His Friend, Their Rival. (Jessica's Pov)

So You Want To Date My Sister?

So this is Yubin? God must really hate me, not only does my sister like Amber so does this girl.

You should see her now smiling at "Ber", you can see the love in her eyes.

I bet they dated, I bet my damn car they have. I looked at Fany but she seemed to be so in to Yubin.

No she's just thinking? Yea that's right, Fany likes Tae-Yeon.

I saw Amber whisper something in Yubins ear, that made me clench my fist under the table, Krystal hardened her glare and made Yubin gasp.

Amber chuckled and nodded turning his attention back to his food. I made sure to catch Yubin's eyes and glared at her but she just smiled and chuckled. Yubin turned her head to her friends who had been calling her back over and rolled her eyes.

She quickly took out a pen that seem to come out of thin air then tore a napkin in half she wrote on one half then the other other handing one piece to me.

Yubin stood up and took Amber's hat "Thanks Ber, I'll give it back later okay? I gotta go back to my friends right now though. See you later?" She said to him, Amber stood up and gave her a hug "Ok Yubin, I'll talk to you later then", she walked over to Tiffany and whispered something in her ear and put the other half of the napkin in her hand, Tiffany nodded and blushed lightly holding on to the napkin tightly.

"Tiffany, Sica....and Krystal I guess this is goodbye. I hope to see you again" The girl said giving us a smile then she turned and went to sit with her friends. Out of the corner of my eye I swear I saw Yubin glare at Krystal. No...Maybe it was just my imagination.

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Yunx1t #1
Chapter 26: Mann it’s been a long time re reading this story
Kryber2017 #2
Chapter 26: Howz it going author-nim. Arent you going to finish this? What happens next?
Chapter 26: i want jessber to hang out during the fair. Jessber all the way. Jessber FTW!
Chapter 26: i want jessber to hang out during the fair. Jessber all the way. Jessber FTW!
Pandora19 #5
Chapter 26: Jessber ^_^
jovy0025 #6
Chapter 26: Jessber all the way
I haven't read it yet, just about to read it now, but I'm rooting for JessBer.
14 streak #8
Chapter 26: Here for Kryber 0/
Jeongmanji #9
Chapter 25: Jessber all the way
terrrrrrrrree #10
Chapter 25: kryber please