Ajusshi and Gumiho

!!!Happily ever after!!!

“ba-bum-ba-bum ba-bum-ba-bump Thinking of only you

Every day every day my heart is filled with exciting feelings

The feelings that I had when I first met you

By your eyes looking at me (getting choked out)

It’s my first time to feel this strange palpitation. Shall I tell you?

I can’t do anything”

-Lucite Tokki-Dugeun dugeun-


Seunghyun’ house

Seunghyun laid on his couch, his eyes focused on the ceiling, recalling the memory of the unusual rendezvous he had just now. He chuckled. The girl sure is weird.  I don’t know how I can come out with the maid thing. Keep friends close, keep enemies closer. I have to know my enemy, watching her every steps and stops her before she makes a move. It’s better to be there when she makes her decision rather than waiting aimlessly for the next assault to occur.

He woke up into sitting position and glancing around. The house is in mess. I have to start organize things. He suddenly flashing a wicked smile, I have a new maid am I, should have let her know her new task. He d for his cell phone in his pocket and quickly texting her. 

Han resident

Yuri slumped herself on the bed, tired and incoherent. It’s too late to regret now, the bargain has already been made. Sooner or later, the devil will come to collect.

Soon seems to be in just a blink of an eye, when her phone flashing indicated that a new message has arrived. She grabbed her cell phone on the bedside table and reads the text. Tomorrow afternoon, at my house. Buy some groceries, the fridge is empty. I’ll text you the address.

She sighed. She flung herself on the bed again, with her cell phone still firmly on her palm. I’m doomed. The next message arrived but she already closed her eyes, ignoring the text.

Seunghyun house

In the afternoon, Yuri stood in front of the door of a penthouse with an armful of groceries. She knocked and rang the bell endlessly but the owner still doesn’t opened his door. Oww, my hands hurt, where he is, he’s not still in slumber land isn’t he?

“Who?” said the voice from the other side of the door.

She startled from the harsh voice but quickly answering, “Me,” she replied nonchalantly.

“Who is ME?!” he asked sternly.

This guy is unbelievable. He just wants to tease me, ugh“Me, your servant!!,” she said raising her voice.

She heard the doorknob twisting and the door finally opened, revealing a guy in red sweater and black sweatpant. His hair was messy and his eyelids are heavy, unable to open his eyes. He chuckled leaning one of his hand on the door. She stared at him for a second. She threw the groceries, roughly on his body, forcing him to carry and walked inside. She scanned every corner of the house. There are a few of unopened boxes, plastic and wrappers everywhere. A mussy fussy house, what a mess.

“What do you want me to do?” she said folding her arms, standing in front of him.

He closed the door and walked to the kitchen. He looked at the groceries and started to arrange it in the fridge.

“Yah, don’t you hear me. What do you want me to do? Just say it at once. I have a lot of better things to do than stuck here with you,” she said glaring him.

“I’m not deaf. Why are you using banmal. I’m older than you, right. Show me some respect. Call me oppa instead. Try to call me, O-ppa,” he said raising his eyebrow, his hands still busy with the groceries.

“What!!No way I’m calling you like that. I never call anyone oppa before. You’re more like an ajusshi than an oppa,” she said widening her eyes.

Ajusshi?!. He stopped immediately and lifted his face to hers. “Just go to that room and start to organize, but don’t touch unnecessary things. I don’t like people to set their fingers on my stuff,” he said signalling the room and back to the fridge.

She scoffed and walked to the room. As soon as she set on foot inside, she gaped. Oh.my.god. Its pink. I never thought you will be this feminine. Seems like he’s an angel wearing a devil’s mask. Its not that I dare to uncover it. But wow, speechless. She thought as she marvelled the beautiful bedroom. Pink painted wall, comfy white bed and a big brown sealed-box. She sighed. There goes my life.

She unsealed the box, opened it and put out the contents. Jane Austen, Harper Lee, Ernest Hemingway, wow, he reads a lot. She flipped the pages and reads it, resting her back against the box.

She surprised of the vibration in her pocket. She picked up her cell phone, Chaerin? “Hello, Chaerin, I can’t talk right now. Call me later tonight,” she whispered.

“What his phone number? Why? Don’t tell me you’re falling for him. He’s a maniac. No,I don’t know him. I just...well he looks like it,” she yelled.

“What happens? Who are you talking to?” Seunghyun came through the door when he heard the loud noise.

“No one,” she said pushing the end button abruptly and hid the cell phone behind her back.

“Yah, what are you doing for hours? The books are still inside the box,” he said with a protrude eyes and his hair still a mess. He changed his red sweater for a blue shirt.

She looked at her toe sheepishly, unable to utter a word.This, is what you called HOT. Yeah very hot, fiery hot. He’s the devil from hell, hot. Remembering Chaerin’s words just now.

“Come out and help me with the lamp.”

