His Friend, Their Rival.

So You Want To Date My Sister?

We walked into a small mexican themed resturant, their wasn't a lot of people so it was pretty quite. I picked out a booth by a window and sat on the end here. Krystal and I sat on one side while Tiffany and Jessica sat on the other.

I guess I wasn't as hungry as I thought because I got two tacos, but man were these tacos were good.

Krystal got some mango in a cup, Jessica ate some chips along with Tiffany. The waitress came to our table again asking if everything was alright and if we needed something, I couldn't help it so I asked if I could have two more tacos.

These things man they were like a mexican mariachi angel came down from heaven and make them. Yes that good. The waitress nodded her head and asked the girls if they wanted anything, the girls all answered with a polite "No thank you". So now we were waiting for my tacos,

I looked around the resturant and noticed three girls come inside and one of them looked oddly familiar. She had long black hair, and brown eyes, she wore gold hoop earings, a leopard print sleeveless shirt with a black sleevless sweater/vest type thing over the leopard shirt. She had maybe two or three necklaces on each a different size so they overlapped nicely, lastly she wore a black mini skirt with black heels. I guess she felt me staring because she looked my way and smiled brightly showing me her pearly white teeth, I gave her my "dorky" smile.

When she saw me smile she looked at me like she recgonized me and turned to her friends telling them something then walked over to me. While she walked over, she pulled out her phone and I guess she answered her phone? I don't know but when she did that I felt my own phone buzz,

I answered it without looking at the caller Id I answered the phone ."Yo" I said, the girl now stood a couple feet away from me, she giggled and spoke into her phone "Hey Ber fancy meeting you here" she said.

I hung up the phone and placed it on the table, getting out of my seat I walked over to the girl smiling brightly and picked her up hugging her.

"Hello there my Yubin" I said to her and set her back on the ground, she wrapped her arms around my neck and looked up at me. "I missed you Ber" she said back. Yubin let me go and stepped away from me. 

Seeing the waitress go to my table, I suddenly remembered my tacos. I dragged Yubin to the table and said to the girls "Sica, Krystal, Tiffany. This is Yubin" I saw them all smile, some looking more forced. I ignored it though and motioned for Yubin to sit down while I grabbed a chair from a nearby table and began eating my tacos.

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Yunx1t #1
Chapter 26: Mann it’s been a long time re reading this story
Kryber2017 #2
Chapter 26: Howz it going author-nim. Arent you going to finish this? What happens next?
Chapter 26: i want jessber to hang out during the fair. Jessber all the way. Jessber FTW!
Chapter 26: i want jessber to hang out during the fair. Jessber all the way. Jessber FTW!
Pandora19 #5
Chapter 26: Jessber ^_^
jovy0025 #6
Chapter 26: Jessber all the way
I haven't read it yet, just about to read it now, but I'm rooting for JessBer.
14 streak #8
Chapter 26: Here for Kryber 0/
Jeongmanji #9
Chapter 25: Jessber all the way
terrrrrrrrree #10
Chapter 25: kryber please