Mr Kim's Revelation

Chocolate Love

Because she rejected the offer, the man had injected her with a drug, making her weak so that she can’t escape. “Seungho…” she whispered his name, hoping that he would come and take her away. She is his bodyguard, but now she desperately wished that he would come and save her. The door was opened and someone went up to her. formed an o shape as she realized the person in front of her. Without a word he unties the ropes and pulls her to her feet. She nearly fell down when he let her go and he put his arms around her to steady her. All she could do was leaning against him limply as they made a slow progress out of the cell. There was no one around and the only other occupied cell has her father in it. She tried to reach out to him, to unlock the cell but Joon just pulled her away. “We don’t have time!” she bit her lip and managed to say quietly “My father’s in there.” Joon didn’t hear her and continue moving.

As they were nearing the lift that could take them to the ground level, 4 men came out of the lift and headed towards them. Before she could register what happen, Joon took out a gun and shot all of them calmly, before aiming the gun at the last remaining person. “No!” Sumi shouted with all her remaining strength for standing there was Seungho. At her words, he dropped his gun and the three of them just stood there, staring at each other in confusion. Did he rescue her? Seungho’s eyes were fixed on Joon’s arms, and Joon tightens his hold on her slightly. Tension was in the air as the two males glared at each other. “Why are you touching her? Let go of her now!” Seungho growled in a threatening tone. “I can’t let her go.” Joon answered simply, his hands moving to her waist and hugging her to him.

Sumi tried to explain to him “Seungho…” his gaze immediately soften and turned towards her. “What is it?” he asked in a gentler tone. “The drug took my strength away.” He took a moment to look at her properly. Her face was pale and her hands were hanging limply at her sides. Her whole body was leaning on Joon for support. The state she was in broke his heart. How can they do this to her? “Where’s your father?” he asked and glanced around before his eyes landed on the other occupied cell. “The two of you go first. I will meet you at my house.” He rushed towards the cell and looked around for the key. Searching the pockets of the men quickly, he found a bunch of keys and tried all of it. His clumsy fingers due to nervousness made it even harder to fit it into the keyhole, but at the third try he got managed to unlock it. Sitting there at a corner was Sumi’s father, who struggled to stand up but fell back down. “Sir, let me help you up.” As the older man leaned into him for support, Seungho’s legs shook at the weight, but he tried to act like nothing is wrong and like Joon and Sumi they headed outside.

Once they were in the cab towards Seungho’s house he turned to the older man. “Mr Kim, I’m sorry but you have to stay in my house for the time being. Sumi was caught by a group of masked men at your house yesterday.” Mr Kim sighed and nodded. His eyes widen and he started panicking. “He-that guy! Sumi is in danger!” puzzled, Seungho tried to reassure him “Mr Kim, Sumi is safe now. She is on the way to my house and-” the older man shouted in frustration “Listen to me! That guy Sumi was with is up to no good! You have to find her now!” The cab had already stopped outside their house and Seungho guided him inside “Sir, don’t worry, I’m sure Sumi is here somewhere…” he called out her name a few times but no one answered him. G.O came down from the stairs and bombarded him with questions “Where were you? Did you know how worried I am?! You are still unfit to go out!” He took a deep breath and asked G.O “Have you seen Sumi?” even without listening to the answer he felt dread surfacing. “No. I thought she is still missing?” Mr Kim shouted again “That guy! He took my daughter! Who knows what he will do to her… he even wanted to be my son-in-law!” taking Seungho’s hand in his, he pleaded him “Please, save my daughter! You have just saved me and I know I am asking for too much but please save Sumi from that guy!” G.O was confused by what they were talking about “Sumi? You have found her?! Where is she?”

Seungho patted the old man’s hands in comfort before going towards the door. “Wait! You can’t go out! You need to rest. If not you will collapse!” he ignored the protests from G.O and ran out to where his driver was waiting for him. I have to find Sumi no matter what.

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Ah sorry T___T I hid the chapter lols sorry I'm a troll author hehes xD I'm going to request for a poster soon!:) *can't figure out the side bar note thing*


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Dalily #2
Chapter 16: thanks for such an interesting fic..hope you can create more fic in the future..and i wish it will be about the amazing Seungho once again... =)
Chapter 16: yey! happy ending :)
Chapter 16: OH YEAH!
THIS IS WHAT I WAS ASKING FOR!!!! *dances around*
Nice, very nice...
Chapter 14: really???this is the end????REALLLYY??? ugh...please 1 more chapter...i dont think this is done yet...what the heck happened?????????
Chapter 14: Oh... why is this complete? TT^TT I want moreeeee! TT^TT
Chapter 12: Now that will bring a lot of trouble to this nice couple, wouldn't it?
*giggles* I might have an wild imagination, but yours is wilder than mine! @.@ Making Joon so, so bad in here...
Chapter 12: ahaha! its quite a surprise that they're half brothers though...
Dalily #9
Chapter 10: OMG...i can't believe it,,how come Joon can be so violence toward Sumi n Seungho..please keep on update coz i wanna know why Joon hate Seungho so much..there must be something going on between it because Joon is a part of Seungho's family??..
Chapter 10: nyahahaha! poor joonie....good thing seungho came to save the day! (^^)