When his Queen meets his Sister. (Jessica's Pov)

So You Want To Date My Sister?

*jingle jingle, wiggle wiggle*

"God damnit door open" a female voice said followed by a *thump*

"Gah stupid door, that's what you get. Next time you better open when I use my keys" the voice said again. The woman set her keys on the table and went to the kitchen not bothering to look around her. She pulled out the bottle of juice and went to the cabniet to get a glass only to see none.

The woman and sighed and went to living room in hopes of relaxing but what does she find? Her brother and some random chick on the couch. Now this isn't the first time she's seen a sight like this but she's told him "if you're going to screw around with someone. Not in my house" so what did she do you ask? Oh she sat on the couch across from them with her bottle of juice waiting for one of them to wake up and while she waited she pulled out her phone and played Angry Birds.

[25 Minutes later]

I yawned softly and rubbed my eyes, looking up I saw a sleeping Amber and smiled.

I turned away from him and I saw a girl sitting on the sofa across from us. She looked to be about in her 20s, she put her phone to the side and glared at me. I tried to get off the couch that I shared with Amber but the stupid llama wouldn't let me go.

I panicked and slapped him hard "what the is wrong with you" he said now awake, he let me go and sat up rubbing his face. I wanted to hit him again but I remembered about the girl with juice so I just turned his head in the direction of the girl.

I watched his expressions go from irrated to shocked and worried. "I swear I didn't sleep with him. I mean I did but not in a ual way I promise. It was raining and really late. I tried to go home but that stupid llama said I should stay the night. I-" I was cut off from my explaination by the girl. She was laughing at me.

"Jessica meet my older sister Victoria" Amber said to me, "She called you a llama" Victoria said immaturely pointing at Amber, then in flash she became serious "I approve of you Jessica Jung, don't make me regret it."..I nodded and looked at Amber who was smiling.

"Ambrooooo" I heard a voice that sounded a lot like Yuri's then the door flew open and there he was, followed by Key, Tae-Yeon, Tiffany, Minho and lastly my little sister. I saw them each walk into the living room and stand in shock at the sight of me and Amber. I got annoyed at Kyrstal looking at Amber's chest so I told Amber to put on a shirt. Thankfully he got up and went to his room and put on his shirt. Only I can see that y body thank you.

"So hot. Hot" I heard someone say, said person walked in the middle of the living room and pointed to Tiffany while they said it again and kissed her cheek. It was none other than Yubin,

I saw Fany blush and Tae-Yeon cross her arms in jealousy. "Victoriaaaa" Yubin sang out to Victoria who looked at her curiously, Yubin then pulled up her shirt showing of her abs and sang out "I'm y and I know it". I saw her, Amber and Key give each other a look and finally realized what they were going to do.

"Wiggle, Wiggle, Yea!"

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Yunx1t #1
Chapter 26: Mann it’s been a long time re reading this story
Kryber2017 #2
Chapter 26: Howz it going author-nim. Arent you going to finish this? What happens next?
Chapter 26: i want jessber to hang out during the fair. Jessber all the way. Jessber FTW!
Chapter 26: i want jessber to hang out during the fair. Jessber all the way. Jessber FTW!
Pandora19 #5
Chapter 26: Jessber ^_^
jovy0025 #6
Chapter 26: Jessber all the way
I haven't read it yet, just about to read it now, but I'm rooting for JessBer.
14 streak #8
Chapter 26: Here for Kryber 0/
Jeongmanji #9
Chapter 25: Jessber all the way
terrrrrrrrree #10
Chapter 25: kryber please