The Royal Date

!!!Happily ever after!!!


“Sparks fly
It's like electricity
I might die
When I forget how to breathe
You get closer and there's 
No where in this world I'd rather be”



Yuri smiled widely standing in front of her closet, picking a right dress for dinner with Taeyang tonight. She’s been nervous all day since his call the other day asking her out. Feeling excited and anxious at the same time.

“Unnie, I don’t know what to wear,” she said frustrated.

“Just pick one; all of them are beautiful,”

“I know, but this time it has to be perfect," she said faintly. “You know what, I know who can give me a better idea,” she said with sparkling eyes. She takes out her phone from her pocket and quickly dialling Seunghyun number.

“Royal advisor, it’s your turn. Come to my house at once. I have a task waiting for you here,” she said as the line is connected and smiled dazzlingly.


“What?” Seunghun said as she opened the door for him.

“Just follows me into my room and help me with the dress,” she said as she climbs the stairs.

“What?I’m only here for Taeyang. I’m not gonna be you butler or something,”he said protesting.

“I know. If that’s not the case, I don’t need you here either. But since Taeyang was the one who I’ll be having dinner with later tonight, you as my royal advisor should do the tricks,” she said as they reached to her room.

“He asked you out? For real?” he said widening his eyes feeling disbelief.

“Yes, and I’m not delusional. That’s why I need you to tell me what should I wear to impress him,” Yuri opened the closet, revealing all the dresses she had.

“Well, I’m not a designer and never took a dress major before, I don’t know. Just pick anything,” he said indifferently and took a seat at the couch, crossing his leg and leaning his back.

“Fine, just tell me what he likes and what he doesn’t,” she said while rummaging her closet.

“Hmm...he likes white, white lily, dessert but that’s you already knew,”

“Yes, continue.  What about this one,” she said showing him a black dress with a flower on its shoulder.

“Too plain," he said shaking his head. "He likes to dance, he knew all kind of dance, waltz, tango, break-dance,”

“A-ah, and this one,” she said showing him a strapless white knee length dress, ruffles at the end.

“Too white," he said sternly. "He likes classics, jazz, RnB and hiphop. He knows how to play a piano. He’s reserve, a little timid. Never had a relationship before. I don’t know, maybe he never met a suitable girl,”

“Really,” she said turning around to face him.  That makes two of us.

She stood in front of him holding a sky blue long dress and a dark blue sparkly mini dress on both of her hands. “Which one?” she asked.

“Neither,” he said shaking his head.

“Ugh, then what,” she said drooping her arms.

“He likes it simple, when I say simple, its not plain. Modest,” he said flipping the dresses and pulled out a white blouse and pink knee-length skirt, ruffled at the waist. “Here, try this,”

“How do I look?” she asked after she changed into the dress. Twirling, in front of him.

“Decent. Looks like my job here is done. I’m out,” he said and headed to the door.

“Hey, wait. What should we talk about? We never had a conversation before, what should I say,”

“Just talk about anything. You can figure it out yourself. But, one more thing, please, don’t be a ,” he said raising his eyebrow and closes the door behind him.

She gaped. What? A . I’m not gonna threw myself at him. He’s sick.


Taeyang sat on the chair where he clenched and unclenched his fist nervously. He gulped down water, calming his nerves. He walked back and forth around the room, sweats dotting on his forehead. He sat on the chair again, stared blankly on the table, full of tableware and a bouquet of pink roses and baby’s breath at the end corner of the table. He stood right away as he heard footsteps coming to the door. He inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly as he saw her making her way into the room. She stepped lightly wearing her maroon ankle-boots. He opened his mouth slightly, mesmerised by her.

“Hi, glad you came,” he greeted her with a wide smile.

“I’ve promised, am I,” she said bowing politely.

He pulled out the chair for her, grabbing the bouquet on the table and gave it to her. She received it with a smile, sniffing the flowers. They ordered the meals, after the waiter’s gone; the air becomes awkward for a moment. They’re just exchanging glances and smiling, unable to start a conversation.

“That was awkward,” he muttered. She chuckled and tried to speak but the waiter suddenly came, interupting her speech. Both of them enjoyed the meals served.  She kept her head down as she felt her face heated, like having a fever.

“So,” said both of them simultaneously and they both laughed shyly. A faint pink started to stain her cheeks, rose from embarrassment.

“Ladies first,” said Taeyang, putting down his fork and knife. Watching her and waiting for her words.

“So, I was wondering, why you asked me out for dinner?”

“Can’t I?” he asked as he snickered.

“No, I mean of course you can. It just, well, out of the blue?”

“I like you,” he said without hesitation. Her face redden, she looked at the window, unable to face him.

