A different side of her

Chocolate Love


He came slightly after a group of dangerous looking men, and as they approached her counter he tensed up, for he has a feeling that they are not ordering their drinks. He was right. Standing directly behind them, he could hear each and every word.

“Since you have a job you should be able to pay for your father’s debt. Pay up or we are going to destroy this shop!” Their hands were on the various furniture scattered around, ready to pick it up and damaged it. With wide eyes Sumi replied them bravely “This job is not enough to pay for his debts! Please leave, I will return it soon.” They merely laughed at her, and held the furniture up high in the air, ready to strike it down on the floor. “Stop!” pulling on their leader’s arm, Sumi tried to stop them. One of the men spoke up as he stared at her “She’s quite pretty, isn’t she? We can just sell her to repay the debts.” All seemed to agree to the plan and grabbed her hands roughly, pulling her towards the door. Seung Ho stood frozen in shock, staring at the scene before him.

He wanted to rush forward and hit the men, for daring to touch her, but before he can something unexpected happened. Sumi hit two of the men at the same time with her legs, and they fell to the ground and passed out. Once her hands are free she did a twirl so fast it makes the others dizzy. Out of the figure of her came a leg and another men was down, then another. None of the men were left standing. Seungho could only stand there and stare at them, shocked at what just happened. Sumi went back to her counter as if nothing had happened, and the men ran out of the shop after being beaten, embarrassed and ashamed.

Seungho picked up some of the fallen chairs and went to the counter. “Are you hurt?” She looked out form her daze and gave him a smile “I’m fine. Thank you for asking. May I take your order?” Seungho was unsettled by that smile of hers. Seeing her smile for so many times, he could tell straight away that this isn’t a genuine smile. Sitting at the usual table, he waited for her to bring the mug to him. When he was near, he gestured to the chair opposite him, and she sat down after making sure that there were no new customers. He drank the hot chocolate leisurely, not wanting to force her to say what is bothering her. “I shouldn’t have done that just now…my father is in their hands, what if I angered the boss and he kill him?” her hands covered her face as she broke down. He patted her shoulders comfortingly.

“I can help you repay the debts.” She gave him a grateful look but shake her head “I can’t let you help me. I have to do this myself.” He sighed at her determined tone. She always seems to be easygoing but there was a stubborn streak in her too. He got up to leave when she had calmed down. “Thank you for listening to me.” With a brisk nod he walked off. “Even if you say not to, I will still help you.” He thought as the car drove off.

He set off to meet the gangsters from just now, not knowing where to look but determined to find them. It didn’t take him long to find them, as half of them were limping from their injuries. Standing in front of them, he tried hard to keep his face emotionless. It was a hard task, for he can’t help feeling angry over their treatment of Sumi. But he has to try and be polite with them. “How much does Sumi owe you?” They looked at each other before turning back to him with raised eyebrows. “Her father owns us 2 million won. Are you her boyfriend?” ignoring their question he took out the chequebook and wrote the exact amount on it. Tearing the page off and handing it to them, he sent them a glare. “Let her father go and don’t bother them again.” They bowed and walked away with grins on their faces. Now they won’t have to get punished by the boss. Seungho watched them silently, before turning to go into his car.

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Ah sorry T___T I hid the chapter lols sorry I'm a troll author hehes xD I'm going to request for a poster soon!:) *can't figure out the side bar note thing*


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Dalily #2
Chapter 16: thanks for such an interesting fic..hope you can create more fic in the future..and i wish it will be about the amazing Seungho once again... =)
Chapter 16: yey! happy ending :)
Chapter 16: OH YEAH!
THIS IS WHAT I WAS ASKING FOR!!!! *dances around*
Nice, very nice...
Chapter 14: really???this is the end????REALLLYY??? ugh...please 1 more chapter...i dont think this is done yet...what the heck happened?????????
Chapter 14: Oh... why is this complete? TT^TT I want moreeeee! TT^TT
Chapter 12: Now that will bring a lot of trouble to this nice couple, wouldn't it?
*giggles* I might have an wild imagination, but yours is wilder than mine! @.@ Making Joon so, so bad in here...
Chapter 12: ahaha! its quite a surprise that they're half brothers though...
Dalily #9
Chapter 10: OMG...i can't believe it,,how come Joon can be so violence toward Sumi n Seungho..please keep on update coz i wanna know why Joon hate Seungho so much..there must be something going on between them..is it because Joon is a part of Seungho's family??..
Chapter 10: nyahahaha! poor joonie....good thing seungho came to save the day! (^^)