Under Construction

So You Want To Date My Sister?

So guy's if you've been keeping up or even if you haven't, I'd like to thank you all for your support. 


I've dissappeared on you all and after a very, very, very long time, I found myself back here. I began writing this back in 2012 and I'm determined to finish this hopefully by this year. I apologize for my absence and I promise to update and write whenever I'm able. 


But first, I have to go back to the begining, to reread and rebuild this story, I need to get this story back on track and by doing so I will be rewriting each chapter, one by one until the writing is up to par with my new style. 


So thank you to all who have read, who have subscribed and who will someday read this. I apologize for the incovience, since things will be written over, some things will change and some might. 


Thank you again, and I hope your all doing well this new year 

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Yunx1t #1
Chapter 26: Mann it’s been a long time re reading this story
Kryber2017 #2
Chapter 26: Howz it going author-nim. Arent you going to finish this? What happens next?
Chapter 26: i want jessber to hang out during the fair. Jessber all the way. Jessber FTW!
Chapter 26: i want jessber to hang out during the fair. Jessber all the way. Jessber FTW!
Pandora19 #5
Chapter 26: Jessber ^_^
jovy0025 #6
Chapter 26: Jessber all the way
I haven't read it yet, just about to read it now, but I'm rooting for JessBer.
14 streak #8
Chapter 26: Here for Kryber 0/
Jeongmanji #9
Chapter 25: Jessber all the way
terrrrrrrrree #10
Chapter 25: kryber please