Hurting one to save another

Chocolate Love



Joon was in his room, crossing and uncrossing his fingers as he thought back to Sumi’s expression when she saw him. All he had seen in her eyes was fear. There was no happiness, and her eyes aren’t shining like the time they were friends. It was his fault, his fault that she got hurt. That incident only caused her to be even closely to Seungho than before. “He was the one who saved her, but I saved her too! Why can’t she trust me?” he growled to no one in particular. A men in black knocked on the door and came in, bowing respectfully “What is it?” he lashed out at the man, still angry and annoyed by Seungho.

“We found someone attempting to sneak into the headquarters, boss. He knows Yang Seungho.” The man led him to where G.O was and he smirked at the person as he entered the room. “Seungho sent you here, didn’t he? Such a fool…” he sat down on the armchair nearby, studying the man who was glancing at him warily. “You are…Joon?” he gave a brisk nod. “And you are…?” G.O glanced left and right, before replying him “G.O. My name is G.O” Joon made himself more comfortable and clapped his hands. G.O tensed up, expecting a group of men to march in and take him somewhere but instead a waitress came in pushing a cart full of food. “Let’s talk while we wait for the others, shall we? Oh and before I forget, you should make a call to Seungho to tell him you are perfectly fine.” There was an ordering tone underneath the casual remark and G.O nodded hurriedly, not wanting to put Seungho in danger again. Besides, I will think of a plan. As they had reached a particular hotel, Seungho answered a call in surprise. “It’s G.O he said he won’t be back until tomorrow. Apparently he is visiting his hometown.” Sumi was suspicious about it. Joon had appeared not logn ago and now G.O says he is at his hometown? “Why did he suddenly go there?” Seungho shrugged “Maybe he missed his parents.” They went back home to change and get ready for the ball. As Seungho came out with his tie hanging around his neck, he gave Sumi a cheeky smile “Want to help me tie this again?” she sighed and tie it quickly, and he gave her a quick peck on her cheek. Holding out his arm to her, he bowed with a twinkle in his eyes “May I?” she giggled at his antics and looped her arm through his, stepping into the car once again.

Sumi’s eyes were as round as saucers as she took in the scene before her. Everyone was dressed in the finest clothes she had seen, and the grand staircase lead to a ballroom with chandeliers and candels on every available surface. White cloth was draped on the tables and the chairs were carved intricately and trimmed with specks of gold. It looked like the kind of ballroom she had read about in fairytale books when she was younger. “Sumi, we can’t stand here all day.” Seungho whispered discreetly into her ear and she snapped out of her daze, going down the steps while Seungho held on to her hand.” She felt eyes on the two of them and gulped, everyone was looking at her…why? She felt out of place here and the stares did not help her feel more comfortable. Seungho was squirming nervously as if it’s the first time he had been to such events beside her. That’s why he tried to avoid this events at all costs… it makes him feel uncomfortable.

Luckily Mr Yang came towards the two of them. “Son, I’m glad you are here… and this is?” his eyes turned to the lady beside him and smiled at her kindly. Sumi bowed respectfully and introduced herself. Seungho added the last sentence proudly to her father “She’s my girlfriend.” Sumi nudged him and frowned, shaking her head slightly. He held out both hands innocently, as if he had said nothing wrong and went around talking with people. He would introduce her as his partner, but he kept quiet about her bodyguard role. He just simply introduces her as his girlfriend, enjoying all the praises and compliments about how the two of them look great together. Hana was there too, and she beamed as the two of them approached her. Hana sent a friendly smile and Seungho left the two of them to talk. “Seungho can be such a fool at times isn’t he.” She giggled as the two fo them watched Seungho stumble and walked on as if nothing had happened.

Sumi nodded politely and listened while Hana told her some interesting things that had happened to Seungho. After the end of the chat Sumi find that she couldn’t dislike Hana, as Hana is easygoing and nice. She could also see from the way the two interacted that they share a brother and sister like friendship. Going out to the balcony to take a break from all the socialising, she jumped as hands were placed on her bare shoulders. “You look great in this.” Joon whispered against her neck as he nuzzled it softly. Sumi pushed him away and turn to go back into the ballroom. Seungho came out to the exact same balcony and was ready to fight when Joon spoke up first. “G.O’s with me. Come if you don’t want your friend to die.” he stopped in his tracks. Is he speaking the truth? He held up a photo of G.O and Seungho have not much choice but to follow him to find out the truth.

After a quick text to Sumi that something came up and a call for the car to sent Sumi home, Seungho found himself in front of the hotel they had stopped at earlier. Joon led him in and pushed him into a room before locking it up. He turned to find G.O eating and watching the Tv. “Seungho? What are you doing here?” G.O’s eyes widen at his friend who was dressed smartly. “Joon threatened me, telling me he will kill you if I don’t come.”Seungho ran a hand through his hair in frustration “Here you are, eating and watching the television like nothing had happened!” G.O shook his head “I think you have been wrong about him. He is a nice guy, he even talked to me for one whole hour before telling me to make myself at home.” He gestured to himself and smile “See? It’s like I got a free hotel stay.” Seungho rolled his eyes. “Can’t you see? He is only using you!” G.O turned seriously and he nodded “Yeah I know. They have cameras all around here so I have to act normal. I’m thinking of a plan already. Do you want to help me?”

