
!!!Happily ever after!!!


“If I had pretty spring at the corner of my heart
I will say goodbye to winter land, you so cruel the winter wind
and I will check the through the phone, the number is 131
Don’t you know the truth is in fine weather”



Spring came with regrowth, resurrection and hope. After the cold winter, spring promised a wonderful blooming.

Yuri combed her hair in front of the mirror in his bedroom. Chaerin sprawled on her bed, with a novel on her hand, flipping the pages. She stayed for a sleepover, something that they always do since they knew each other in college.

“When the wedding will be held?” Chaerin asked, her eyes still fixed on the book.

“Somewhere in the autumn. I don’t want to rush it but you know my dad, he said good thing doesn’t have to be delayed. If I don’t say anything, he will decide to do it in the summer instead. It’s just months away, and I don’t have much time to prepare everything. The wedding, dresses, invitations. Ah, it’s gives me a shiver when I think about it. There are so many things to do, and I don’t know where to begin,” she sighed.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help,” she grinned.

“Of course you are, you’re my maid of honour,” she turned around.

“I am? Wow, thank you. I will be honoured,” she giggled. “So, do you have decided how do you want your wedding to be like?”

“I already talked to the wedding planner and they will take care of it. I supposed that what they really do, planning things,” she said with a smile.

“It’s really happening isn’t it? You’re getting married. The princess finally found her prince charming,” she paused and stared at her. “I’m gonna miss spending time with you like this.”

“Yah, I’m getting married, not dying. What are you talking about? Besides, I’m not going anywhere; I’ll still be here working with you,” she said and sat beside her on the bed, grabbing a pillow.

“I know. But, things will change. You gonna have your own family and they will always be your priority.”

“My family is always being my priority, and so are you. Coz you’re a part from that,” she said hugging her.

“You know what, this call for a celebration. There’s not so much time left before you’re no longer single and available. Let’s go for a date,” she said, gleaming.

“A date?”

“Yes, a double date,”


“’s beach,” Chaerin screamed excitedly after exiting the car. She turned around to see Yuri and Taeyang came out from the car, smiling at her. Seunghyun is the last to come out from the driver seat, looking at her, expressionless.

“Why don’t both of you take a stroll on the beach while me and Seunghyun bring everything to the hotel,” said Taeyang, still smiling.

“Sounds good. Come on,” she said, dragging Yuri to the sea. 

“Why do you want us to go for a vacation? I mean it’s not that I hate the idea, but we can just go by ourselves, why brought them together?”Yuri asked as she gazed at the boys from far away.

“Just..want to have fun. Beautiful beach in spring, barbeque and two hot boys following us around, sounds like heaven to me,” she replied, grinning, splashing the water with her feet.

Taeyang and Seunghyun walked towards them and all of them went for refreshment, before changing their clothes.


“It’s great isn’t it, we together like this. Holding hands, strolling down the beach like a real couple,”Taeyang said, staring at Yuri.

“So, we’re a fake couple before?” she said, furrowing her brow.

He chuckled. “Not like that. We’re both are very busy, and it’s hardly to go on a date like this.”

She smiled and nodded slightly.

“I’m glad that Seunghyun hyung has found someone that he wanted to cherish. Fortunately, it’s turn up to be your best friend. Its funny how fate really works,” he said while observing Seunghyun and Chaerin playing in the water, not far away from where they stood.

“Yes, indeed. How hilarious,” she said, trembling. A sudden heartache creeps in her heart as she watches the intimacy between them. Seunghun lifted Chaerin in the air trying to scare her, taunting to toss her into the water and she screamed as she attempted to escape from his arms.

“Are you okay? You don’t look well,” he asked, watching her face.

“I’m fine. Maybe just tired...and hot,” she said, smiling a little and brought her hand on her forehead, removing her sweats.

“Maybe we should just go back to the hotel and rest. I’ll call you when the dinner’s ready,” he said and pulls her towards the hotel.


During dinner, Yuri fixed her gaze towards Seunghyun and Chaerin, observing their closeness. They’re fooling around, joked and even feeding each other. She glared at their antics and smiled meekly at Taeyang whenever he asked her question, not paying attention to him or his question. All that running through her mind was how Seunghyun and Chaerin became that close and is he really is Choi Seunghyun, the guy who likes to , taunting her whenever they talked and even harassing her. Coz to her, he looked like a different person, someone who is gentle mannered and sweet. Someone who likes to smile and jokes around, someone who she never knew before, someone’s unknown.


Yuri headed to the beach late at night, after having difficulty to sleep. She heard the sound of a harmonica, searching the source of the melody; she found Seunghyun stood alone on the white sandy beach, wearing dark green turtleneck sweater and black jeans. She sneaked behind him, but he caught her as he turned around.

“I don’t know, you know how to play the harmonica,” she asked, raising her brows. She wrapped herself with a shawl, crossing her arms tightly, covering her from the cold breeze.

“Just what exactly did you know about me?”

“True. I knew nothing about you.” They both fell silent for a minute.

“Why did you do that?”she asked suddenly.

“What, did you referring to?” he asked, glancing at her.

She cleared , avoiding his gaze, looking a little flushed. “Why did you kissed me?” she muttered.

He chuckled. Her face reddens as she heard his laughter. “Nothing special. I’m...just curious, how do you taste like? Apparently, not so much as I hardly remember how was it.”

She scowled at him, moving far away from him. He stepped towards her, closing the gap between them. “Since I can’t remember, how about we do it again? Freshen the memory and I’ll tell you how does it feel? Isn’t that what are you curious about?”He said with a husky voice, speaking softly. Her heart raced rapidly, making her harder to breathe.

She jerked away, pushing him an arm length and took a step back. “For once, I thought you were different from what I knew. For once, I thought you might, like me. It’s turns up, you’re just a ert. Harassing people to your heart content, without concerning how other people might feel. For once, I thought the devil might have a heart,” she said with tremor, her eyes moisten.

“Do you like me? Do you want me to like you?”

“Don’t be, coz I hate you. Every nerve ending in my body is electrified with hatred. I could never like you,” she stuttered.

“And I could never like you either,” his heart aches as he spoke.

She shot a piercing look at him, turned around and leaves him. He stared until she disappeared into the hotel.

“Seunghyun, why did you just do that?” Chaerin asked, walking closer to him.

“Because I loved her,” he paused. “...and I can’t make her happy.”




“Why am I afraid to lose you when you're not even mine...”


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ChiNoNeko #1
So good! ^^
GDragon24 #2
i just kdlghdfjg i love all your stories
singsongsungjong #3
I really love this ; ~ ;
yoojihyun #4
Chapter 19: i swear i cried when he was shot. maybe its because he's my ultimate eternal bias. :( haha but its a very good story.. sequel please?
Ilabya #5
Oh~ Oh~ Oh~
Loved it! ⊂(´・◡・⊂ )∘˚˳°
Chapter 19: great story authornim !! ^^ its a heartbreak pieces..... >< im glad i read it in complete otherwise i'll be dying for the episode of the next chapter... love is never easy. sometimes complicated, thats why in that moments you should follow your hearts not what the minds says. gonna read the sequel now ;)