The Fight and The House

The Break Up Ballad
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*ONCE AGAIN! I felt really emotional writing this one IDK what's happening to me but thanks to this emotion I make this chapter like really long. hahaha! hope you like this one and comments are very appreciated and encouraging :):)





“Happy birthday my boy!!!” Chaerin jumped over Jiyong’s shoulders but that body is too weak. He cries in pain and Chaerin just laughed at him after handing over a small box as birthday present.


“Behave, ! It’s the most expensive restaurant in this district okay I don’t want to ruin our images, so don’t you ever do that again in public, especially at place like this.” Jiyong scolded the blonde who is not listening to him and took her seat first. Jiyong sighed as he watched his best friend still behaving the same, careless, unaware, stubborn, etc.


“Thanks for this anyway. I hope it’s not something ridiculous.” Jiyong said about the present as he put the box inside his jacket.

Chaerin frowned, “Have I ever presented you something ridiculous?” she is just pretending.


Jiyong groaned, “Whatever. I’m hungry, where are the others… uhm… I meant, where is Bom?” he said quickly and now his face looks a little bit nervous.


Chaerin noticed that. She leaned forward and studied her best friend’s face. “What did you mean the others? I thought you said it’s only going to be me and Bom. You said it’s only the three of us!” Chaerin exclaimed.


Jiyong scratched his temple and rolled his eyes, something he does only when he is hiding something or nervous, or even scared. Then he just decided to shrug and gave the girl a smirk. “Come on, Chae. You and Bom are not my only friends. I also have my other close friends.”


Chaerin leaned back and clutched her hands. She took a deep breathe, “Dara is coming, am I right?”


Jiyong shrugged again and then he turned his head when someone patted on his shoulder. Bom is smiling prettily above him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Happy birthday, Ji.” She said and replied by a hug from Jiyong.


Bom sat next to Chaerin, noticing her girlfriend’s annoyed facial expression. She just starred at those two people confusedly. Chaerin is still scowling at Jiyong and he pretends nothing is happening while busying himself texting someone in silence.


Bom rubbed Chaerin’s nape. “What’s wrong with your face?” she asked.


“Nothing.” Chaerin lied as she leaned a kiss on her girlfriend’s cheek and smiled bitterly, “I think Jiyong fooled us.” She murmured and right at the time, someone appeared with a fading smile on her face as she saw the crowded table.

Of course, Jiyong didn’t just lie to one party, but also lie to Dara. He also told her that it would be only her, and Minzy because people already know the answer right? If he told the truth, none of them are going to come for the dinner because those two stubborn break-up couple is trying so hard to avoid each other.


Dara still managed a friendly smile for Bom though. She made eye contact with Chaerin and both of them quickly looked away at the same time.

Dara sat next to Jiyong and giggled over something with him, that annoys Chaerin even more, not because she is jealous but because she just doesn’t think it’s a good idea to have Dara in one table with her and Bom like this after what happened the other day at her mom’s house.


“So… where’s your little girlfriend?” Jiyong asked.


Dara let go of a deep sigh, “She isn’t coming. She has to practice a little more because last week we were together, all week. So her manager is giving her a hard time just for a payback I guess…” Dara said shyly and quickly took a sip of the tea that’s served for her.


Chaerin smirked, “Or she’s just lying to you because she just doesn’t have the nerve to face us all….” She paused and looked at all her friends, chuckling. But nobody finds it funny but offensive. “…you know, she is… a kid who happened to be lucky so she could be in this industry and she is still a rookie. No offense, Dara but I do think she is not that talented. And she is afraid of facing me. Maybe she is scared that I might kick her after screwing with my ex girlfriend.”


“Chaerin, can I beg you to stop talking harsh about my life just for tonight? I mean it, I plead you badly.”


Chaerin was about to reply but Bom squeezed her hand and shook her head lightly. Chaerin knows it’s time to stop.


“Stop guys. I want to enjoy my birthday tonight so don’t fight, don’t ruin this… for me.” Jiyong exclaimed.



“You want some?” Bom offered Chaerin a shrimp. Chaerin just nodded and let the older woman fed her.

Dara smirked and she rubbed her forehead, “I thought you were allergic to shrimp.” She said suddenly breaking the peace and silence.

Chaerin frowned, “I’ve recovered.”


“Bull. Bom, you have to stop her from eating shrimps. She could be feeling itchy all night long and also, she would go crazy, trust me, don’t feed her that.” Dara said, her smirk never leaves her pretty face.


Bom feels a little bit awkward, she starred carefully at Chaerin, “Why didn’t you tell me before?” She asked with worried eyes. Chaerin quickly wiped and swallowed the shrimp. Then she smiled at her girlfriend, “It’s alright. I really want to taste it, really I loved shrimp before the stupid allergic happened.” She made an excuse and then she turned her head at Dara, glaring at the satisfied girl after bothering the blonde’s relationship with the red haired model.


Jiyong looked at them both carefully and hoped nothing is going to happen in that table. “Dara… please, st…” Jiyong’s worst expectation happened even before he could finish his sentence to remind Dara about it.


