Day one

Chocolate Love

Straightening her clothes nervously, she took a deep breath before she pressed the doorbell. In the house, Seungho grunted as the doorbell went off. “She’s here already? Aish what time is it now?” taking the alarm clock he covered himself with the blanket and went back to sleep. Sumi took out the keys and entered the password carefully. The door opened and she sighed in relief, her fear that she had gotten the wrong house disappearing. Sitting down in the living room, she took in her surroundings with wide eyes. She knows that Seungho is a businessman, but she didn’t know that he is this rich. The room was high tech and filled with gadgets. The walls were black and white with sleek modern looking furniture and everything was arranged neatly. “Seungho?” for a moment she thought that she had heard a grunt near one of the rooms near the hallway.

Sumi walked to the room, trying not to make any sound. It was easy to do so as the carpet underneath her feet muffled the sound. Knocking on the door gently, she opened the door slightly. Peeking in, Seungho was covered up in blankets and sleeping soundly. Shaking him gently, he stirred in his sleep before opening his eyes. When he saw that Sumi is standing in front of him, he buried deeper into the blankets. Frowning, she pulled on his blankets “It’s nearly noon! Didn’t you tell me to meet you in the…” she trailed off as she quickly let go of the blankets and turned her back to him. Seungho was shirtless underneath the blankets. Clearing his throat, he pushed her out of the room and grabbed his clothes.

Her face was very red and she sat back down in the living room once again. Shaking her head to get rid of the image of him, she nearly jumped when he sat down next to her. “I’m sorry about just now…” Avoiding his eyes, she shook her head. “So, what am I supposed to do for my job?” Changing the subject abruptly, she glanced at him. “You have to live with me because we are going to be together 24/7. Your luggage will be sent here shortly.” She wanted to refuse, but no words came out. She agreed to take this job, so she will have to listen to her boss. Showing her around the house, Seungho was proud to see that she was impressed with it. “This is your room. I have to go and buy something.” She followed him, trying to keep up with his fast pace. He was about to ask her something but she wasn’t beside him. Stopping so that she can catch up, they entered the DIY shop. “What is your favourite colour?” the question caught her off guard and she gave him a puzzled look before answering “Sky Blue. Why are you asking me this?” Without a word he took a basket and began filling it with items that are sky blue.

Looking at the basket, which is filled with various room decorations, she grabbed his arm to stop him putting any more objects. “Why are you buying those?” he stares at her hand, before mumbling in an embarrassed tone “These are for your room.” The fact that he was embarrassed makes her want to giggle and about it, but she kept it in. “It’s fine, you don’t have to do all this.” He pretended to have not heard what she said and proceeds to the cashier. Sighing, she trudged after him. Why is he being so kind to me?

“What is she doing with him.” A low voice growled out in frustration as he sees the two of them together. He had followed them the moment they stepped out of the house, and the first place they had gone to was here. Narrowing his eyes in suspicion, he said to no one in particular “Don’t tell me…she is living with him?!” The thought alone makes his blood boil in anger. She is his and no one can take her away from him. Kicking the nearby trashcans to let out his anger, he stared at the two of them walking into the car, smiling and chatting along the way. “Yang Seung Ho, you will regret being anywhere near her.” Taking out his phone, he gave out the order in a cold voice. “I want you to get rid of Yang Seung Ho.” Satisfied with the answer at the other end, he hung up and his eyes were filled with determination “I’m going to make you mine.”

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Ah sorry T___T I hid the chapter lols sorry I'm a troll author hehes xD I'm going to request for a poster soon!:) *can't figure out the side bar note thing*


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Dalily #2
Chapter 16: thanks for such an interesting fic..hope you can create more fic in the future..and i wish it will be about the amazing Seungho once again... =)
Chapter 16: yey! happy ending :)
Chapter 16: OH YEAH!
THIS IS WHAT I WAS ASKING FOR!!!! *dances around*
Nice, very nice...
Chapter 14: really???this is the end????REALLLYY??? ugh...please 1 more chapter...i dont think this is done yet...what the heck happened?????????
Chapter 14: Oh... why is this complete? TT^TT I want moreeeee! TT^TT
Chapter 12: Now that will bring a lot of trouble to this nice couple, wouldn't it?
*giggles* I might have an wild imagination, but yours is wilder than mine! @.@ Making Joon so, so bad in here...
Chapter 12: ahaha! its quite a surprise that they're half brothers though...
Dalily #9
Chapter 10: OMG...i can't believe it,,how come Joon can be so violence toward Sumi n Seungho..please keep on update coz i wanna know why Joon hate Seungho so much..there must be something going on between it because Joon is a part of Seungho's family??..
Chapter 10: nyahahaha! poor joonie....good thing seungho came to save the day! (^^)