
Chocolate Love

Except for lunch, the two of them stayed in their rooms most of the time, doing their own things quietly. Sumi was reading a book as usual, while Seungho was prancing up and down his room, muttering to himself. “So, uh, I don’t know how to cook and-” he shook his head in frustration “That’s such a stupid reason. Ok, let’s try again.” Taking a deep breath, he was about to speak when Sumi’s head popped in. “Seungho, what do you want to eat? I will cook dinner today.” This is his chance! He cleared his throat and blurted out “I feel like eating pasta. Let’s go out to eat today.” Shooting him a puzzled look, she nodded in agreement and went back to her room to change. It was only then that it dawned on her… Its like we are going on a date. Biting her lip at the realization, she took a furry coat and walked down to find Seungho waiting.

On the way there, she remembered something important. Gripping Seungho’s hand out of fright, she stared at him with big wide eyes. Seungho jumped at the contact and searched her eyes worriedly “What is it?” tears were threatening to flow down her cheeks and her voice was barely above a whisper “My fatherthey haven’t released my father! What ifWhat if they k-kil-killed him?” He was panicking now, girls crying always make him nervous, he don’t know what to do. And her hands was around histhat thought alone makes him unable to think straight. Hugging her tightly, he her hair and said in a soothing tone “Maybe he is at home? He must be too tired to get in touch with you.” She sniffed and looked up at him with hopeful eyes “Really?” he gulped at the look shes giving him and turned to the driver “Can you go to Seoul Street?” she was still in his arms and gripped his shirt tightly with both fists. “How do you know where my father’s house is?” he ignored the question and patted her back. “Tell me about your father.”

Wiping her tears away, she sat down next to him again and told him about how her mother had died after giving birth to her, how the two of them were living a happy and quiet life. “But it all changed when he lost his job. He was working as a baker, but the shop closed down and he couldn’t find a job for a very long time. I was still studying at that time so I wasn’t able to help him.” Biting back the tears that threatened to fall, she continued, “A friend of his introduced him to gambling and as soon as he starts he can’t stop. He knows it is bad but it became an addiction. It was during that time that I got a scholarship to university. I began working part time to repay the debts.” Staring out of the window, she sighed “I managed to graduate but I’m unable to repay the debts. They locked father up to rush me into paying the debts. They promised to release him after I have repaid it.”

Seungho placed his hands on her cheek and gazed at her with a serious expression. “He will be at his house waiting for you. Even if he’s not, he is bound to be somewhere, searching for you and trying to contact you.” She touched his hand and managed a small smile. “Thank you.” They stopped outside a rundown apartment and before Seungho can open the doro for her Sumi ran out and unlocked the door. Unsure if he should enter the house, he stood outside and waited for her to tell him its ok. But it never came. He waited for a long time but there was just silence at the other side of the door. “Sumi? Sumi, can I come in?” there was no reply. He had a bad feeling about thisrunning into the house, he found Sumi cornered by a group of masked men. “Sumi!” they turn their attention to him and she took the opportunity to attack, fighting her way out. Before she can reach him, he shouted “Behind you!” but it was too late. She was knocked unconscious by the man behind her.

One of them carried her away, but Seungho fought them angrily, growling at them “Don’t you dare to touch her!” his attempts were futile as one of them sneak up on him and knocked him down, just like Sumi. As they carried her out of the back door, a few moments later a shadow fell onto Seungho’s body. “So we finally met.” The man spoke while bending down. As he kicked him his eyes twitched in response. “How I wish I can kill you now…but that won’t be satisfactory, will it?” carrying him up, he went to the car where the driver was still waiting for them. “Please send your master home. They were attacked by a group of masked men. The lady was taken away by them.” The driver glanced at his master who is still knocked out cold and nodded at the stranger. As he watched the car drove away, he let out a laugh “This won’t be the last time I will be seeing you, Yang Seung Ho” he spat out the name with hate.

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Ah sorry T___T I hid the chapter lols sorry I'm a troll author hehes xD I'm going to request for a poster soon!:) *can't figure out the side bar note thing*


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Dalily #2
Chapter 16: thanks for such an interesting fic..hope you can create more fic in the future..and i wish it will be about the amazing Seungho once again... =)
Chapter 16: yey! happy ending :)
Chapter 16: OH YEAH!
THIS IS WHAT I WAS ASKING FOR!!!! *dances around*
Nice, very nice...
Chapter 14: really???this is the end????REALLLYY??? ugh...please 1 more chapter...i dont think this is done yet...what the heck happened?????????
Chapter 14: Oh... why is this complete? TT^TT I want moreeeee! TT^TT
Chapter 12: Now that will bring a lot of trouble to this nice couple, wouldn't it?
*giggles* I might have an wild imagination, but yours is wilder than mine! @.@ Making Joon so, so bad in here...
Chapter 12: ahaha! its quite a surprise that they're half brothers though...
Dalily #9
Chapter 10: OMG...i can't believe it,,how come Joon can be so violence toward Sumi n Seungho..please keep on update coz i wanna know why Joon hate Seungho so much..there must be something going on between it because Joon is a part of Seungho's family??..
Chapter 10: nyahahaha! poor joonie....good thing seungho came to save the day! (^^)