The Unravel

The Break Up Ballad
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Chaerin took a deep breath, her palms are sweaty and she is preparing herself. She looked out her car’s window, looking at that house she is about to get in. She didn't know where she got the nerve to do the things she just did. She just did it. She was crazy.

She went out and stopped for a while to brush her hair with her fingers and then when she thinks she is ready she walks toward the front door.

She looked at the window, the light is on and she smiled, means the owner hasn’t slept yet but then she saw something else. She walked closer and closer and then she saw two people, kissing around. She stopped her step and kept watching, watching and watching until she recognized who is the girl kissing her ex girlfriend.

She burst into anger. She stormed into the door. The door isn’t even locked. She went into the living room where the kissing couple at. She grabbed the short-haired girl by the collar and pushed her away, she fell down to the coach behind her.


Dara widened her eyes as she saw Chaerin and she quickly ed her shirt.

Chaerin looked at Minzy who’s completely scared. She is shaking there at the couch like a little puppy. She can’t even look at Chaerin in the eye.

“What are you doing here?” Chaerin raised her voice at Minzy.

Dara grabbed Chaerin’s arm and dragged her away from the living room before Minzy could answer her.


“Let me go!” Chaerin yelled at Dara as they walked out of the house.


“What the are you doing here? Why would you do that to her? She’s just a kid.” Dara yelled at her


“What? A kid? A kid who brought you into hole you still want to defend her? Are you ing insane? What are you doing with her?” Chaerin yelled back.


“I am the one who should be asking you what the hell are you doing in my house?”


Chaerin can’t find words to answer the question. She can’t even think properly right now, her whole body is feeling betrayed, betrayed by the trust for Dara she has recently gained. She realized she should’ve stayed away from her and not to start trusting her again.


“I was wrong… I thought we could change. I thought we still have that opportunity to fix this up, to get back together… I was ing wrong. You’re a , Dara. Get back inside and continue playing with your toy…”


A sudden slap landed on Chaerin’s face. She groaned and glared at Dara who’s bravely glaring back at her. Both are mad like hell, angry over misunderstanding and foolish thing.

Chaerin stepped closer to her, “Do you know how much I tried to get you out of your trouble? Do you know how I cared about you? I ing did anything…. Anything to get you out of trouble but you keep putting yourself into trouble. She… that kid, that kid you adore is just going to drag you into a black hole. And you’re gonna be clueless and when that time comes I won’t be around to help anymore.”


“What the hell is wrong with you, huh? Did something happen to you? Did you mad over something and then you came all over here just to wreak it on me coz you just can’t stop hating me, can you?” Dara pushed Chaerin hard. She kept pushing her away, away from her house, away from her porch and from her yard.


“Go away, Chae… I just don’t understand you anymore!” she yelled again.


Chaerin just smirked and then she just shook her head, “Well… you just said it. We’re really over.”

Dara gasped, “Yeah, very over. There’s exactly nothing, no reason for us to get back together… there I said it.”


Chaerin chuckled and turned around. She kicked the rock and drove her car off of Dara’s yard.

Dara felt weak on her knee, she sat on her porch and quickly wiped the unwanted tears on her cheeks. Minzy went out and touched her shoulder, “Hey is everything fine should I go?”

Dara looked up and faked a smile, “No… please stay. I need someone to talk to…”

Minzy nodded, “Okay… let’s get inside, it’s freezing.” She said as she reached out her hand. Dara smiled and t

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Chapter 4: I'm actually re reading this wonderful story this is so heartbreaking ?
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 19: Oh so in love with this chaera story I re read it again I cant get enough hope you will made a part 2 of this having a baby...pls you will grant ut. Tkx
chaerashipper08 #3
Chapter 19: One of the best! I love it! <3
youngyul #4
Chapter 19: Im crying river
mikichow11 #5
Chapter 9: Thus is the four fiction i re read again. Gosh, it still get me excited like hell..what had u done? I cant sop
chaerashipper08 #6
This fic really hits home to me. I am a silent reader actually.. but this story just pulls strings in my heart. I really love it. Thank you so much for this.
che21lo15 #7
Chapter 19: Oh I still keep on reading it I'm so in love with this story..hope there will be a part 2 of there life after married are there going to have a children? Pls...tnx
uniqdreamz #8
Chapter 19: The more you hate, the more you love ? Yeah, I totally agree. Thanks for this heart wrenching, roller coaster emotional and lovey dovey fic. :)
che21lo15 #9
Chapter 19: I really love this i've reading this so many times...maybe you make a part2of this..maybe a continuation like about there married life and havinga baby..hehehe i just like that kind of idea.