She followed him outside. The sky has started to turn dark. Its twilight now. She saw him with a ladder besides the kitchen counter. He wants me to climb that ladder? She thought raising her eyebrow.

“Yah Gumiho, what are you looking at, take the lamp and start climbing,”

What he just called me, Gumiho, the nine-tailed fox!!. Stupid ajusshi!!. She grabbed the lamp from his hand and climbed the ladder. She climbed clumsily and the ladder began to shake. “Why do you have to do it yourself? Just pays somebody to do it. Its not you can’t afford it,” she asked with her one hand on the lamp and the other, grabbed firmly on the ladder.

“Why should I pay someone to do the job if I can have you, to do it for free?” he said laughing. He has his hand on the ladder.

Jerk. She glared at him. Ugh, how should I install this thing? She used both of her hands; insert it in and out, twisting the screw. Ah, it’s done. She turned around to face him but she lost his balance. The ladder started to shake tremendously, and “Aaaahhhhh,” she screamed.

“Hey, watch it,” he said grabbing her waist. They both felt on the floor with Yuri on top of him. They stared at each other. The silent air washed through them.

Her heart beated furiously, as she gazed on his eyebrows, his beautiful eyes, his nose and...his lips. He is hot,wait, what did I thinking.

“Hyung? Are you there?, open the door.”

“Taeyang!” They both spit the same name. “Should he know you’re here?” he said with a low voice, bringing his hand under his head, making himself comfy.

“No, of course not. Ask him to leave,” she hissed and stood up immediately.

Seunghyun woke up into a sitting position laughing as he watched her running around the room. Yuri ran into his room, lock the door but unlock it in an instant and stormed outside again. She grabbed her handbag on the couch and ran inside again.

She remained on the door holding the doorknob, turned to lock it but she stopped, he must be wondering who is inside if I lock the door.  She thought and fleed to the bathroom. She stayed in the bathtub and drew up the curtain.

“Hyung, what are you doing? My hands were bleeding, knocking on your door,” said Taeyang as soon as he entered the house.

“Stop exaggerating. What’s brought you here?”

“I miss you. I brought you dinner,” he said showing a plastic bag on his hand. “Your house is amazing.”

“Thank you. I’m still in the middle of, packing,” he said moving to the kitchen as he glanced towards his room.

“That’s explained the mess,” he said grinning.

“I need to shower. Just make yourself at home,” he said and strode into the room.

He glanced around but she was nowhere to be found. Maybe she hides in the closet. He ed his shirt and pulled down the curtain. He stunned when he found Yuri sat on the bathtub with her hand covering , stopping her from screaming as she saw him with a bare chest. “What are you doing here?” he asked quietly.

“Hiding,of course. Wh..what are you thinking I’m doing, in your bathroom,” she said with uneven breathing. She walked to the door trying to leave. She stopped when she heard footsteps coming closer.

“Hyung, are you in there?”

Yuri turned to him and asked him to talk, mimicking the words rather than making any voices. He took a step closer to her, standing just a few inches from her face. She dropped her shoulder, lowering her body. Her face almost touching his chest. Her heart rates increased, having difficulty in breathing.

“Yeah, I’m in here,”he said as he looked just under his chin. A beautiful girl, trembling and flustered. He smiled brilliantly.

“Hyung, Daesung and Jiyong want to drink with us. Want to go there?”

Yuri showed him an ok sign with his fingers. Hoping both of them will just leave her alone.

“Sorry, I’m tired. I’ve got a lot of work to do.” Yuri snorted at his words.

“Ok, if that’s the case. Just rest,” he said opening the door and stepped outside.

As soon as she heard the door closed. She pushed him hard and turned the doorknob, exited the bathroom. “I’m going home,” she mumbled. She halted against the door when she finally outside the house. She brought her hand on her chest, feeling her heartbeats. Her heart beated violently under her palm. Why do I always feel this way when I’m with him? She shook her head tossing away the thought.




*hi,sorry for not update sooner. well im a bit upset becoz of just a few comments n subs ='(

thnk you for subs n comenting. plz continue to support me =)



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ChiNoNeko #1
So good! ^^
GDragon24 #2
i just kdlghdfjg i love all your stories
singsongsungjong #3
I really love this ; ~ ;
yoojihyun #4
Chapter 19: i swear i cried when he was shot. maybe its because he's my ultimate eternal bias. :( haha but its a very good story.. sequel please?
Ilabya #5
Oh~ Oh~ Oh~
Loved it! ⊂(´・◡・⊂ )∘˚˳°
Chapter 19: great story authornim !! ^^ its a heartbreak pieces..... >< im glad i read it in complete otherwise i'll be dying for the episode of the next chapter... love is never easy. sometimes complicated, thats why in that moments you should follow your hearts not what the minds says. gonna read the sequel now ;)