The Agreement

The Break Up Ballad
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A/N : Okay i know i'm sorry for not updating for a while. i'm so busy with my works i can't find time to write. this is all i can do for you all... enjoy!!




Chaerin stood up immediately as she saw Dara appeared with her pale face. She doesn’t look sad or upset or anxious but she does look annoyed which is not news for Chaerin because all her life, Dara has not been showing any affection toward her mom.

She walked quickly toward where Chaerin was standing and as their eyes met. Dara scoffed, “Is she there?” she asked coldly. Chaerin nodded lightly. Dara wanted to rush into the room where her mom was in but Chaerin blocked her way. “Wait, what are you going to do?” she asked as she woke up on realization that her ex girlfriend might do something bad.


Dara shrugged, “What do you think? I’m going to visit my sick mom…” she said coldly and pushed Chaerin aside but Chaerin placed her hands quickly on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. Dara’s a bit shaking but she doesn’t want to look weak. She ducked her head and smirked. “I… want to come in, Chae. Why are you doing this?” she snapped both of Chaerin’s hands but this time Chaerin grabbed her hand and pulled her away.


“You don’t look like you’re going to visit her. You look like you’re ready to stab her in the heart.” Chaerin said.

Dara scoffed, “Well thanks for giving the idea.” She rushed into the room and stunned as she saw the mother she’s been hating her whole life for many reasonable reasons. Her mom is lying on the bed, helpless with machines and wires. Her face is so pale and she looks old with those wrinkles. She looks tired as hell and Dara had never felt this way ever as she looked into her mom’s face.


Chaerin moved closer to her, “She’s very sick, Dara… I don’t think it’s time to yell at her. I don’t care what issue you got right now about her but not this time.” She muttered behind her.


Dara turned around, “What’s happening to her?” she asked with shaky voice but still managed not to look anxious.


Chaerin leads her outside. “She’s got heart attack. I don’t know anything more… the doctor insisted he would speak to the relatives which is… you’re the only one.” She said as she bended herself on the chair.

“Sit with me…” she said as she tapped the empty seat right beside her. Dara walked slowly toward her with her eyes studying Chaerin’s face. She finds it peculiar that Chaerin is being nice and seems care about her mom’s condition.

Dara sat next to her quietly and started shrinking her face into her palms. “I can’t believe this is happening. All I knew about her is… she is a who doesn’t even deserve to be a mom. I hated her my whole life… but when I saw her just now, I don’t know… I kinda feel sorry.” Dara muttered.


Chaerin moved up her hand to caress Dara’s nape and squeezed her shoulder. Dara turned her head at her which made the situation between them becomes a little bit awkward.

Chaerin quickly removed her hands off of her and cleared . “I was meeting up with her when she collapsed...”


“What were you talking about?”


Chaerin smirked, “We barely talked about something. I lost my temper, I said things, bad things to her. She insisted me to stay because she told me she has something important to say to me but before that happened… she was already on the floor, gasping for air. It was terrible. I feel terrible.”


Dara tilted her head, “You sound different, Chae. I thought you’ve always hated her.”


“She’s my boss afterall. I can’t really hate her, she provides me things, money, and so on…” she chuckled. “And you can’t really hate her too. She’s your mom.” She continued.


Dara rolled her eyes and shook her head, “I don’t know. I never thought of that.”


“Thought of what?”


“Whether if I really hate her or not…”


“You don’t. Trust me, you don’t.”


Dara sighed. “Whatever… I don’t want to talk about this. I should get going now.” She stood up. “Don’t you want to come home?”

Chaerin shrugged, “If I come home, who should be looking after her?”

Dara smirked, “You’re not serious, are you?”


“I’m serious. Dara… she’s going to die. Don’t you think it’s time for a change?”


“I know what you’re talking about… it’s not gonna happen. I mean, I’m not going to do things you expected me to.”


“You’re a monster…”


Dara crossed her arms, “I’m a monster? Are you ing insane? She was the one who gave birth to me and never took care of me. I was basically raised up by nannies and fed by my uncle. Mom… she was never home. Even when she was, she dispatched me. She never even looked me in the eye…” Dara gasped as the tears literally fall down from her eyes and she couldn’t help it.

The sad and bitter memories she had about her mom and childhood was overwhelming.

“I can’t do this. Every time she is near, there’s this urge… to do bad things, to say bad things to her, to yell and curse at her. You know… she never loved me either…” then she burst and no one can ever stops her for crying out loud.


Chaerin got up from the chair to hold her. She wrapped Dara’s tiny body into her arms and held her tightly to calm her storm. The nurses are looking at them already so she really needs to get this girl at ease.

“Sshh…. There’s no use to cry and be mad all the time. You have to stop this. Forgive her…”

Dara squeaked, “I can’t… it’s so hard. She is never happy about everything I do. She is never happy with everything that has something to do about me. She doesn’t love me.”


“She loves you…”


“How do you know?”


“She told me.”




“She told me… before she fell asleep after the doctor doped her. She told me she loves you. She was afraid she wasn’t going to wake up again so she told me that.”

Dara stopped her sobs as she heard that last sentence. She controlled her breath and hugged Chaerin back, leaning her head comfortably on her shoulder.

“She loves you, Dara. People love you. Just because you make one big mistake, so people would stop loving you. You may be in a trouble right now. People put

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Chapter 4: I'm actually re reading this wonderful story this is so heartbreaking ?
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 19: Oh so in love with this chaera story I re read it again I cant get enough hope you will made a part 2 of this having a baby...pls you will grant ut. Tkx
chaerashipper08 #3
Chapter 19: One of the best! I love it! <3
youngyul #4
Chapter 19: Im crying river
mikichow11 #5
Chapter 9: Thus is the four fiction i re read again. Gosh, it still get me excited like hell..what had u done? I cant sop
chaerashipper08 #6
This fic really hits home to me. I am a silent reader actually.. but this story just pulls strings in my heart. I really love it. Thank you so much for this.
che21lo15 #7
Chapter 19: Oh I still keep on reading it I'm so in love with this story..hope there will be a part 2 of there life after married are there going to have a children? Pls...tnx
uniqdreamz #8
Chapter 19: The more you hate, the more you love ? Yeah, I totally agree. Thanks for this heart wrenching, roller coaster emotional and lovey dovey fic. :)
che21lo15 #9
Chapter 19: I really love this i've reading this so many times...maybe you make a part2of this..maybe a continuation like about there married life and havinga baby..hehehe i just like that kind of idea.