Sumi received the text and she immediately ran out into the foyer. She saw two figures entering a car and immediately got into a cab, following them at a safe distance. As she reached the hotel she hid in a corner, before taking a deep breath and entering the hotel. The bellboys tried to stop her and she turned to them “I am here to meet Joon.” They let her in and she was lead to a special floor in the hotel. Her eyes searched the place carefully, observing the staff and people before her eyes settled on a particular room which the staff keep walking pass. As they entered a living room, Joon stood up and smile at her. His man left and only the two of them were left. He took a few steps forward and she clutched her skirts tightly, forcing her legs to stay where they are. She put on a poker face to hide the fear she still felt.

“Why did you come? Are you having second thoughts about him?” Sumi gulped and apologised to Seungho mentally before nodding. “Yes. I agree to marry you.” Seungho was pulling out the wire of the TV, grinning at the angry G.O “yah! What am I supposed to do if you pulled out the wires?!” Seungho rolled his eyes “Call room service. I’m hungry. How about some chicken soup?” as the two staff came with carts full of food, the monitor screen blinked and the image became fuzzy. Before the gurads can notify it to the staffs on patrol, the monitor is back to normal again and Seungho and Joon was seen waving at the door, sending the staff off. They started fighting over the food, but in the end Seungho won since Joon couldn’t finish all the food. Joon grumbled and sulked with his back to Seungho while he just muttered “Shut up. I’m tired, lets sleep.” Both yawned and placed the covers over their heads. The lights went out and all they could see was darkness.

Joon cupped her face gently and demanded her to say it again, this time while looking into his eyes. She maintains the eye contact and repeated what she said just now. Joon’s face lit up and he hugged her, Sumi leaned her head on his shoulder with unshed tears in her eyes. I’m sorry Joon, for hurting you. But I have to stop you from killing him. An alarm went off somewhere and a man barged into the room “Boss, the two of them escaped!” the man said urgently. “Catch them now!” Joon shouted at the man, obeying the command, he immediately repeat the order into a walkie talkie. “What is going on?” Sumi asked even though she knew the answer. Joon ruffled her hair affectionately “It’s nothing serious, don’t worry.”

G.O and Seungho were in the staff uniform, while the two waiters were knocked out cold on their bed. They plan was working fine until the staff members saw them and alerted the security guards. Since then they had been trying to avoid everyone while finding a way out. They were near a fire escape and went down, only to find two muscular guys blocking the way. Going back up was useless as two other guys were also blocking it. Trapped with at all sides on the narrow staircase, G.O thought of an idea and whispered hurriedly to Seungho “Since we are at the second floor, one of us act as the springboard and help the other to go down and escape. I will be the springboard.”He hold his hands together, looking at Seungho expectantly, waiting for his leg to give him the boost to jump over to the ground floor. Seungho instead lifted him up slightly and told him to jump. “But you can’t stay here! They will kill you!” Seungho ignored his protests and shouted “So? Go and find help! You run faster than me anyway.” G.O ran as soon as his feet touched solid ground, looking back at Seungho who was caught by the four guys and bought somewhere.

They tied him up to the wall with metal chains and then everyone bowed to someone at the door all at once. Joon came in and he laughed at the state Seungho was in. “Fancy seeing you here. I guess it’s the first time we have met properly? I’m Joon.” He gestured to the guys standing beside him and they lashed their whip out at him, scratching his face in the process. “Ouch. That sure is painful isn’t it? But there’s more to come.” The men stopped whipping and Joon stood face to face with him. Both stared at each other, daring the other to make a move. Joon took his head and smashed it against the wall. Seungho gasped as a mulling pain came and he closed his eys in agony, trying to shut out the ringing in his ear. “Seungho! Joon, why are you doing this?!” Sumi came running in and Joon approached her slowly, with disappointment and sadness. “You were just using me to find where he is? You sued my feelings for you so you can find him?! I knew it was too good to be true!” At a click of his fingers a knife was handed over to him. “If only I have listened to everyone, if only I had stopped trying to find you! Look what you have caused me to become! I had everything before you appeared, and everything was perfect.” He slowed down and shook his head sadly.

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Ah sorry T___T I hid the chapter lols sorry I'm a troll author hehes xD I'm going to request for a poster soon!:) *can't figure out the side bar note thing*


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Dalily #2
Chapter 16: thanks for such an interesting fic..hope you can create more fic in the future..and i wish it will be about the amazing Seungho once again... =)
Chapter 16: yey! happy ending :)
Chapter 16: OH YEAH!
THIS IS WHAT I WAS ASKING FOR!!!! *dances around*
Nice, very nice...
Chapter 14: really???this is the end????REALLLYY??? ugh...please 1 more chapter...i dont think this is done yet...what the heck happened?????????
Chapter 14: Oh... why is this complete? TT^TT I want moreeeee! TT^TT
Chapter 12: Now that will bring a lot of trouble to this nice couple, wouldn't it?
*giggles* I might have an wild imagination, but yours is wilder than mine! @.@ Making Joon so, so bad in here...
Chapter 12: ahaha! its quite a surprise that they're half brothers though...
Dalily #9
Chapter 10: OMG...i can't believe it,,how come Joon can be so violence toward Sumi n Seungho..please keep on update coz i wanna know why Joon hate Seungho so much..there must be something going on between it because Joon is a part of Seungho's family??..
Chapter 10: nyahahaha! poor joonie....good thing seungho came to save the day! (^^)