weeks?! Because we will be having a mid-term exam so yeah :)) So sorry


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Chapter 48: wait what is MT??
Chapter 14: yaaayy!! He saved her from the horrible bullies<3 Sungyeol-ah! :D
Chapter 13: ALKSDJF. LOL Finally i'm starting to read again!! hahah Ahh~! She has to call him Oppa now c: kekeke
ExoticBeaSehunnie #4
Chapter 49: I don't know if I should ship her with Sungyeol or SeHun
Princyysb #5
Chapter 48: Wah, this fic is really ineteresting I read all the chapters in one day (today). So crazy hahah, please update soon, and I hope sehun and woori would get like a lovey scene and that's when they start to realize their feelings towards each other haha, their so sweet! Go Serri! XD
Angelfreak1999 #6
Chapter 48: Please update soon!
Woori and Sehun are really cute.
ExoticBeaSehunnie #7
Chapter 48: What happened during last year's MT? I'm realllllllllllllllllllly curious!!

~~ I'm so curious yeah!! ~~ :D
Chapter 46: omo omo I was squealing in my room because I imagined kris oppa also saying that cheesy words to me >.< then my mom interrupted me saying Am I crazy? XD I really love this story >.<
siwonsmirk #9
Chapter 47: yayy keep writing authornim! ^_^)