“I really like you and I think it’s time to know you better and show you who I really am,” he said again, with confidence. She gazed at his face, tried to find his honesty and the truth, and finally she smiled, answering the silent questions he asked.

“And I don’t hate you either,” she replied slyly.

“That’s something to begin with,” he raised his glass of wine for a toast.

She did the same thing and both of them take a sip of the wine.

“Do you know how to dance?”

“Show me,” she asked eagerly.

“Very well then,” he said as he stood up. He pulled her chair, making her stands too and towed her way to the centre of the room.

He grasped a mask on the table and gave it to her. “Hold this and close your eyes. No peeking until I say it's done,”

She smiled as she took the mask and covered her face, like going for a masquerade party. Her heart raced as she heard noises, numerous footsteps and dragging sound. She waited with an anxious heart, while her head try to comprehend the source of every sound she heard.

“Now, you can open your eyes,” he said taking the mask from her hand.

She finally opened her eyes, awed by the changed surrounding, she laughed quietly. The table that was behind them a minute ago was gone. The room was filled with an orchestra with a white piano at the corner and musicians holding violins and cellos. “Isn’t this too much,” she whispered looking at him with confusing eyes.

“I’m nothing if not thorough,” he smiled smugly.

He took a step back and approached her as the music starts. The song ‘moon river’, echoed in the wide room. He took her hands and guiding her slowly.

“And now together, I will dance, so just follow me,”

He teached her every step, slowly and gently, like teaching a 5 year old girl, gliding and swaying back and forth, left to right. Like the waltz, he leads her manly, as they looked closely at their feet.

“You’re good. This is definitely not your first time, aren’t you,” he said ending the dance.

“I’ve dance before but as the saying goes, it needs two to waltz. My dad always refuses to dance with me by saying he has two left feet,”

He chuckled and took her hands again. This time, they dance confidently, looking straight to the eyes. Their hearts humming a harmonious rhythm, quickly and sometimes skipped a beat when the gap between them drew closer. She smiled brilliantly as she can’t hide the happiness she felt right now, completely blissful. Like a fairytale that she wished for ever since she just a little girl.

After the dance, he took her home. Both of them went silent in the car, reminiscing the moment they had together, embarrassed by the thought. She stared at the dark night through her window and he looked straight on the road, but sometimes they catch a glimpse of one another, secretly.

“Here we are,”

She turned to face him and realised, they already reached her house. She unbuckled herself, clumsily. Seeing her, he lent her a hand, unbuckled the seatbelt.  She flushed, letting him leaning closer to her.

He escorted her to the door. She bowed politely and with a smile across her face, she headed inside.

“What no goodbyes?” he said stopping her steps.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Goodbye and goodnight. Sleep tight,” she replied waving her hand.

“Well that’s, not a proper way,” he said wrinkling his eyebrow and took a step forward, shorten the gap between them.

He stood just inches from her. She began to tremble, feeling her pulse rate rocketed and a sudden heat rose up to her face.

He leant closer, finding her lips. She closed her eyes hard, puckered her lips and lowered her shoulder. Waiting for him.

After a moment passed, she opened just one eye, peeking him and saw him with a hand covering his mouth. He restrained himself from laughing but failed as he let out a chuckle. “I can’t do it. You’re too cute,”

Her face redden and she stomped her way in. He smiled as he grabbbed her hand, turned her to face him. He put his hands on her shoulders and kissed her forehead softly. “Goodnight,” he whispered on her ear and left.

Her body became rigid and after she heard his car moving, she ran hurriedly into her house, stumbled along the way. She stopped at the mirror on the wall, inspecting her face, checking her forehead where he planted a kiss. There’s no burn, well, not visibly.

Just outside the mansion, there’s a blue car parked in the dark, hidden from anyone’s sight. The man inside grasped firmly on the handle, a pang of jealousy suddenly hit him as he saw the whole situation.


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ChiNoNeko #1
So good! ^^
GDragon24 #2
i just kdlghdfjg i love all your stories
singsongsungjong #3
I really love this ; ~ ;
yoojihyun #4
Chapter 19: i swear i cried when he was shot. maybe its because he's my ultimate eternal bias. :( haha but its a very good story.. sequel please?
Ilabya #5
Oh~ Oh~ Oh~
Loved it! ⊂(´・◡・⊂ )∘˚˳°
Chapter 19: great story authornim !! ^^ its a heartbreak pieces..... >< im glad i read it in complete otherwise i'll be dying for the episode of the next chapter... love is never easy. sometimes complicated, thats why in that moments you should follow your hearts not what the minds says. gonna read the sequel now ;)