“Whoa. Why don’t you know about these little things about your girlfriend? You should’ve known already! You want to know more? Chaerin also hates color pink and lace underwear. She doesn’t like sweets much. She hates lemon and apple. She doesn’t like sleeping . She…”


“Cut the crap !” Chaerin tossed her spoon away and her voice is pretty loud. Loud enough to make some people noticed it. Jiyong is the most embarrassed out of all.


“What do you want from me? Just say it! Are you jealous? Do you envy our relationship? Tell me right away! Just tell me! Don’t ing ruining it by provoking!” Chaerin has gone crazy.


“Now tell me the person who always picks a fight? Who always talks bad about me and my girlfriend and my ing life that you ruined! YOU! It’s always been you who starts this ! If the only one who is jealous, is you. Because I never wanted to bother you in the first place but you did.” Dara replied with the equal loud of voice.


“Duh! You two are ing insane. If you really hate each other, then stop picking fight with each other, stop teasing each other, stop talking behind your back. All the things you two have been doing toward each other just show how you still care about each other! And yeah, you’re jealous, Dara, and you too, Chaerin. You two are ing screwed! I’m sorry, Bom but this isn’t about you. It’s just me being frustrated because my best friends are acting very ridiculously!” he stops and takes a deep breathe. His eyes are roaming around, and after calming himself. He stands up and looks at Dara and Chaerin, “I just need one night, one night for me to see you guys not fighting. It’s my ing birthday! I don’t know what to do anymore about both of you. Find a way to fix it, damn it!” he said and then leaving the restaurant.


“Look what’ve you done?” Chaerin yelled.


“It’s your fault!”


“How is it my fault? You started it!”


“I think I need to use the bathroom.” Bom said and walked away from the table, leaving the two people in a hot war.

Chaerin clenched her teeth, “! First you ruined mom’s dinner, now your own best friend’s and at both occasion, you hurt my girlfriend. You’re really an amazing con actress, Dara. I salute you!” Chaerin said and wiped quickly.


“It wasn’t my fault at all. It’s not my fault that your mom likes me more than she likes Bom. It’s not my fault that Jiyong loves me as well as he loves you that he also invited me even he also invited my girlfriend which he dislikes. It’s also not my fault that I dumped you and we broke up. Think about it, Chae. Is it really my fault? I don’t think so.”


“Yeah it’s of course you’re ing fault because you cheated on me!”


“I didn’t exactly cheated on you. You made me very lonely. You were busy with your own business you didn’t even have time for me! I wasn’t cheating, you moron. I was seeking for your attention but you never realized it! No words can describe how much I hate you, Lee Chaerin!” Dara’s voice becomes shaky as she started to shed tears.


Chaerin’s heart becomes weaker as she saw those teary eyes and those trembling shoulders. The sight of Dara crying always makes her feel very guilty and there’s always that feeling of protecting her every time she sees her upset and that feeling had just came back to her one more time.


“But you still date her anyway, means you were also in love with her, right?” Chaerin softened her voice.


Dara sniffed and managed not to cry in front of Chaerin, or in public. “At least despite all her busy schedules and her secured images, she still stole time to see me. She snuck out, just to see me, to cheer me up because once again, you never got time for me and I was so stressful about that!” Dara grabbed her purse and also walked away from the restaurant.


She walked toward her car when Jiyong’s car stopped right beside her. He rolled down the window. His face looks terrible. He looks like he just cried and he looks so exhausted, or, angry. “Mind to join me getting wasted?” he asked without even looking at Dara.

Dara wiped the last tears coming out from her eyes. “I’m glad you asked me!” she murmured and got inside Jiyong’s car.




“ I’m ing high.” Jiyong said as he rubbed his eyes and his cheeks, slapping them lightly to wake him up. He slumped his body onto the couch, Dara’s couch. Then the small girl followed him, befall the skinny man.


“That was great.” She murmured as she gave her head a little massage with her fingers

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Chapter 4: I'm actually re reading this wonderful story this is so heartbreaking ?
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 19: Oh so in love with this chaera story I re read it again I cant get enough hope you will made a part 2 of this having a baby...pls you will grant ut. Tkx
chaerashipper08 #3
Chapter 19: One of the best! I love it! <3
youngyul #4
Chapter 19: Im crying river
mikichow11 #5
Chapter 9: Thus is the four fiction i re read again. Gosh, it still get me excited like hell..what had u done? I cant sop
chaerashipper08 #6
This fic really hits home to me. I am a silent reader actually.. but this story just pulls strings in my heart. I really love it. Thank you so much for this.
che21lo15 #7
Chapter 19: Oh I still keep on reading it I'm so in love with this story..hope there will be a part 2 of there life after married are there going to have a children? Pls...tnx
uniqdreamz #8
Chapter 19: The more you hate, the more you love ? Yeah, I totally agree. Thanks for this heart wrenching, roller coaster emotional and lovey dovey fic. :)
che21lo15 #9
Chapter 19: I really love this i've reading this so many times...maybe you make a part2of this..maybe a continuation like about there married life and havinga baby..hehehe i just like that kind of idea.