
16 @ War

Me and Zico sat facing each of other on my bed; we were waiting for me to talk, but I just sat there playing with my fingers.

“Girl you gon’ tell me or what?”

I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to speak, “Well you know how I told you before, about those thugs?” I asked, he nodded.

“Well...they never did stop coming. Not only that, but mama also got involved with some loan sharks.” I tilted my head to the side and bit my lip as Zico listened carefully.

“Ever since that time, they showed up when my mum as work and because she wasnt there, they found me. They would teach me ‘lessons’ so send my mum a message and they thought I would tell my mum what happened, but they were wrong. I never told her; soon they got frustrated and just started me instead.” I told him casually, I showed him all the different scars I had, avoiding the G on my stomach.

I watched anger, sadness and pity wash across his face.

I just shrugged and continued, “And a few weeks before I came here, they showed up again. I heard two men burst into my house, and I hid in the cupboard. Let's fast forward a bit, they trashed the place, one of the men found me, I knew him. Just like the others he said he was going to send my mum a message, my mum obviously knew his name so he carved his initial onto my stomach.”

Zico’s eyes widened in disbelief as I slowly lifted my pyjama top to show him the big G scar on my belly.

“What does the G stand for?” He asked as he reached out for my scar and traced over it gently. “Geko,” he pulled his hand back and I put my top down.

“Geko? What a stupid name. People can be such animals.” Zico scoffed

I let out sour laugh, “Yes, yes they can. I’ve experienced it firsthand.”

I shook my head and sighed, “Anyway, those were the scars I was talking about,” I ruffled my hair irritation. “How’d he even see ya scars anyway?” Zico asked, confused.

“He walked in on me changing,” I answered

“He did what?”

“I said-”

“I heard what you said, I was expressing my disbelief.”

I narrowed my eyes, Now I see how annoying it is when I do it.

“Why was he even in your house?  I didn’t think ya’ll were that close,” Zico pondered

“Oh, my brother’s spending the week here so we can ‘bond’ and his friends were here yesterday,” I said, Much to my disappointment.

“Back up, you have a brother?” He asked surprised

God-ing-dammit! Why do I always seem to spill my secrets to this guy?!

I facepalmed, but before I couldn’t speak again Zico cut me off, I’m getting real tired of your Zico, “And your brother is in SHINee?”

I rolled my eyes, “Yes, to both,” Zico gaped at me, “How the is you related to anyone in that pansy group?”

I snorted, Pansy

“I didn’t believe it at first either, but apparently we have the same dad,” I told him, Zico shook his head slowly, “So which one is it?”

I stuck my tongue out, “Onew.”

Zico was silent for a moment, “He likes chicken...Black people like chicken......IT’S PERFECT!” He exclaimed, before I punched him in the face. He fell onto the floor holding his now bleeding nose, I shook out my hand.

“Holy ! Girl I was kidding! you punch hard!”

I watched him stand up, “I know, but ou pa bezwen estereyotape,” I said in patois and kissed my teeth at him.

Moun sòt (idiot)

 (That literally translates into ‘do not be stereotypical’. Also patois is what the older generation of Grenadians speak, it’s broken French. Also other Caribbean countries speak it too. ^^)

I am hiding so much from you....


~Somewhere in London~

Someone’s P.O.V

Elise, where are you? I miss you so much. I have to move back to my home country, now I won’t have the chance to tell you how much I love you.


Here's a chappie! And a new character!

Shout out to asroar for guessing right last chapter, the song was Paramore's Stop This Song/ Lovsick Melody

Here's your requested gif! ^^


Here is another guessing game ^^

I don't wanna be the girl who has to fill the silence
The quiet scares me 'cause it screams the truth
Please don't tell me that we had that conversation
I won't remember, save your breath, 'cos what's the use?

If you know the artist or the song, comment below to get your shoutout and gif request ^^

Two people can have a shoutout and gif request if someone says just the name or just the song

Change! The second persons to guess gets a pic request! 

Much love <3



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OMG Can't wait to post the chappies this weekend!


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Luhanmai #1
Chapter 15: FANTASTIC JOB authornim
Creal32 #2
Chapter 30: A good story, I love it!! I do agree Kai is y and I saw the new mv for exo, Iove it!!! Sorry that was off topic.
Chapter 30: When I read the end I was like: HOW COULD SHE END IT HERE? You better hurry with the sequel or else this reader over here is going to die.

... I also want Seunghyun to be my dad *3* then I would so kidnap Taeyang /dead
Chapter 30: “Jocelyn Welsh and the girl up on stage is Elise Welsh. Your daughter.”
surfergirl101 #5
Chapter 27: Ahhhh Kai!!! thank you for updating and it's locked out of heaven by Bruno mars
ayeteeyah #6
This story is really good !^^
Sincere1041 #7
Chapter 26: I'm in love with this story I finally got around to reading it and it is awesomesauce lol can't wait or an update! ♥
Chapter 26: Aww I love that her and Zico are spending time together :3 and OMG THAT ZELO GIF. CUTENESS OVERLOAD <3 :DDD
Moona178 #9
Chapter 26: Aaaaahh Zelo<3 OMFG!!!!!!:D~