Maybe I'm in Love... With A Teacher?!

"Hyung, are you leaving already? We are just having fun!" Sungyeol whined. Sunggyu and Sungyeol were at a beer festival, and they were having fun with all the ladies (of course!) and the drinking, when Sunggyu said he had enough and wanted to leave the place. 

"I have work to do, and things to think about... I leave first, you can have fun, since I see many girls looking at your direction." Sunggyu smiled weakly and walked away. 

"Hyung, I'll leave with you..." Sungyeol let go of his beer and ran away from the ladies, towards Sunggyu. 

"I have something to ask actually..."

"What is it?"

"What's the name of the girl that was in the photo? I still don't know her name till now. She looks kind of pretty." Sungyeol could not help but ask. 

"Uh, the girl in the photo? You mean the students? Uhmmm, let me see, there is Yookyung and Hayoung... You'll take one and I'll take one... Call? Hahaha!" Sunggyu laughed out loud while stumbling onto the ground.

"Hyung! You're DRUNK!"

"Noo, I'm not, I am just speaking the truth! I know you like her and I like my student! Can you believe it? I like my student! HAHAHA! I am just 23 and I am in love with a 16 year old girl! What is wrong with me?!" Sunggyu wailed as he flopped and sat on the pavement.

Ahh, hyung knows... EH? He is in love with the other girl? Sungyeol thought as he pulled Sunggyu up and they dragged each other across the street to get a taxi. 

"Sungyeol ah, who could have expected me, a new teacher in a girls' school, to fall in love with a girl, a freshman! I must be crazy..." Sunggyu puked before he finished his words. 

"HYUUUUUUUUNG!" Sungyeol hollered. 

Sunggyu had puked on Sungyeol's outfit, which was in white. Sungyeol now reeked of alcohol and vomit. 

No taxi was willing to stop, after seeing Sungyeol's outfit, decked with vomit, they could not walk home, and so they just sat down and waited for the night to pass...


"Omma, I'll go get some ice cream from the convenience store!" Hayoung had a sudden craving for chocolate ice cream. 

She walked down the street, and she hummed a tune, as she walked into the convenience store. Little did she expect to see someone familar there. 

[A/N: hahahahah, who's there? HOHOHO! TIll the next chappie. Sorry if i made Sunggyu sound like some alcoholic >_<" didnt mean to... heheh :3 AND YES, THEY ALL CONFESSED WAHAHAHA. Oh and thank you for all the comments and love ^___^ saranghae my subscribers! :D and 600 views <3 thank you! ]

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Chapter 20: What did Sunggyu reply?!
I wish you would add something to the ending please
I like Sunggyu and Hayoung as a couple so enjoyed the story :D
tiffani123456 #2
Chapter 20: please do a sequel or something just continue the story
Chapter 20: aahhh I'm still curious about the ending ><
Chapter 20: aahhh I'm still curious about the ending ><
infinitejanne2003 #5
Chapter 20: I love your stories :D and I'm new to asianfanfics. I'm glad I read your fanfic first :)
Chapter 20: o_O the end :( but i lovt it :-)
piggyoink #7
Chapter 20: Love it ^^
wintersbreath #8
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 12: update soon ;)
Chapter 12: Just caught up :D Can't wait for the next chapter!